Chapter 39

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Mia's POV:

I'm currently on skype with Joe balling my eyes out.
"Mia you've done well coping this long, don't cry. I'm coming home tomorrow honey!" Joe soothes.
"But Joe I feel so far away from you right now! I just need a hug, but I c-can't cause your f-f-freaking miles a-a-aw-away!" I sob.
"Shhh. It's alright Mia, I'll be home soon." Joe says beaming at me.
"You don't understand Joe, I've had 8 panic attacks in three weeks because you've been gone. Zoe's had one. Only one! What the fuck is wrong with me? Why can't I cope with out you?!" I sob.
"Mia, it's alright. Stop panicking, I will be home very soon. I have to go now, I'm sending virtual hugs! Love you, bye." Joe says.
"Love you more, bye!" I say.
Joe beams at me and then hangs up, once his face has gone from the screen I just cry even more. Zoe comes over.
"Mi, calm down love. They'll be home soon. Take some deep breaths and calm." Zoe soothes, "after all it's only Joe, he's just my smelly little brother!" Zoe chuckles.
I stifle I laugh. "Your smelly little brother, means the absolute world to me Zo." I tell her.
"I know Mia, I know!" She hugs me and then we decide to head into town for some lunch and take my mind of stuff.
We have a great time in town, shopping and having a laugh. We go to a nice café for lunch and I order a salad and pick at it.
We come back to Zoe's at 6:30 and spend the evening watching TV and Zoe has a hot chocolate while I have a cup of tea. Eventually we go to bed at 1:00am, way to late but whatever. I'm just glad Joe's coming home tomorrow, actually today, seeing as it's 1:00am.
I wake up at 12:00, no surprise there! We were up so late.
'Morning Zo, you awake yet?x' I text Zoe.
'Yep! What do you want for brekky?x' she texts back.
I'm about to reply when something very unexpected happens.
Zoe, Alfie and Joe all run in.
"Surprise! I'm home early!" Joe shouts. I burst into tears, happy tears though.
I jump out of bed and run into Joe's arms and we stay wrapped around each other for a long time, I take the time to breathe in Joe's familiar scent. We must be standing there hugging for at least five minuets. I break away and me and Joe kiss for a while. When I finally manage to unstick myself from Joe there's a wet patch on his shoulder from where I've been crying.
Alfie and Zoe have gone now and are probably having their couple moment.
I look at Joe in his eyes.
Joe's POV:
Mia is an emotional wreck, it's adorable to see how much she loves me and how happy she is to see me. What she doesn't know is that in California I bought an engagement ring, I want to propose to her because she is amazing.
I'm unsure weather to do it today, I want to make it special. Originally I was gonna go back to the park we first met each other in when we were little and propose there. I figured it was to far to go and I wanted to do it soon. I'm gonna do it tomorrow but I don't know where. Preferably not in Brighton because we have had as many bad memories as good ones here. I know one place that makes her the happiest girl on earth when she goes there though. It's a little beach on the coast just outside of Brighton, unlike Brighton beach it's sandy, not pebbly and the sea is so clear and blue there. The sunsets look amazing there. I'm hoping to take her there tomorrow and propose in the evening. I'm shitting myself but I'm 99% sure she'll say yes. There is a 1% she'll say she's not ready for marriage yet but I dunno, maybe she is? I bloody hope so.
Ooooh what do you think Mia will say?
Sorry for the shorter chapter.
Have a good day,

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