Chapter 3

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              It is currently a few days after that and the bar was running normally again. I had gotten a fairly big bruise from the man's shoe but nothing too bad. The man survived thanks to Phil taking him to the hospital though he now has to recover for a few weeks. Techno is back at the bar but Wilbur and Tommy were downstairs incase of an incident. Phil noticed I was acting slightly off and he asked,  "Are you okay? Is something wrong?" "no I'm okay my back just hurts." "Are you sure? Techno said that man had thrown something at out but he couldn't see what it was. I figured you'd tell me but you didn't." "It wasn't important so I didn't say anything." Phil looked at me like a child who did something wrong . "You should have said something whether it's bad or not you should take it easy." "It's not necessary Phil I'm ok"

              Phil walks past me and pokes my back I wince he hands me some ice. "Go lay down we'll cover for you for the rest of the night." "No Phil come on I'm not a child I know my body the best and I'm fine" "This is not discussion you can either go lay down or watch as we all take over the bar and not allow you to serve anything." "I'm not a child I don't need to be babied this is why I didn't say anything I knew you'd be worried" We stare at each other for a second. Phil suddenly lifts me up throws me over his shoulder and carries me to my room. I just stare off holding the ice. "See now we won't argue make sure not to keep the ice on too long it won't work right if you do." "Phi-" and he leaves. I guess I got no choice so I ice my back and almost as soon as I remove it I feel tired. I wonder what'll happen tomorrow I fall asleep to the singing of drunken men downstairs. 

~Time Skip~

                 I'm sweeping the floor to prepare for a free night without people at the bar. These nights I usually go to Phil and boys' house to hang out. I'm finishing up now I can't help but think of how lively this bar is thanks to Phil and the boys. Tubbo has become more attached to Tommy he now has sleepovers with him from what I hear. They really are inseparable the other day Tubbo went to go look at bees and Tommy picked flowers to try and attract some of the bees for Tubbo to get a better look at. It didn't work but it was really cute. The boys keep bringing along new friends some of which are Niki, BBH, and Skeppy. BBH and Skeppy mainly hang out together but sometimes come and play with the boys. Niki and Wilbur hang out a lot. I know Techno probably sounds lonely but he normally stays around me and what the others don't know is Techno is my favorite. 

               I start the small run to their house. Once again my thoughts go back to the boys. Tommy accidentally called me mom the other day. He was very embarrassed the other two laughed at him. Though afterward Tommy, Techno, and Wilbur asked to call me mom as they had never had one. Except the fridge which she has been unavailable for a while from what I hear.  I honestly don't think they know how much that means to me so I told them they could. Phil got news of this the same day and laughed but approved of their decision. I run into something hard called a door. I should have paid more attention to where I was. The door opens and Wilbur is there "Mum! you're here!" "MUM!!" Wilbur and Tommy run up to me and hug me. "Hello there! How are you all today?" "we're good come on in!!!" They drag me to the main room and Phil was reading a book my the fire with Techno they both waved. I wave back and look at whatever the boys are showing me. The night continues like this until the three boys were finally asleep. "Thank you" "huh?" "I said thank you. You've done a lot for my boys and I life was a lot harder before we met you" "oh! You're welcome but you don't need to thank me I love them so much they are adorable. They've really brightened up my life! Hey Phil?" "yeah?" "What do you think they'll be like all grown up?" " I have no clue we'll have to see"

~End of Chapter~

I know weird place to end but I need to sleep. So I know the is mainly SleepyBoysInc, but this story is set in the SMP I do have plans for when I want Dream introduced the story should move faster from now on there will be a few chapters of them learning songs on a piano or guitar. So should I just have the lyrics or add the songs to the top for you to listen to?

Dream SMP x Mom! Reader(platonic)Where stories live. Discover now