Chapter 6

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Mias POV:

I walked to the kitchen and answered the phone.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hi" I heard Casper's familiar voice.

"Why are you ringing me at 8:30 on a Monday night?" I asked, confused.

"I need to tell you something.." He trailed off.

"Whats that?" I said curiously. To be honest, I'd never heard Casper being completely serious before.

"Well, I-I just wanted to say Mia..that I think your beautiful and amazing and all I've ever wanted is to be with you.." He trails off.

Thoughts suddenly start wizzing through my head. Is he serious? Is this a joke? Is it a prank for a video? Is he drunk?

"First of all Casper..are you drunk?" I ask.

"No, no! Are you mad? It's the day time!" He replies

"Is it a prank?" I ask.

"No! Can't you just take me seriously for once?!" He replies raising his voice, now I know it's not a prank.

"Well I'm sorry to say this Casper..but I don't like you back. I like someone else, I'm sorry.." I trail off, little does he know I like his best mate.

"Oh..umm. Well I'm not gonna give up, I'm gonna make you my girlfriend. You watch!" He says.

" you're not because I don't like you. Now please leave me alone. Goodbye" I say sharply then hang up.

What was that about?

I turn to walk out of the kitchen to find Joe standing in the doorway looking concerned. I feel my face go red with embarrassment, did Joe hear that?

"Who was that?" He asks.

"Oh just someone.." I say quietly.

"No. Tell me!" He says.

"Casper..." I say quietly.

"Oh..." He trails off, "does he like you?" Joe asks.

"Yes, but I don't like him." I say.

"Who do you like..?" Joe asks.

"I can't tell you!" I say and then push past Joe and walk back into the living room, plonking myself on the sofa.

Everyone can see I look quite stressed so no one bothers asking whats going on until the film finishes and Zoe pulls me into the other room.

"Whats up with you and Joe?" She asks, confused.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Might start updating every Friday? Let me know what you think in the comments👍

Also check out my friends wattpad account @PointlessSugglet1 she's an amazing writer!🌷

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