Chapter 13

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Mias POV:
I woke up again at 10:00 and tried to get up and ready but failed miserably. I was shattered from my lack of sleep last night, I practically feel asleep at the kitchen table.
I texted Joe 'you awake?'
He replied 'yes'
'Come into the kitchen'
'Okay, be there in a min'

A few minuets later I was still half asleep at the kitchen table with a cup of tea. Joe walked in "are you alright? You look so tired!" He said.

"I'm fine", I said rubbing my eyes "I didn't get much sleep last night. Had a nightmare..." I said, remembering the nightmare.
He sat down next to me and hugged me. I rested my head on his chest and almost fell asleep again.

"You got work today?" He asked.

"No, thankfully not!" I said, taking a sip of my tea.

"That's good, we can have a day to ourselves. I'll make some toast." He said.

"Okay, thanks!" I drank the rest of my tea and scrolled through my twitter and replied to some comments on youtube on my phone.

We ate our toast and I headed upstairs to get ready. I showered and washed my hair, I got out of the shower and dried my hair. I did my makeup and loosely curled my hair. I put on an oversized grey knit jumper and some black disco pants. I then put on my favourite autumn/winter boots as it was November and very cold. I pulled on a black beanie.

I headed downstairs and grabbed my bag and phone.

"You ready to go?" I asked Joe.
"Yep! Where we going?" He asked.
"Not sure, wanna walk along the peir or summit? We could get a costa from the nearest one then drink them on the beach, I dunno?" I said.

"Sure, sounds perfect to me!" Joe exclaimed.

We walked along the pier then headed to the nearest Costa and grabbed a tea each then drank them on the beach. I was just finishing my tea when my phone buzzed. Zoe was rining.

"Yo!" I answered cheerfully into the phone.

"Heyyy!" She called back, "what you up to at the mo M?" She asked.

"Not much, drinking costa on the beach with Joe. Why?" I asked.

"Sounds lovely" she chuckled, wondering if you two wanna come round this evening for a relaxing movie night. How's that sound?" She asked.

"Great will see you at about 5:00ish?" I asked.

"Sure, anytime really. We're not busy today. Just getting some editing done. Oh and by the way, Tanya and Jim are coming down from London tonight too." She said.

"Okay cool! See you later Zo!" I replied.

"Byeee!" She called before hanging up.

"We're going to Alfie and Zoe's with Jim and Tanya at 5:00 for a movie night. Is that okay?" I asked Joe.

"Yeah sure! I'll have to come at six though, I'm busy at five.." He replied.

"Oh okay, doing what?" I asked, curious.

"Umm err" he paused for a second, "got to catch up on umm... editing!" He said.

"Oh okay, well I'll go back and get ready now. You coming?" I asked.

"Yeah!" He stood up.

I went back to my flat and 'got ready' (I just pulled my hair up into a nice pony tail and put some pyjamas and my makeup/wash bag and clean underwear in a small bag because I often end up spending the night there.

I said goodbye to Joe and put on a coat and my boots and walked to Zoe and Alfie's.

Something told me that Joe wasn't editing, he was somewhere else but he didn't want me to know where. But where?


Oooh cliffhanger (kinda)! Haha, hope you enjoyed this chapter.

I'm really getting into this story now! There is going to be some drama in the next chapters. Ooooh!;-)

Note: I probably won't update from around now until the 25th because this week is my last week then on the 20th my holidays start and i'll be quite busy before christmas & I'll be spending time with family!
So, if I don't update until after Christmas...Merry Christmas! (I might update a bit this week if you're lucky). Haha, enough blabbering on, have a good xmas guys! Thanks for over 600 reads, I can't believe it has that many already! ily💕🎅🎄


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