Chapter 12:

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Mias POV:
It had been a month since the night at the beach with Joe and Chloe.

I was driving back from London with Joe, I had stayed at his and now he was coming down to film some YouTube videos with Zoe, Alfie and I.

It was 8:30 in the morning and I saw so tired but at least it was Friday, I had work today though as I'd missed the whole week due to being in London.

I dropped Joe off at Zoe & Alfies and headed to starbucks. I ordered a tea, waited and got my tea and drank it on the way to work. I got to Lush and spent the usual day working behind the till, walking around the shop and telling people about certain products and what they do, suddenly a familiar face walked in.

A girl called Jessica with a group of boys. Jessica had been in my Primary and Secondary school and always bullied me about being best friends with a boy (Joe), she had also bullied me about my weight when I was a pudgy 12-15 year old.

She walked up to me. "Is that you Mia?" She asked.

"Y-yes.." I stammered.

"Gosh you've gotten thin, get some meat on ya! You still friends with that weirdo Zoe and her strange sticky little brother Joe." She asked.

I wasn't going to let her squish my self confidence this time. I was an adult now, I had to stand up to her. There was nothing to loose.

"Shut up Jessica Stacey Young!" I snapped, "you're nothing but a bully who loves to bring people down. Don't you dare insult my weight or my friends like that. Shut your fat mouth and get out of this shop." I growled, anger bubbling inside me.

"Make me b*tch!" She cursed. By now the whole shop had turned and was starring at us.

"Get OUT of this shop! We don't except people who are rude to customers!" I yelled as she got dragged out of the shop by the boys that were with her.

"This isn't the last you'll see of me!" She yelled walking away. Oh yes I think it is, I'm not dealing with her anymore.

The day was all a bit strange after that. I was walking back to my flat when a text from Joe pinged through.

'Hey, wanna order Chinese tonight?x'

I replied, 'sure, I'll be back soon! X'

At 4:00pm, I headed back to my house. I popped quickly into Waitrose for Groceries on my way home.

I got back to my flat and saw Joe sitting on the sofa in the living room watching tv with Chinese. This was the best thing to come home to.

He hadn't noticed that I'd come in so I crept up behind the sofa and grabbed his shoulders. "hello!" I shouted, causing him to jump.

"Oh my god! Mia! You really scared me!" He yelled. We them both burst out laughing.

I changed into some comfy joggers and an oversized jumper and curled up next to Joe on the sofa, we ate Chinese and watched The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, aka my favourite christmas film.

After I'd told Joe all about the day and bumping into Jessica in Lush, we headed to bed. We slept in separate rooms though as we weren't actually a proper couple yet.

I went to sleep but it took me ages and ages, I tossed and turned and eventually went into a very restless sleep.
I heard Joe shouting. "Mia! Mia! Help me!"
I got out of bed and ran towards the door and walked out on the the landing, the was Jessica and her crew kicking the hell out of Joe.

"Stop! How the hell are you in my house?!" I yelled.

Jessica cackled. "Joe's mine Mia! He's mine! You don't deserve him Mia! You're a stick! Stick! Stick! Stick! Stick!" She chanted.

She then turned to Joe and pressed her lips to his. I screamed, "GET OFF HIM!" I roared.
I woke up sweating and breathing loudly. It's not real Mia, it was a nightmare don't worry. I checked my phone and it was 6:00am, ugh. I put my head back on the pillow and drifted back to sleep.

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