Chapter 3

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Mia's POV:

I've just finished unpacking everything in my room and the living room of my flat in Brighton. I just need to get two sofas for the living room, a small table for the tv and a wardrobe for my room as all my clothes are in piles on the floor at the moment. I bought my dressing table from home though so I didn't have to worry about that.

I get changed out of my big hoodie and leggings and into some nice jeans and a fluffy white jumper. I put on some concealer, powder, blush, mascara, eyeshadow and winged eyeliner. I pick out my favourite black boots and grab my handbag and find my way over to Zoe's place for dinner.

I get to her flat and am greeted by everyone (Zoe, Alfie, Gabby, Niomi and Marcus). I hug everyone, saying it's nice to see them again then we order pizza. We watch films for ages then Zoe makes us all watch a horror film even though she knows I hate them.

At 9:30pm it's dark so I head home. I get home and take off my makeup and throw my hair up into a messy bun and head for a shower. After my shower I put on a some comfy pyjama trousers and a big black t-shirt which I realise is one of Joe's that he left at mine once when him, Zoe and Alfie stayed over mine in London once when my parents were away. I really miss Joe.

I go to sleep but I sleep really badly, tossing and turning. Thinking of London, of Joe. It's weird cause I keep thinking of him but I'm 100% sure I don't have a crush on him...well maybe 99% sure. Maybe I do, just a little one.

One month later I have fully settled into my new home in Brighton. I invited Joe to come and stay this weekend, I'm not really managing to survive without him, I'm really insecure about myself and my body and I have anxiety and Joe kinda helps me through that but right now Zoes helping a lot with my anxiety cause she gets it too but she doesn't know about my insecurity, no one does.

It's Friday evening and Joe is going to arrive soon. He arrives at 7:00pm.

"Hey Joe!" I squeal hugging him as he arrives.

"Hello!" He laughs hugging me back.

After a while of watching films and tv I turn the tv off suddenly.

"Ah! What was that for?" Joe asks playfully punching my arm.

"I need to talk to you about something.." I say quietly.

"Go ahead.." Joe says looking at me with his big blue eyes.

"Umm well...I- I don't know if you've noticed but I'm really skinny, well to me I'm not, I'm still fat but everyone tells me I'm too skinny. I've been wearing big jumpers and hoodies to hide it and I'm really insecure about it. You know when I was a teenager I told you I hated being chubby well I stopped eating lots when I was 20 and now apparently according to doctors I'm anorexic.." I trail off then I feel tear roll slowly down my cheek.

Joe pulls me into a hug stroking my head lightly, like I'm the most delicate thing ever. After about a minuet of us not saying anything Joe sighs.

"I'm never going to be the perfect weight, either too skinny or too fat, bloody hell. I hate my weight!" I raise my voice.

"Shhh. It's okay, you're perfect to me, to your family, to your friends. It doesn't matter though. Thin is not perfect, the real you is perfect. Weather that's 'skinny' or 'chubby' I don't care, no one does as long as your happy and healthy." Joe says quietly.

"Ugh, I wish I could think like that. But to me nothing is perfect about me. I will never be perfect. I hate my body and I will NEVER be happy with it!" I say.

I burst into tears and I just lie there, my head on Joe's chest and I cry my little heart out. I cry until all my feelings have gone, washed away by tears.

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