Chapter 14

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Joe's POV:
Once Mia had set off to Zoe's house, I texted Jasmine. Jasmine was my new girlfriend, I kinda liked Mia but Jasmine was amazing. She has shortish dark brown hair with blond/gingery dip dye, a bit like Zoe's hair. Her skin was tanned and she wasn't skinny but she wasn't plump she was just very curvy, her body shape reminded me of Mia when she was about 15. I'd met Jasmine at a YouTuber meeting in London a couple of weeks ago. I hadn't told Mia about Jasmine because I knew Mia liked me and I didn't want to brake her heart. Jasmine didn't think that It was a good idea for me to keep this secret from my best friend because that would make everything worse when she found out.

10 minuets later there was a knock at the door of Mia's flat.
"Hey!" Said Jasmine as I opened the door.
"Hello, we have 40 mineuts before you need to be gone cause I'm going over to Zoe's for a movie night with Mia, Alfie, Zoe, Jim and Tanya.." I said quickly.
"Only 40 minuets to hang out with you?" Jasmine complained.
"I'll make tea and we can just chat, there's a lot of stuff to talk about" I said.
"Okay!" Jasmine said taking a seat on the sofa.
I went and made some tea and once it was ready I came into the living room again and saw Jasmine sitting on the sofa on her phone.
We chatted for ages and then I realised the time, 5:55pm. Opps!
"Oh god! I best be off to Zoe's now." I said whilst we both walked out of the flat and I locked the door behind me. I gave Jasmine a quick kiss goodbye before jogging to Zoe's. I got there at 5:59pm, one minuet to spare. Great, they wouldn't suspect a thing.
I got there and we all sat down and had an awesome movie night, it turned out that Mia and I stayed at Zoe and Alfie's house as well as Jim and Tanya, they only had one spare bedroom that Jim and Tanya were in though so Mia and I had a sofa each to sleep on.
In the morning Mia and I went back to her flat. Mia went upstairs to film a Q&A for her youtube channel whilst I went and did the editing that I was supposed to have done last night.

Mia's POV:
I'd finished filming a Q&A and two other videos because I like to have some videos just incase something comes up and I'm too busy to film & edit.
I walked downstairs with my laptop and headphones and placed them on the sofa, I then made myself a cup of tea and started to edit & upload my Q&A. I put my cup of tea down on the little table in the living room next to the sofa and noticed a gold chain necklace with a heart on it on the table, this didn't belong to me. That's weird. Maybe it was Zoe's, Gabby or Naomi's as I don't have a necklace like this.
I decided to text Zoe.
'Hey Zo, did you leave a gold chain necklace with a little heart on @ mine? A found one but it's not mine. X' I sent the text. A few minuets later a reply came through.
'Nope, sorry M. Maybe it's Gabby or Naomi's? X'
I texted them both but they said no. Strange. Maybe Joe had a girl over yesterdy? No. He would tell me if he had a girlfriend, wouldn't he?
I kept trying to push the thought to the back of my head but it kept coming back.

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