Chapter 30

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Mia's POV:

I did my makeup and curled my hair and got into my dress and heels (picture of outfit above). I was ready for a night out, well I was ready on the outside but on the inside, not so much.
I looked in the mirror and smiled, you can make it Mia, just keep that mask of a smile on your face for one night and it'll be okay.
Joe came out of the bathroom in a suit and his hair gelled perfectly. He came over and kissed me on the lips. He smelt amazing.
"You'll be alright babe, just hold it together and have fun!" He smiled clasping my hand.
For a second the world stopped spinning and my heart melted, for a second I forgot about my troubles and all the pain that happens in this world. The man of my dreams was holding my hand, surely I can make it if Joe's by my side.
There was the sound of a horn beeping outside, I peered out of the window and Zoe and Alfie were waiting in their car outside. Alfie was driving, he passed his test a few months ago and can now drive safely.
I sprayed on some Victoria Secret spray and shoved the bottle of spray in my black leather hand bag, I also quickly chucked my 'emergency' purse in, it contained spare makeup, rescue remedy & other stuff. I grabbed my iPhone checking it was 100% charged, it was, and chucked into my hang bag zipping up my bag and rushing downstairs. I slipped on a black jacket over my dress and rushed out the door hand in hand with Joe. We climbed into the car and went to pick up Gabby too. We would of picked up Marcus and Niomi as they live in Brighton too but there wasn't enough room and they were going with Jim and Tanya. Casper and Oli and some others were going on the tube train as the club was in London and they already lived there.
We eventually got to the club and I took some drops of rescue remedy, a few deep breaths and a hug from Joe and then entered. The music was loud and it was stuffy, I remembered how much I hated clubs. Joe, Zoe and I had all gone together once when we were 18 and I hated it and got a panic attack and never went near one again. The thing with panic attacks and panic disorder is that when you go back to a place or situation that triggered a panic attack previously it can usually trigger another one.
I felt a rush of adrenaline go through my body and I could see everyone laughing and having fun, Joe asking me to come and have a drink, I didn't want a drink, I didn't want to dance or be in a club, all I wanted more than anything was to be at home, in my bed cuddling with Joe and watching a disney film with a cup of tea. That wasn't going o happen anytime soon. Nope.
I felt a rush of dread, fear and worry go through my body, suddenly I felt small and vulnerable, I felt tears prick in my eyes as my breathing started to change to quick, fast and sharp. I felt my heart pounding in my chest and I felt smothered by all the people around my, I was sweating and the walls felt as though they were closing in on me. All I was thinking was you're gonna die, you're gonna die, over and over again. It was a panic attack.
Zoe saw me and rushed over, she didn't say anything as she knows the worst thing while in a panic attack is to have someone going "calm down, are you okay? Are you alright?" and nagging in your ear. She lead me towards the exit and we stood outside and I took deep breaths as Zoe rubbed my back soothingly. I was sick a few times but Zoe didn't care, she just held my hair back for me and told me it was going to be okay. I loaded myself with rescue remedy and breathed in the outside air, enjoying the non stuffy feeling. I would much rather be breathing in the Brighton sea air not polluted smokey London air in some crappy alleyway, but hey!
After I'd had some calm down time and a motivational chat with Zoe I stepoed back into the club and started to enjoy myself. Joe made sure I was okay and then Joe and and I had a few beers, we were a little tipsy, okay we were drunk. Everyone except Zoe, Jim and Tanya were drunk. They didn't drink alcohol and had been having lemonade.
Zoe drove a drunk Alfie, Gabby, Joe and I back to Brighton and Joe and I got back to our house.
I wiped my makeup off with a makeup wipe still feeling tipsy and brushed my teeth, I changed into a big baggy t shirt which was put over just my underwear.
Joe and I being tipsy, of course something happened....oh shoot!
Uh oh! What happened?! ;-)
Hope you're enjoying this chapter, it might all be from Mia's Point Of View from now on but idk.
Hope you're all having a great day,

Gone When I Need You Most - A Joe Sugg Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now