Chapter 31

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Mia's POV:

I woke up and saw Joe lying next to me in our big double bed. I was so comfy. Then memories from last night came flooding back, oh sh*t.
"Sugar!" I said out loud, "I need to get up."
I jumped out of the bed and I was quite cold as it was only March and I was wearing just my baggy t-shirt and knickers.
I changed quickly into some jeans and a loose dark green jumper. I put on my black converse and chuckled my messy brunette curls up into a ponytail. I looked a mess but I was only going to boots so there was no point putting makeup on.
Joe opened his eyes slowly and looked at me frowning. "What are you doing?" He asked in the cutest morning voice ever.
"Going to the shop, I won't be long.." I said and left before he could say any more.
I grabbed my phone and put it in my jeans pocket and left the house. I walked quickly to boots and got there within 5 minuets.
I searched around boots and found what I needed. A pregnancy test. I took a deep breath and went to pay.
"Awh, is it your first?" The woman at the counter.
"Yes. And if it is, it's an unwanted baby." I sigh.
"Oh dear. I hope it works out okay for you. By the way that's £2.50 please."
I give her the cash and smile, "Thanks!"
"Alright m'love. Good luck!" She smiles as I walk away tucking the test in a boots bag.
I get home and go to the loo, I do the test.
Oh bloody hell! Really?!
I bin the test and start crying. I hear Joe knock on the door.
"Are you crying Mia? What's wrong?!" He asks sounding panicked.
I take a deep breath and wipe my tears unlocking the door.
"Please don't be alarmed or shout at me..." I say sobbing.
"I won't Mia" he slips is arm round my waist, "what is it?" He asks.
"I think I'm pregnant..." I say.
"Oh shit! F**k off! Really?! Oh my god, what are we gonna do!" Joe curses.
"I don't know!" I brake down in tears again. Joe sighs, pulling me into a hug.
"We'll go to the doctors and see if it really is right. If it is, then I guess we'll have to prepare to be young parents."
I start to panic. "What if it is right, what if I am. How do I tell my family, my friends and worst of viewers.." I sob.
"F**k! The viewers! Oh god!" Joe shouts.
"My life is officially ruined. Thanks a lot Joe, this all your fault!" I raise my voice.
"Hold on! My fault? It's yours too!" Joe snaps.
"You were more drunk than me though! You were encouraging me'know! Urgh!!!" I stomp out of the bathroom and downstairs. I leave the house and run to the beach feeling tears streaming down my face.
I plonk myself down on the hard pebbles, breathing in the sea air.
I hate Joe. I hate panic disorder. I hate eating disorders. I hate alcohol. I hate nights out and clubs. Most of all though, I hate myself. I hate my life. Suddenly a thought struck me, my weight, I'll get so much bigger, all that effort to try and be the perfect weight and now it's over. I cried even more.

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