Chapter 4

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Mia's POV:

I wake up the next morning still lying on the sofa with Joe, my head still on his chest. I didn't realise I'd falling asleep on him, opps. I move away and shove the blanket off me.

I sit up and check my twitter and instagram, reading through nice comments and ignoring hate. I go on YouTube and check the comments on my recent video, replying to a few.

After at least half an hour of scrolling through my social media I turn my phone off and walk into the kitchen.

I start to make a full english for me and Joe as I know he loves them. I only put one slice of bacon and some tomatoes on my plate though.

After about an hour Joe wakes up and walks into the kitchen.

"Ah, you've made full english! I love youuu!" He jokes.

"Haha! Glad you do!" I laugh back.

I set the food down on the table. Joe notices the amount of food on my plate but ignores it.

"Talking of love...I have something to tell you.." Joe says seriously.

"Umm okay. What is it?" I ask.

"Well about a month ago, only a few weeks after you left London I met a girl called Charlotte and now she's my girlfriend." Joe says.

I feel as though my heart has split in half. Girlfriend? What? I feel finding this Charlotte and slapping her in the face but I don't of course, I don't even know her.

"Oh that's nice for you." I say plastering a fake smile on my face.

"Yeah. So have you found a lad here then?" Joe asks, winking at me.

"No, I'm #foreveralone remember Joe?" I force a laugh.

Joe and I used to call ourselves '#foveralone' because neither of us were in a realationship. Well I guess that's not a thing anymore.

"Oh yeah" Joe gives a forced sounding laugh too and carries on eating his breakfast whilst I pick at my bacon and tomatoes.

The conversation goes on for a while with us just being awkward then my phone bleeps and it's a message from Zoe.

It says 'Hey Mi! Wanna come over to mine with Joe and film some YouTube videos then head out for lunch? X'

I reply 'Sure would love to. Will be over in about 40 mins ish. See you later! X'

I went upstairs and got changed into some black leggings and a grey top with a blackoversized knit cardigan over the top. I did my makeup as usual concealer, power, blush, mascara, eyeliner and a baby lips. I then put on my black boots and went downstairs.

"You ready?" I asked Joe, who was standing by the door in some black skinny jeans and a jacket.

"Yep! You?" He asked.

"Yeah I am. Lets go!" I said then grabbed my handbag and phone and headed into the lift and downstairs to the bottom of the building of flats.

"Who's driving?" Asked Joe.

"Don't be a doosh, it's only down the road we can walk!" I laughed.

"Well sorry!" Joe laughed.

I rolled my eyes at him and continued to walk to Zoes.

We got there and spent a few hours filming videos then we went to a nice little place for lunch. After lunch Zoe insisted we went into a few shops, so Zoe and I did some shopping and did some damage in the end...I spent quite a lot on makeup and lush stuff....but to be honest, who doesn't love LUSH?

We went back to Zoes for a bit and Zoe and I filmed a haul of what we got for my channel and we did the 2 minuet makeup challenge for her channel which was funny.

Alfie came to Zoes at about 6:00 and we all sat down and watched TV for a while. When it got to 10:00 Joe and I went back.

Once Joe and I got back to my flat he headed to the spare room I headed upstairs and took of my makeup and got into my pyjamas and went straight to bed as I was really tired and had work the next day. I actually work in Lush which is pretty cool as I love the shop so much.

Gone When I Need You Most - A Joe Sugg Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now