Chapter 17

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Mia's POV:
It had been a year since the argument with Joe and going to hospital, a whole year. You would think in a year things would get better and stuff, they got worse. Joe was my super glue to all my problems (as cheesy as it sounds!) and he made everything okay.
I hate his guts but miss him really badly all the time.
I can't cope without him. My anorexia hasn't got worse, but neither has it got better! Joe used to help me with my eating disorder and tell me to be confident about my body, he comforted me and gave me motivation to get my life back on track. Sadly, he changed. Instead of putting me back on the right track he stirred up a load of trouble and threw me right of track. My life is a mess without him. He went when I needed him most.
I want him to know that but sadly I do not have to courage to text him. Besides, I'm not perfect enough for him. He probably has a wonderful life back in London with Jasmine and he doesn't need a girl with a messed up life to invade his probably 'perfect' life with his definitely 'perfect' girlfriend.

My phone rings and I look at screen, I nearly have a heart attack. It says 'Joe' on the screen. Why is Joe calling me now? After a whole year? What the hell is going on?

"Hello?" I say shaking really badly as I answer the phone.
"Hi." Says a voice that sounds sad, empty and anxious.
"What's wrong?" I snap, still not forgiving Joe.
"I need to tell you this Mia, you're the only person that will listen to me. Perhaps you won't care and perhaps you hate me but I'm going to tell you anyway." Joe says, he sounds as though he's nearly in tears.
"What? Just tell me Joe!" I say.
Cliffhanger! Haha sorry for the suspence. Updates will be coming more often hopefully.
Hope you're enjoying this story, give the chapter a vote or comment!
P.s. Thanks for 2k reads that's amazing! Ily!🍉💕
- Hel x

Gone When I Need You Most - A Joe Sugg Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now