Chapter 35

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(Picture ~ London eye at sunset, it has something to do with the chapter later on)
Mia's POV:

I switch on the radio and start singing as 'Sugar' by Maroon 5 comes on. I'm belting out the song as I do my hair and makeup.
Joe walks in and catches me singing and laughs. "Someone's happy today!"
"I am indeed Mr. Sugg!" I giggle.
"Good. By the way we're only going out into Brighton for the day, you don't need to put makeup on babe." Joe says.
"I doooo. It makes me feel more confident, plus I look like a troll without it!" I chuckle.
"Well I don't think you do, if you're going to be a troll you can be my beautiful troll." Joe laughs.
I just giggle and carry on applying my makeup.
Joe is wearing grey tracksuit trousers and no shirt and his hair is all floppy and cute. He looks hot I must say.
"Well change then suggy, you can't go into Brighton like that!" I protest.
"Calm down, I will!" He laughs and grabs some jeans and a t-shirt. He heads to our bathroom to change. He comes out minuets later wearing black skinny jeans, a white t-shirt and black jacket.
"Ready?" He asks.
"Yep, you?" I reply.
"Yeah, let's go then babe!" He says.
"What's it with you and 'babe' lately?" I laugh.
"I dunnooo." He chuckles.
"It's cute, I like it!" I wink at Joe.
He laughs and I grab my bag and we leave the house.
"Wait...wanna change the plan and drive to London for a day?" Joe asks me.
"Umm, okay." I decide.
"Let's go!" Joe says, he grabs my hand and pulls me towards the car.
Joe gets in the drivers seat and I get in the passenger seat. We set off and I turn the radio on and we sing along to all songs we know.
I look across as Joe as he drives, he looks so gorgeous. He is amazing and every time he smiles my heart melts, actually to be honest he doesn't even have to smile to make my heart melt.
We get into London eventually and Joe parks right near Big Ben. We walk along and soon we right next to Big Ben. I open up snapchat and take a picture of Joe doing a ridiculous pose next to Big Ben and caption it 'London with my weirdo🌆😘' and post it to my story.
"I bloody love London, it's amazing. Remember when we both used to live here and when you showed me around London when I moved and we saw all the sights.." I say to Joe, remembering that day.
"That's what we're doing today. It was my plan to kind of replicate that day in a way. But this time we're a couple.." Joe trails off and looks out across London.
"That's cute. Nice idea Suggy!" I trail off, "I love you Joseph Graham Sugg." I add looking at Joe. He turns his head towards me.
"I love you too Mia Emily Erndale." He looks into my eyes for so long I eventually have to look away. He laughs and takes my hand and we walk off.
"I'm hungry, how about some food?" Suggests Joe, a while later whilst we're walking down near the River Thames.
"I guess we could get some food..okay!" I agree, determined that I'll eat something good today.
"Guess what?" I say.
"What?" Says Joe.
"I ate breakfast this morning....a bowl of oats, yoghurt and fruit and finished it all. Are you proud?" I ask Joe, looking up at him.
"Very proud. Well done!" Joe smiles.
It makes me chuckle cause I sound like a tiny child that's being taught to eat all it's food. I wish. What I don't tell Joe is that I threw up after breakfast, I don't want him worrying because I'm okay...kind of.
We head along to a street with lots of places for food.
"I'd love a McDonalds right now, can you bear it?" Joe asks.
"No no and triple no, I hated McDonalds even before I had this eating disorder, but now...NO!" I say feeling shaky at the mention of greasy chips and fatty burgers and thick sickening milkshakes.
"Alright M, we'll go to that Italian place were we went the day I showed you round." Joe says.
"Okay, sorry Joe. I'm a pain in the bum with my stupid anorexia." I shudder at the word anorexia, I hate calling it that. I usually call it my 'eating disorder' because I just can't face the word anorexia. It makes my stomach lurch.
"Babe, you're all right. I love you to the moon and back and I'll never mind your eating disorder or your panic attacks or your insecurities. I understand how you feel and if I dumped you just cause of those things I'd be stupid because you need someone to stand by you through it all, that someone is me." Joe explains and he slips his hand into my hair and hold the back of my head and kisses me. There go my emotions again, my heart has melted again.
"Joseph Sugg if you keep being this cute, funny, kind, caring, hot, fit, adorable, sweet, loveable, smart and perfect, I swear my heart will turn to a puddle and I will just not be able to cope." I chuckle.
"That's me! I'm so loveable!" Joe jokes, "but seriously Mia, you are all those things and more." He says.
We carry on talking and laughing whilst we walk hand in hand to the Italian restraunt. We get there and I take a deep breath before walking in. We get taken to a table for two by one of the staff and we sit down and browse the menu.
"You'll hate me but I might just have salad." I say in a small voice.
"No, I won't hate you. Order what you want, I just want you to have something." Joe replies.
"Okay, what you going for?" I ask Joe.
"I might have to have the small pizza."
"Cool, are you getting a drink?" I ask.
"Nah nothing special, I'll just get us a jug of water yeah?" Joe asks.
