Chapter 27

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~Thank you for 20k and all of the support! I love you all! Also Happy Mother's Day! This is kind of like a Mother's day special! Anyway onto the story!~

~Time skip to a few days later~
             Waking up I smell something tasty coming from downstairs. Getting dressed and heading down I see Ghostbur and Tommy cooking. Those two are as close as ever. I walk next to them and put a hand on Tommy's shoulder. "What are you making?"

              Tommy shouts in surprise. "Oh hi mum you startled me! Ghostbur and I were making you breakfast!" That was a sweet thought but normally he doesn't cook. "What's the occasion? Normally you don't cook." Tommy gasps in shock. I guess today is special for some reason but I'm not sure why. It's not my birthday so why are they making me breakfast? 

              "Mum! How could you forget it's mother's day!" Ah. It made sense now. I forgot because normally I don't celebrate Mother's day. I did when the boys were young but as they grew old I kind of forgot the holiday. "Oh I guess I forgot. I wasn't expecting anything from anyone so I kind of forgot it was today." Tommy groans probably asking himself how I could forget. Though this holiday kind of isn't my favorite. That doesn't matter though what matters is Tommy and Ghostbur are here. 

           Ghostbur had been very concentrated on cooking some pancakes to notice me. He finally flip one and cheered when he saw it wasn't burnt. He then turned to Tommy to show him and noticed me. "oh mum! You aren't supposed to be up yet! This is supposed to be a surprise!" Chuckling at his goofiness I give him a reassuring smile. Tommy pipes up. "It's ok Ghostbur she still gets to eat the food. Oh and we brought gifts!" Tilting my head to the side slightly in curiosity I question him, "Gifts? You didn't have to yo being here is enough you two." Tommy then went on to wordily explain how gifts are very important to show meaning. Classic Tommy.

          I wish today wasn't mother's day though since I'm planning on heading back today to see Phil. One thing I know is that Techno is surprisingly very big on mother's day and father's day. He used to give me all sorts of flowers and gifts. It was adorable and somewhat smothering but I loved it none the less. Wilbur used to write songs and show them to me. Most would think it wasn't a lot but I was the first to hear the songs so it meant a lot. Tommy of course made breakfast every year. Though Phil helped him every time because Tommy isn't the best cook. Phil just insists on me chilling out and taking the day off but I never do. 

         Until this year because I have to restock the bar. Someone stole a bunch of booze while I was gone. I guess they needed it quite a bit. Now I've got to wait to get new items for the bar before I can reopen. 

         Tommy waves his hand in my face to snap me out of my thoughts. "Here you go mum!" He hands me a plate of pancakes bacon and eggs. His staple. He was so proud of mastering this breakfast he made it whenever he had the chance to cook. We all sat down and ate. Including Ghostbur somehow I'm not sure how he can eat as a ghost but I'm just gonna not think about it. 

          We finish eating and Tommy leaves the room. When he returns he is holding two presents. "One is from me and the other is from Ghostbur." I thank them and open the one closest to me. Inside was a plant  with a note saying 'Happy Mother's Day Mum! This plant will grow up and be blue! I know the plant will love it with you!'. This was definitely from Ghostbur his innocence shows in his note. "Thank you Ghostbur I love it. I'll make sure to take good care of it." He smiles brightly and you can tell he's proud of picking that gift.

           I open Tommy's and inside is four mini compasses. Each engraved with a name and hung on a necklace. Looking up I see Tommy smiling proudly. "They point to me, Tubbo, your house, and Big Q at all times." Wait. Big Q? Does he mean Quackity. Does Tommy know? Tommy sees my confusion and answers the questions going through my head. "I heard Big Q call you Madre when we were reunited. I caught onto what it meant. At first I was angry when I realized it but then I thought that if he has permission to call you that then he means a lot to you. So, I figured why not except it and add him to my awesome present!" I smile. Tommy never was the type to except easily so I know this wasn't easy for him but he added Quackity anyway. This truly was a thoughtful gift. Putting it on it was surprisingly light probably an enchantment put on it. 

Dream SMP x Mom! Reader(platonic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora