Chapter 27

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Joe's POV:
Mia and I sit down with cups of tea. Earlier we filmed a video explaining our relationship and it didn't go down too well with Mia. Hopefully it does with the viewers. Mia had a nice hot bath with a LUSH product and now she is sat next to me on her sofa in grey joggers which are actually mine and a black hoodie. We're drinking cups of tea and watching TV and my arm is wrapped around her.
She keeps getting mini panic attacks all the time and she has not actually been diagnosed with anxiety or panic disorder but I think it's time we took her to the local GP to discuss it and hopefully be diagnosed if she has it.
"I have work tomorrow. I'm really dreading it." Mia says suddenly.
"Why?" I ask.
"Because I've been having mini panic attack things...what if I get one at work?!" She stammers.
"You won't! Realx, if you do just call me and I'll come and pick you up ASAP. Also maybe worn the people at work that you haven't been feeling great lately." I say, trying to be reassuring.
"Thanks Joe." She says, smiling. But then the smile fades and her eyes mist over as she realises something.
"What?" I ask confused.
"Nothing its just...lately my mind is filled with 'what ifs'. Like every time I go out I'm just thinking 'what if something bad happens...what if...what if...blah blah blah' and It's really bugging me. When you left me I felt really worried and unprotected and I just got kinda depressed over it." she explains. When she mentions me leaving my heart brakes, suddenly I'm reminded of Jasmine and everything freezes. I got Jasmine pregnant, she said she'd find another man, a better man than me to be the father. I wonder how she is. I don't want to know, she caused way to much trouble.
" you ever think we'll get a happy ending? My life just seems a never ending trail of depressing, upsetting miserableness." Mia sighs.
"We'll get a happy ending! Of day, one day." I smile.
She kisses me and gets up off the sofa. "We're you going Mia?" I ask.
"Just to the kitchen Joseph, calm down!" She chuckles.
I smile as she walks away. I have the best girlfriend, and she will be okay tomorrow. She will be fine. NOTHING bad will happen.
Super short & boring chapter! Sorry, thing will get more interesting though.
Do you guys want a happy ending or sad ending? (The ending isn't near get though...don't worry!)
ily all,

Gone When I Need You Most - A Joe Sugg Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now