"Yeah that's fine." I reply.
We order and eat our food and I check the time on my phone to see that it's 3:17pm.
"Let's go!" I say and we pay the bill and leave the restraunt.
We catch a classic red London double decker bus to Covent Garden and walk round the cute stalls and watch the surroundings and excited tourists with their phones held up taking photos of everything. Suddenly, someone runs past me and knocks me to the floor and I hit the pavement hard.
"Oh god, are you okay?" Asks Joe, helping me up. I brush the back of my trousers and adjust my hair.
"Yep, I'm fine." I smile and grab Joe's hand and we carry on walking.
After a while of looking around Covent Garden and getting some tea in one of the café's, we catch a bus and Joe won't tell me where. As we're on the bus it's about 6:30 and the sun is setting and it's creating a burst of pinks and oranges in the sky.
Joe blindfolds me and walks me off the bus and towards somewhere, I obviously don't know where.
"You must have incredible trust in me to let me guide you through London like this." Says Joe, shocked.
"Well you're my boyfriend, kinda gotta trust you, also I've known you for nearly all my life. I've got to trust you by now!" I reply.
We walk a little further and then Joe tells me I can take off the blindfold. I take it off and we're outside the London eye.
"Are we going on it?" I ask.
"Yep!" Joe says.
"Oooh yay!" I squeal like a small child.
We queue for a fee minuets and then we step across into one of the pods.
We are the only people in the pod and it feels nice, last time our pod was packed and slightly stuffy.
We rise up into the air and soon we're at the top, I'm looking out across London at sunset when Joe puts his arms around my waist and pulls me towards him, I put my arms around his neck and we kiss. It's the best kiss ever and I love it. We're kissing until we're nearly at the bottom of the London eye again and I break away. Joe is grinning at my like mad and then we burst into fits of laughter.
We reach the bottom and we step out our pod. We walk back to the car and I decide I'll drive home as Joe drove here.
On the way home we're silent, a nice silence. The kind that no one has to say anything to break, it's just Joe and I.
"That was one of the best days of my entire life. Thank you." I say to Joe.
"Good. I planned it all out you know, I'd say we were going into Brighton and then take you to London and do everything we did 5 years ago." Joe said.
"I loved it, I really did." I say.
"Good." Joe replies.
We sit in silence again for the rest of the journey home and when we get back to our flat it's 9:30pm and I'm tired. We walk into our flat and I dump my handbag on the floor and put my jacket on the little coat pegs by the door where Joe has also out his jacket.
Joe is making a small dinner of beans on toast in the kitchen.
I head upstairs and change into my red and black tartan pyjama trousers and grey t-shirt then I throw my brown wavy hair into a messy bun and take off my makeup. I go to the bathroom and do my skincare routine and all that stuff and then I head downstairs.
"D'you want a small portion off beans on toast?" Joe asks.
"Go on then, just for you Suggy!" I sigh as Joe puts a small piece of toast and some beans on a plate and puts it on the table along with his. We sit down and Joe eats all his food whilst I pick at it gingerly.
After eating half of my dinner I grab a glass of water and head upstairs. I put the water on the bedside table on my side of the bed and head to the bathroom.
I'm about to brush my teeth when my stomach lurches and I'm sick in the toilet again. I sigh and brush my teeth and get into our double bed. A few minuets later Joe climbs in and wraps and arm around my waist. He sees that I'm upset.
"What's wrong?" Joe asks.
"It's just then a few minuets ago I was sick and I was also sick this morning. I haven't stopped being sick after eating and the doctor said that I should be stopping with the sickness after eating but I'm not." I say, I feel tears brimming in my eyes.
"Aw Mia! Have you been taking your tablets?" Joe asks.
I gulp, scared to tell Joe the truth.
"No..." I trail off and a tear rolls down my face.
"Mia!" Joe moans.
"I'm sorry but for for fucks sake Joe, you don't know how hard it is having this eating disorder! It's bloody difficult because I have to pretend to want to eat when really I gag at the smell and sight of fast food. I hate my life!" I shout.
"Mia calm down, it'll be alright!" Joe says soothingly, pulling me close.
I let out all the tears that I've been keeping in and lie down resting y head on joes bear chest.
"I'm really sorry for being so complicated, I'm really bloody sorry.." I sob. I take a quick drink of water from the glass on my bedside table.
"It's okay, it's alright. I'm here for you Mia, I love you.." He soothes, rubbing my back.
"Love you too. Always and forever right?" I mumble.
"Always and forever." Joe says, he kisses my forehead lightly and snuggle into his chest before falling into a deep sleep.
Hope you enjoyed this chapter. The sequel will be coming after chapter 40. So at chapter 40 go onto my Wattpad account and there will be chapter 1 of the sequel 'Can this be our happy ending?'
Ily all, have an amazing day!
Keep smiling,

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