Chapter 37

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Mia's POV:

Todays the day, Joe and I are getting our tattoo's and I'm so excited.
"C'mon babe! Hurry up!" Joe shouts to me from downstairs.
"One sec!" I yell.
I'm just finishing my hair and makeup, I'n wearing high waisted jeans with a black lace crop top. I have thick black eyeliner on and black earrings with a black ear cuff. I'm going for the goth/badass/rebel look today. My dark brown hair is straightened and pulled into a messy ponytail with my side fringe down. I spray on some perfume and head downstairs.
"Okay so because your getting a tiny tattoo you decided to turn into a badass?" Joe smirks.
"Yep. Shut up suggy, It's my new look." I say, seriously.
"Hmm, I like the black earrings but ditch the thick eyeliner and black clothes and converse. I like it when you were pastel colours, they suit you more. You still look cute though!" Joe wraps an arm around my waist and kisses the top of my head.
"Let's go! I'm SO pumped for this!" I say.
We walk to the tattoo and piercing place and I'm actually tempted to get a small nose piercing but I know Joe wouldn't approve so I keep my mouth shut. We go in and get our tattoos, it's so painful but I act tough.
"It's painful isn't it?" Joe asks, who has just had it done.
"Only a bit!" I say biting my lip.
"Liar.." Joe laughs.
I glare at him and stay clasp his hand as it starts to hurt more. "Fucking tattoo!" I mumble under my breath.
"Pardon?" Joe chuckles.
I laugh and after a short time it's done.
We get a taxi back because our ankles still hurt after the tattoos.
When we get home we take pictures f ankles together and I put them on twitter. Many of our viewers and 'jia' shippers comment stuff like 'awh that's adorable', some haters commenting 'ew I think I might vom! How cringey!'
I ignore those ones.
Zoe seems the tweet and comments 'Omfg guys! Adorable but scary, how did you have the guts to get tattoos? Love it though;-) x'
Alfie sees it too and comments 'woah! Check out the badass couple😂 x'
Many other friends comment similar things.
"Oh Mia, we need to have a chat. I don't want you to get upset, I should of told you this earlier but don't hate me. I've been invited to go and stay in California in the USA for 3 weeks
to interview a few famous people for my YouTube channel. I'm going on Monday. I know I should've told you earlier but you seemed so happy, I didn't want to ruin your good mood." Joe says.
I feel my chest go tight and I feel unsteady. 3 weeks without Joe? I can't even stand a day without Joe! He makes me feel less panicky and he helps motivate me to eat. I CANT COPE WITHOUT JOE! Maybe I'm over reacting but I love Joe. He can't go so far away for three weeks. A tears rolls down my cheek and I run. I run out of the flat and down to the beach, it's raining and cold and I have bear feet and my ankle still hurts. I stand on the pebbly beach with my toes being kissed by the ocean as it comes in and out on the shore. Tears are streaming down my face by now and I'm way too cold but I'm sweating at the same time. I feel faint, don't faint here Mia! You can't faint here, the tide will take you out. I stumble backwards as far as I can until I'm by the steps but I can't hold it together anymore, I going to faint. I fall backwards and feel someone catch me. I see Joe looking at me in a concerned way before my vision turns fuzzy and blacks out.
I wake up and I'm lying on our double bed with a hot water bottle on my stomach, a cold flannel on my forehead and a blanket over me up to my waist.
I look around and see Joe sat at the desk in the corner of our room, his hands are covering his face and his usually tanned skin is as white as a sheet. I feel bad, a knot of sickness and worry and sadness is being churned around in my stomach. Suddenly, my stomach lurches. I'm going to be sick, I get up and run to the bathroom. Joe notices and follows me. I throw up in the toilet as Joe holds my hair back. When I'm done throwing up Joe passes me a glass of water and I chug it down. After wards I collapse to the floor and cry and cry. Joe rubs my back soothingly and I cry until there's nothing left.
"Mia, I don't have to go, you know." Joe whispers.
"Go, it's a good opportunity!" I sulk.
"Not if it's going to make you sad. Besides, It was gonna be me and Alfie going but Alfie can take Zoe." Joe suggests.
"No, it's okay. Go, I can stay with Zoe or something!" I say.
"Okay. But Mia, remember I'm only a FaceTime call away. I'll be gone for only three weeks, it'll pass quickly. Just please, please eat! Do it for me babe. I love to you loads." Joe says pulling me into his chest.
"I love you loads too." I sob.
So many emotions in one day, jesus christ!
After Joe and I have pulled our shit together, I run myself a bath with a Lush bubble bar. Joe sits in our room and edits a video whilst I grab my book and read in the bath. After about half an our in the bath I get out and put on a face mask. I put on my pyjamas and I relax with Joe whilst my face mask sets and then go and wash it off. I do my skincare routine and then go downstairs and grab two cups of tea for Joe and I. We drink our tea in bed and then I cuddle Joe for a while. My head is rested on his bare chest and he thinks I'm asleep.
"I love you Mia Erndale. Don't ever forget that, you are the most amazing girl in the world." Joe whispers and my insides go all fuzzy. With that, I fall asleep.
Bit of a dramatic/cheesy chapter today!💕😂
Hope you like this story. Don't forget that it ends at chapter 40 and the sequel comes out. I will publish the sequel on the same day as chapter 40 so you can over and read the first chapter of the sequel straight after chapter 40.
Thanks for all the reads and votes.
ily lots,

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