This house needs a clean

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It was already the next day. And Tatsuya had never needed to do so much just to get ready for the day.

'I can't believe I need to pass through make shift barriers made of trash, just to get to the bathroom...'

Was Tatsuya's thought in the matter, it was a good thing he scanned the house before when they were lead to a room, that was shockingly one of the only clean places in the house.

"I might be a hoarder, but I at least keep my guest comfy!"

Was Lily's answer to Tatsuya's shocked expression, and to Sato's hopeless sigh.
"You want to help clean my house?"

Lily said in confusion almost in bewilderment at Tatsuya's words. Even Sato choked at the bread in her mouth, and begun a coughing fit.

"Yes. I am a child raised in order, so seeing your house looking like a ruin is... Anyways, I'll only tidy things up, I won't be throwing anything out."

'If I'm going to stay her for a week, I might as well have a great sleep...'

Tatsuya was reminded of yesterday night, when Sato and Lily were still signing and reading through paper work.

Tatsuya who had already finished cleaning himself, was left alone in the room. He was seated on a one person couch, that was near a window, while reading a book he had borrowed.

So of course, he was the only one to see a zooming small figure flying across from one wall to the other.

This halted Tatsuya's reading. His eyes following the path the small figure went, and was faced with something he dreaded even in his past life.

Tatsuya gulped as he now saw the figures clear appearance. It was a roach. Tatsuya had calmly closed the book in his hands before standing up and walking towards the door.

He opened the door and heard a noise.


He stared out at the dark hallway, a small lamp in the end corner of the hallway fueled with weak light magic being the only source of light.

As he stared at the hallway a dozen pair of small eyes, gazed back at him. The small eyes were everywhere, they were in every crack the house.

It was as if darkness was watching him itself...

Seeing these, he had closed the door, and let out a trembling sigh.

He was cornered.

He turned to look back at the wall and there were no sign of the roach from earlier, which made his heart race a little bit faster.


He mumbled, a slightly transparent bluish screen then apperead. He saw that there were only two blue dots, and one white dot.

"Scan for any other small living beings within this area, and turn their color brown."

He ordered, a familiar monotone voice that sounded like an Ai, then responded, which calmed his rapidly increasing heart rate.

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