Chapter 34

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Mia's POV:
I plug my phone into the mini speakers at the kitchen table and head over to the worktop to start cooking dinner.
Looking at all the food makes me feel sick. Not so sick, I'm getting better but I still gag at the sight of a massive meal and I still hate walking into resteraunts. My worst nightmare is basically lots and lots of food....and packed noisy crowds.
"What do you want for dinner?" I shout to Joe who is in the living room.
"Whatever you want!" He yells back.
I pull a 'really?' face even though he can't see me.
"I'm not having anything dumb ass. I hate food!" I yell.
There's no reply until I hear the door slam and Joe walks in. He walks up to me and wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me close.
"Excuse me miss Mia Erndale but I think you'll find you need to eat to survive. Cook yourself some pasta or else!" You gives me a fake stern look.
"Or else what? Joe Sugg will get me?" I giggle.
" else I'll tickle youuu!" Joe threatens. He jabs in hands into my sides and tickles me down to the ground until I'm lying on the kitchen tiles with tears of laughter rolling down my cheeks. Joe's at my side laughing his head off too.
"Alright! Let's get this pasta going shall we?" I say getting up and wiping my face with my cardigan sleeve and adjusting my hair.
"Okay, make me some and bring it in the living room pleaseeee?" Joe pleads like a little kid, "I have a skype meeting with my boss about 'an exciting new idea he has' for me." Joe chuckles.
"Alright. I'll bring it in." I smile and Joe heads back to the living room.
I weight out the pasta and put it in a pan on the cooker. I stir it for a while singing along to one of Of Monsters And Men's albums.
I finish making the pasta about quarter of an hour later. It's pasta salad.
I serve it and take some in to Joe who is on a skype meeting. "Thanks babe" Joe mouths towards me as I give it to him. I grin back.
I sit at the kitchen table on my laptop on twitter.
'@/ZozeeBo: @/LittleMissMiaaaa_ You've dealt with so much recently, Well done for getting through it! I'm SO proud to call you one of my best friends! Love you M! X'
I love Zoe awh. That tweet is adorable!
'@/LittleMissMiaaaa_: @/ZozeeBo Aw thanks Zo! You're the best! X' Is my reply.
'@/LittleMissSugglet: FRIENDSHIP GOALS! @/LittleMissMiaaaa @/ZozeeBo. :*'
I smile and favourite the tweet someone sent us. I go down the replies favouriting all the nice ones. I make a new tweet.
'You guys are all too nice. I don't deserve such nice subscribers and followers and all that. Love you my little peoples!<3'
I finish my dinner and shut my laptop.
"Joe are you finished with that interview m'love?" I say heading into the living room.
"Yup. The 'big idea' was merch. I might have my own line of merch next year!" Joe says excitedly.
"Cooooool!!" I reply.
Joe comes over and pulls me close, our lips meet. Joe is the best kisser just saying. Joe is definitely the man I want to marry, he makes me feel so happy. He makes me feel special (I am aware of the cheesiness).
Joe pulls away from the kiss and grabs my arm, he pulls me to the door. "Put some shoes on, we're going down to the beach!" He says.
I pull on my white converse and lace them up, I also pull on my parka coat as it is only early spring and still cold outside in the evening.
I'm really confused as to why Joe is taking me out on to the beach at sunset, but I don't question it. Joe and I stumble down the pebbles laughing until we reach the shore. We stand admiring the sunset for a while.
"I was thinking, Mia you mean a lot to me, an awful lot and I love you." Joe says, "here you go.." He pulls a small box from his pocket and for a minuet I think he is going to prepose. He doesn't, thank god, I'm not sure I'm ready for marriage just yet. But he just gives me the box and I open it. A beautiful silver ring sits inside it (picture at beginning of this chapter). The ring has an infinity symbol on it and the word 'love' is engraved on the symbol, there is also a small purple stone and the back of the ring says always and forever. My heart practically melts.
"It's a promise ring" says Joe, "it's my promise to you that I will never leave you and I will love you, as the ring says, for always and forever."
"Always and forever.." I repeat as I look up into Joe's deep ocean blue eyes.
Joe really does make me feel 100% happy with life.

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