Chapter 7

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Mias POV:

Zoe pulls me out of the living room.

"What's up with you and Joe?" She asks looking worried.

"I-I..." I trail off the sentence quietly and suddenly a tear rolls down my face and I sit down and put my head on my knees. I don't know why. I feel like a teenager who can't control her stupid emotions again. I curl up into a ball.

"TELL ME WHATS UP MIA!! What's wrong?!" Zoe asks dramatically.

"I-I got a c-call from C-Cas-Casper and he s-said he loves me and wants to m-make me his g-g-girlfriend but I-I don't like him I-I like J-Joe..." I stutter inbetween sobs, more tears start to fall down my face.

"What? Okaaay... You do know Joe has a girlfriend right?" She asks.

"Yes but I still like him, I've liked hik since I was 16.." I say.

"Oh.. Mia I'm sorry." Zoe says hugging me quickly.

"I'm fine. I've just been having one of those days y'know? Also anxiety has been getting to me after that phone call." I stutter.

"Aw babes, don't worry! I know how the anxiety feels. Horrible. I'll go run you a nice bath with a nice lush bathbom. You & Joe can stay here tonight if you like!" she says.

"Aw thank you so much Zoe your a lifesaver! Love you!" I laugh.

"Haha! No problemo!" She says and heads to the bathroom to run me bath. I love Zoe sometimes, she's such a great friend.

I go to the spare room where I'll be sleeping and look in the mirror. Dammit, I look awful. My makeup is smudged underneath my eyes which are all red and puffy. I place my handbag on the desk and pull out an emergency makeup wipe from my handbag and wipe my face, clearing the smudged makeup from it.

I sit down on the bed and look down at my hands. I take a deep breath and sigh. "Pull yourself together Mia" I mutter. I stand up re-do my hair into a messy bun and once I've re-done my makeup from the makeup in my handbag and made sure you can't tell I've been crying, I head into the living room again.

"We're going now. Hope you're okay Mia! See you soon!" Niomi says giving me a quick hug before heading out of the flat with Marcus.

"So Joe, we're staying here tonight. Or at least I am." I say.

"Why? And were's Zoe?" Joe asks.

"She's running me a bath, I'm not feeling too good after that call." I say.

"Aw cheer up!" Joe laughs.

I let out a small laugh.

"Thanks. Sorry I was so snappy with you earlier. As I said, I'm not my best today. Anxiety's getting the better of me today." I explain.

"Aw, okay." Joe says sympathetically.

I yawn and grab the TV remote turning on the TV, watching the first thing that comes on.

After about 10 minuets Zoe appears.

"Yo Mia! Your baths run!" She calls into the living room.

"Okay thanks Zo, your amazing!" I say heading off to the bathroom.

After a long relaxing bath, I head to the spare room and change into my pyjamas. Zoe very kindly went and got some stuff from my flat that I would need to stay the night at hers.

I left my hair in the messy bun it was in and looked at myself in the mirror. I had no makeup on and you could see the small amount off spots I had and the dark circles under my eyes. I yawned and went into the living room.

"Goodnight Joe! I'm going to bed now!" I called to Joe who was nearly asleep on the sofa.

"Goodnight... Wait if your in the spare room where am I gonna sleep?" Joe asked. At that point Zoe walked in carrying a duvet and pillow.

"Oh um yeah. Your sleeping on the soda in here if that's alright Joe?" Zoe said.

"Okay, night guys!" Joe said as I walked off to bed.

I got into bed and tried to go to sleep but failed miserably. I was tired but just couldn't sleep. I had a knot of anxiety in my stomach making me feel horrible. I could tell tonight was just gonna be one of nights where I get about 2 hours of sleep.

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