Chapter 15

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Joe's POV:
"Joe!" Mia shouted from the living room. I ran into the living room.
"Who's necklace is this?" She said, holding up a necklace Jasmine was wearing.
My heart practically stopped. F*ck.
"Hello? Anyone in there?" She said waving her hand in front of my face.
"I don't know, is it not yours?" I asked.
"No, otherwise I wouldn't be asking you would I?" Mia said looking at me like I was stupid.
"Is it one of your friends who's been over here?" I asked.
"Nope, I've rang everyone who's ever been to my flat." She said.
"Mystery then, sorry I can't help you." I said.
Yes you can! Just tell her Joe, she's not your girlfriend so it doesn't matter.
I heard a voice in my head say. I pushed it back and walked into the kitchen.
My head was buzzing, what if she found out?! I then got a text from Jasmine, it read 'I left my necklace at yours, on my way to pick it up! Xx'
That was sent 10 minuets ago, she would be here soon but Mia was still here. What was I going to do?
There was a knock at the door, "I'll get it!" Mia shouted.
Oh god! It's Jasmine.
Mia opened the door and looked confused.
"Hi, who are you?" Mia asked.
"Hello! I'm Jasmine, Joe's girlfriend! I believe I left my necklace he-......." She trailed off as she realised how shocked and pissed off I looked.
"Joe's what sorry?!" Mia asked looking and sounding annoyed.
"Girlfriend." Jasmine said quietly.

Mia's POV:
The world seemed to stop spinning, everything went quiet, all I could hear was my breathing and my heart beat.
Joe had a girlfriend and didn't tell me! I knew it, what a stupid, lying twat!

"What?! You didn't tell me! I told you EVERYTHING Joe, every single f**king thing and you don't tell me about your own girlfriend!!! I don't even wanna know why!" I started to yell, "don't think about staying at mine any longer, pack your stuff and you and your trashy girlfriend can leave!" Mia shouted.
"Oi! Don't call her trashy, she's perfect unlike you!" Yelled Joe.
I stopped, why did he say that. All this years he's been comforting me and saying that however fat I was (back then) or skinny I was (now) did not matter. I was beautiful anyway. He was wrong, everyone was wrong. You can see my bones because of my f**king eating disorder! I am NOT perfect. Anger bubbled inside me but more sadness, I wanted to cry.
"That's it Joseph Sugg. That's our friendship down the drain. Get out of my house now and take your girlfriend with you! Oh...and NEVER COME BACK." I yelled.
Joe walked into his room to pack and I collapsed on the sofa, face in my hands, crying. He doesn't know how hard it is, no one does.
Jasmine was giving me the dirtiest looks. I got up and walked towards her, wiping my eyes, fully aware that I had panda eyes from my smudged eyeliner and mascara.
"It hurts because I'm not perfect! I'm anorexic! So stopped the with the crappy dirty looks and get out of my house!" I yelled pushing her out of the house and slamming the door.
Joe came in mineuts later.
"Thanks for having me.." He whispered.
"F off!" I yelled and he dissapeared.

I ran to my room and sat down on my bed repeating the words "I'm not perfect" over and over reminding myself of the reality.
No one wanted me, I was the trashy one.

Gone When I Need You Most - A Joe Sugg Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now