Chapter 1

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       Today is day my bar opens I can hardly hold in my excitement. The bar is made of wood and placed near the beach to attract visitors. The layout is simple the middle is the bar itself surrounded by counters and lining the walls are booths for groups to relax. There is a kitchen in the back left corner and on the bathrooms are in the back right corner of the bar. There are also rooms on the second story of the building for people to stay and it also has my room in it.

       I walk over the the door and place an open sign on the outside to tell people I'm open. I go to sit down but I hear a knock. "Oh my first customer!" I cheer to myself and go to open the door. I stop when I see three small children. Two of them looked to be the same age and one was a few years younger. "um hello there? what are you guys doing here?" I ask them looking around for their parents. "we got lost and can't find our dad and then we saw this place and thought he might be here" the brunette holding the younger blonde one's hand said. I hold out a hand to them and say "oh well I don't think he's here do you wanna stay here and wait for him? I can give you some food." then immediately I think it sounds creepy. 

      "That sounds sketchy Wil we shouldn't do it" the pinkette who looked far more standoff-ish said. "I know but we might get more lost if we don't stay somewhere and Tommy is afraid of being lost Techno." "Fine but we only stay here for at most an hour before leaving" "ok sounds like a plan. Miss?" I listened to the two bicker then realized he had said some thing to me. "Yes?" "What's your name??" "my name is y/n what's your names?" "I'm Wilbur the pinky is technoblade but we call him techno and the small one here is Tommy!" "Nice to meet you I hope your dad gets here soon." "Us too"

    "Well come inside the breeze is getting kinda strong." I open the door wider for the to enter. They shuffle inside being super cautious. "Do you want anything to eat or drink?" my question was immediately answered by Tommy he said "APPLE JUICE AND COOKIES! PLEASE!" "wow you are excited haha" I go to start baking the cookies I prepared earlier and pour them some apple juice. I hand them the apple juice and tell them "the cookies will be baking for a few minutes" Tommy was rocking happily in his seat drinking his apple juice. Techno was more cautious taking small sips of the juice before realizing it was just juice and being less cautious. Wilbur was staring out the window probably searching for their dad and he didn't even notice the juice.

    ~Time Skip~

   The had been done for a few minutes I handed them to the children and sat with them to wait on their dad. So far no other people came to the bar which was a blessing in a way so I could make sure the children weren't in any danger. I hear a blonde man calling out for his children out in front of the bar he must've not seen hem inside yet so I walk over to the door and open it. "Sir are you looking for Wilbur, Techno, and Tommy?" "YES! Do you know where they are??" "Yeas I do their in the bar I was looking after them" Two of the boys come rushing out to hug their dad Techno however just stood next to them. "Hi dad look y/n made us cookies!" "Are you y/n?" I turn my head and nod at the clearly tired man. "I'm Phil thank you for looking after them we best be off though it's almost night" "Do you need any food for the trip?" "No but thank you" Phil was starting to walk off when Tommy stopped him and asked, "Dad can we come back she made us really good cookies!" "Maybe someday Tommy let's get going" "You all are welcome anytime!" The family of four then walked off and I then cleaned the bar and prepared for night guests.

-End of Chapter-

Author's Note~

I know my writing has a lot of mistakes I'm not a professional writer but I hope you at least enjoy the story!


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