Chapter 29

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~Hey sorry for the hiatus everything has been busy. Hopefully you all have had a good past few days! I might be bit rusty so bare with me! Thank you for 25k! Btw this might seem rushed so I'm sorry~

~Time Skip to the day before the wedding~

       The day was young and butterflies filled my stomach. Phil is staying with Techno for the night. Niki and Puffy are helping me prep the bar for the after party. I except already that Tommy has told a few people so I'm expecting maybe 10 people. I wish I got to tell Quackity but I couldn't find him.

      The two girls and I made the dresses and suits. I look out the window and see Tubbo walking up. Yes! All the bridesmaids are here! When I asked Tubbo to be a bridesmaid he asked Phil to make Ranboo a groomsman. Which Phil agreed to. Tubbo also agreed to wear a dress which was awesome. 

       All four of us decided on a dress style for their dresses. They be f/c dresses. The dresses were simple. The skirt half of the dresses are long and fluffy but not extravagant, the top part had shoulder straps to hold it up, and dresses were a faded f/c with white accents. Niki's dress was similar to theirs but had some green accents. My dress was white with one strap instead of two. It also had f/c accents. I loved every one of the dresses they were breath taking.

        Next were the suits which were all black. The dresses shirt underneath are green. It was simple since they requested them to all be the same except for Phil's which have wings holes for him. We send them to Techno's when we finished them so they should have them. Fundy ,the flower boy, decided on wearing a suit. He also decided on the flowers. I don't know what they are but I trust him.

        By now it is almost time for bed. The three people are staying over. My nerves cause me to shake slightly. Not out of fear but out of excitement. This is all like a dream for me. My life has changed so much thanks to Phil and I don't regret were meeting him. He brings me so much joy and is always there for me. I can't wait to be married. 

        Originally Phil and I were going to elope but believe it or not Techno insisted on a wedding. He's been cheering us on from the sidelines for so long he wasn't gonna settle for less. You could tell he was excited. He never really gets to something peaceful and fun because of the voices. So, this is a great thing for him to do. 

       I go and lay down. Excitement keeping me awake. Niki opens the door and sits next to me. "You got to sleep you have a big day tomorrow!" I chuckle. "Don't I know? haha" Niki has been doing somewhat better but I still worry for her. "Well you should sleep. Not sleeping will probably make you miserable tomorrow." I shrug and smile. Niki leaves the room and I let myself dose off.

~Time Skip~
       The morning arrives and I jump out of bed. Realizing the others were asleep I make a quick breakfast for us all. The smell wakes them up. As we eat we chat about the day. Tubbo is already looking over his dress. He wants to get into it soon.

       When we finish Puffy takes the plates and cleans theme as we all get ready. We decided on no makeup but we still had some out for later. As the time grows closer for us to leave my mind wanders to Wil. He would probably be just as excited as Techno. Jumping for joy when he heard the news. 

       Soon it was time to go. We all walked and laughed on our way to the spot in the forest. Yesterday we set it up with a few chairs and of course an alter. We hear people there meaning it's time. 

       A piano player plays the classic wedding song. Fundy walks down the isle throwing white roses on the ground. He takes his spot on my side. Soon both Puffy and Tubbo are out there. Niki gives me a hug before walking out there. Now's my time.

       I close my eyes and breathe. Walking into the isle I am taken aback by the number of people. Everyone I'd met was here even some I didn't know. This is way more than I thought would be here. All dressed nice. I saw Quackity, Sapnap, and even Bad there. Wow, Tommy really told a lot of people. Then continuing my stride I look Phil in the eyes. He looked handsome in the suit. My mind was fixated on him. This was truly happening. The brightest smile I've ever had appears as I realize this was really happening. When I reach my spot Phil takes my hand. He's smiling just as brightly as me. "You look beautiful."

      The priest has us say our vows I go first. "Phil there is so much to be said. Yet no way to say it. I am truly so lucky to have spent so much time with you. You are so special to me and I don't know what life would be like without you in it. Now I will get to spend the rest of my life with you. However long or short that may be I want nothing more than for it to be you. I promise to never leave you and to be there for you in your darkest times." Phil's eyes were glazed over. He starts his vows, "Y/N I never would have imagined we'd be here right now getting married. I always thought I'd chicken out and regret it but seeing you here makes me so glad I didn't chicken out. You make my life so special. I promise to always stay with you and be with you. I promise to brighten life as you have mine." 

      The priest pulls out the rings. We give them to each other and the priest speaks, "You may now kiss the bride." In a moment of pure bliss Phil and I kiss. The cheers around us making the moments more special. The loudness of it made our hearts scream with joy. This was real we were married. 

      Time flies by in a flash as we are all now in the bar. The wedding party heads upstairs for the final piece of tonight's fun. Switching outfits. I switched into Phil's suit and he put on my dress. Puffy traded with Tommy. Niki traded with Techno and Tubbo insisted on switching with Ranboo even though Puffy offered to trade with Ranboo. We did the groom and groomsmen's makeup. They looked great. Poor Ranboo's dress was really short on him because it was Tubbo's dress. Techno's suit dwarfed Niki. Tubbo's suit was way too long. This was hilarious.

    We all go downstairs and show off the outfits. Cheers are heard. Fundy stayed in his suit though because he refused to wear a dress. Phil and I greet people. Everyone says congrats. Quackity gave me a huge hug. "Congrats Madre!" I laugh you can tell he's happy. I'm just glad to see him.

    The night goes on until everyone is tired and go home. Some guests cleaned up the wedding site for us so we can sleep. Phil and I changed into comfortable clothes and laid down. We holdl each other and fall asleep. 

~End of Chapter~

Wow this was funny to write. The only wedding I've been to was my mother's wedding so bare with me. I hope ya'll enjoyed it. Have a good day/night! 


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