Chapter 25

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Mia's POV:
The plane took off as I began to panic. Joe was comforting me but not smothering me at all, he'd had a lot of practise of dealing with anxious people or people with panic disorder as he had had to deal with Zoe and I his whole life. Poor Joe.
I started to breath really fast and couldn't control it, I felt tears rolling down my face, I got quite dizzy and my vision went blurry and I felt sick.
"Zoe, Joe, Alfie! I can't see anything my vision's gone all blurry!" I panicked.
All that was going through my head was you're never gonna get off this plane, your panic attack will never stop, your going to be sick and you're going to die, these thoughts did not help the situation but that is all that goes through your head when you're having a panic attack. After an hour of me panicking, Zoe giving me bottles of iced water, Joe trying to comfort me and Alfie trying to calm me down I stopped having a panic attack and calmed down. I took some neuyrofen and got my neck pillow and went to sleep cuddling Joe.
I woke up as Joe was shaking me and saying 'wake up' as the plane was bout to land.
We got off the plane and collected our luggage. I got my suitcase and made sure I had everything whilst Joe called a taxi to take us home.
We got a taxi and eventually got to brighton, I was so tired. It was nice to get out off the car and smell the sea air of Brighton, the scent of home.
We said bye to Zoe and Alfie as they headed back to their flat and Joe and I headed back to mine, we got into my flat and Joe went to run me a nice bath with one of my Lush products. He's such a sweetheart.
I unpacked all the things I needed and decided to unpack the rest tomorrow as I was shattered. I collapsed onto my bed and sighed, opening my laptop.
I checked my YouTube and caught up on a few videos I missed, I checked my Facebook and went on Pinterest. Finally I went to twitter and what I saw was not pretty. The hashtag #Jia was trending, that's me and Joe's ship name. Could this be us?
I clicked on the hashtag and people were tweeting about us, some good things some bad things. My heart sank to the pit of my stomach. I had no idea how they knew. Suddenly I saw a fan account they and tweeted 'awh how adorable, why didn't they tell us though? #jia' and there was a picture attached, I opened it and felt tears poring down my face. It was a stupid picture some paps had taken in Spain. It was Joe and I on the beach holding hands, Joe looked gorgeous and tanned in his swimming trunks but I was in my bikini. I started to panic again. I looked at the picture, I didn't want anyone to see me in my bikini! What about my eating disorder? Wouldn't they all notice? Some people were commenting bad things about us but the majority of people were tweeting about my weight.
There were tweets saying things like 'her weight is disgusting, so thin and lanky' and 'eat some bloody junk girl' and 'ew get some meat on you' and 'Mia? Really? She's a stick! Joe deserves better.' I smashed my laptop closed.
I cried. Life wasn't fair. Whoever thinks life is easy is a f***ing idiot.
My phone bleeped, I daren't look at what it was. Thankfully it was Zoe.
'Hey M. Just saw twitter! So many mean idiots! Those bloody paparazzi catching a snap of you with Joe in Barcelona! Stay strong babe, chin up. Xx' Zoe was so kind.
I replied 'Hey Zo. I know just had a mini anxiety attack, I'm breaking down! I f***ing hate people. So many people are commenting on my weight it's not fair!'
She rang me after that text and we had a long chat. Joe came out of the bathroom after I hung up the phone. He saw me standing with my head rested on the wall and my tear stained face covered by my hands. I felt him come up and whisper "it'll be okay in the end" but I didn't think it would be. He held me in his arms for a long time, my head berried in his chest. I wanted all this to be over, I wish none of us had YouTube, I wish people didn't know my name.
Maybe I should just delete?
More drama! Hope you're enjoying this story! Tysm for reading! ily all!

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