Chapter 18

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//WARNING: strong language used in this chapter\\
Joe's POV:
I felt so nervous I was shaking, I had pregnant woman sitting next to me and I was about to tell the girl who fell in love with me that I was having a child.
"What? Just tell me Joe?" Mia said into the phone, clearly annoyed and stressed.
"I'm.....I'm.....I'm having a child. Jasmine is pregant..." I choked out.


The line went silent. I felt a tear slide down my face.
"You clearly love Mia. So d'you know what, me and this little one are going to piss of and find a real gentleman who can love me. I'm going to find a family and forget that this baby has anything to do with you! You ruined my life just because you were drunk! DICK. That's what you are!" Jasmine snapped.

She went to my room and 10 minuets later came back with her two suitcases full.

"Bye. Have a shit life!" She said bitterly as she left the flat, leaving me in a huge, crap mess.

Mia's POV:

"I'm....I'm......I'm having a child. Jasmine is pregnant...." Joe said, I could tell he was nearly in tears. I froze from head to toe. Suddenly, I felt like a coke can, Joe had shaken me up too many times and I was about to blow up.
"Wha-what?! YOU FUCKING IDIOT WHAT WERE YOU THINKING! I BLOODY HATE YOU JOSEPH SUGG!" I yelled. I hung up and chucked my phone on the floor! The screen smashed but I didn't care. I screamed out and collapsed to the floor in tears.
There I was, lying on the cold kitchen tiles crying my eyes out and feeling the most angry, upset, empty and alone I have in a long, long time.

After a long while I dragged myself up off the floor and walked into my little office room. I picked up a black sharpie and rolled up my sleeve. I wrote 'DEPRESSED' in capitals across one arm and 'I HATE ANXIETY' on the other taking my stress out but without the pain of using something sharp. When I was 14 I had used a knife and Joe was the only one who knew, he took it nicely. He told me he'd always be there for me and never to do it again. I never have since, now I use a pen. Jessica (the girl who bullied me about my weight in school) also saw the black pen on my arm once and laughed saying I was a wimp for using a pen, she told me it would be better if I used a knife and died anyway. I hated myself and had severe anxiety, self confidence issues and depression for at least a year after. I hated and still hate that girl!
Enough about my horrible past though.
I'm sitting on the sofa watching TV and the doorbell rings.

"I'll be there in a minuet!" I shout and quickly run to my room wiping my smudged eyeliner and mascara from under my eyes so I did not look like a panda. I rushed over to the door, completely aware I had practically zero makeup on, grey trackie bottoms on and my hair was in a tangly bun.

"Hello?" I said opening the door.
There standing on my doorstep is the person I really do not want to see right now. I want to scream.

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