Chapter 20

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I woke up and felt cold in my bed, the sheets were so thin and was shivering. I was wearing my comfy shorts and a black band shirt. I sat up and realised I wasn't in my room. I was on a cold, rickety, metal bed in the middle of a room. The walls were white with clowns faces painted all over, the clowns were sad looking. It creeped me out. The floor was black and there was nothing else in the room. I realised there were no doors or windows and I started to feel claustrophobic, where was I? I started to scream and then my breathing went out of control and my heart started to race, tears streaming down my cheeks. Panic attack. Suddenly, a mad clown with an knife ran towards me so I jumped out of bed and realised there was no floor. I just kept falling through darkness until I couldn't see the room anymore. A mad clown circling me whilst I screamed and cried and panicked. I heard loud circus music and suddenly someone in my head was screaming "you're not perfect Mia, you never will be! Mwahahahaha!"
I woke up screaming and sweating, I woke up in a panic attack. What a nightmare! I was having an actual panic attack. I hadn't had one for months. I made a grab for the rescue remedy on my bedside table and put three drops on my tounge. I breathed in and out trying to slow my breathing, I wiped the tears from my eyes with the corner of my TRXYE jumper and headed to the kitchen downstairs once I had stopped panicking and recover from the nightmare. I grabbed a glass of ice water and headed upstairs, throwing on some baggy pyjamas trousers as I was only wearing underwear with my TRXYE jumper because it came to just above my knees as I wasn't that tall, I was 5'4.
I drank my ice water downstairs and shoved on my parka coat and some slipper boots and walked to the beach as it was practically right outside my house. I sat on the pebbles and listened to the waves.
I dig in the pocket of my coat and find my iPhone. I unlock my phone, go on to contacts and scroll down until I reach Zoe. I press voice call and put the phone to my ear. After about 5 rings she answers and I here her familiar voice through phone. She sounds very tired and croaky.
"Hello?" She says sleepily.
"Hi, it's me, Mia." I reply.
"Oh hey Mia. Whats up? There must be a reason why you're calling at 4:00am." She said tiredly.
"I just had the worst dream and then woke up and had a panic attack and right now I'm sat on the beach trying to calm down by listening to the waves. I rang you because you're the only one that understands these things." I explained.
"Awh M! Do you wanna come over mine when it's a bit more of a reasonable time?" Zoe laughed.
"Sure! I'll come over around 9:00-9:30 maybe? That okay?" I asked.
"That's fine lovely. Try and relax and keep yourself calm. Also drink lots of water and get some more sleep if possible. Stay strong Mia! See you later." She said kindly.
"Thanks so much Zo! See you." I said then hung up.
I had the bestest friends. I love the kind of friends you can ring at 4:00am and they don't even care.

Gone When I Need You Most - A Joe Sugg Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now