Chapter 8

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~Bum bum I know I have been absent. I am sorry about that some family stuff came up. I'm back now and figured I'd give the people who still reads this a new chapter. Thank you to all who read this still. It means so much.~

                 Tension could cut the air in Pogtopia. A festival was announced to happen in Manburg. Tuboo went back to Shlatt to prepare for the festival but Wilbur and Tommy were talking. I could hear them. "Let's burn the place to the fucking ground!" "wilbur no-" "Let's make it so that crops never grow there again!" Wilbur had lost it. "Mom you shouldn't be listening to that." Techno had spoken from behind me. "I know but Wilbur worked so hard for that country and now he wishes to destroy it all. It's terrible" "I know but that place has a government it was destined to be ruined." "I'm guessing you are on board to destroy it." "Of course I am but I don't want you to be sad over it. Once it is gone people will be much happier." I shouldn't be surprised he feels this way but I can't help but feel my heart break. "I'm going to go to talk with Fundy" "You've been visiting him a lot mom." "Yeah well he can't see his dad and Phil is no where to be seen." "Fair just be careful" "Trust me they won't do anything to me" I leave Pogtopia. How had it l spiraled this far. Wilbur wished the fall of his nation and there was nothing anyone could do.

              "Nana!" "Hi Fundy how are you?" I pet his head. "I'm well we are preparing for the festival. You know you are invited right!?" "I am?" "Yep" "Oh ok sounds great hopefully it will be fun" I cringe at the realization that I will probably be there for Manburg's destruction. Fundy and I walked and talked for a while he seemed to have grown since I last saw him. Now he resembled a boy in his teens he grew a lot. I know he acts happy around me but is really sad inside but I can't let him know that. As we walk through Manburg I grow more weary knowing what could happen in the next few days. As Fundy and I part ways and I head home I look back to see Shlatt smiling with a beer can in his hand.

~Time Skip bc I suck at building these things up~

            Today was the day. None of the boys had spoken to me in the last few days. I know what they've been planning so I know why they haven't said anything to me. Wilbur and I had had a small spat about Manburg's destruction. He has truly gone off the deep end. I remember him and Phil playing guitar and Wil learning new songs. He was great at it and he looked so at peace but now.... He isn't the same he is far more miserable. As much as I hate to say it but it was because of L'Manburg. All he wants is to live peacefully in this land but he can't anymore. 

            As I trudge to Manburg I see Techno walking along the same path. We looked at each other and said nothing. We just walked to the festival together. The feeling of unease never settled as we saw the group of partying people. We all sat in seats in front of the looming stage in which Schlatt sat. He looked scarily happy for this festival he was grinning from ear to ear. 

            Shlatt game a speech and then we all went to celebrate Manburg. "Mom I'm going to go find out as much as I can" "Ok be safe Techno" "I will" Techno leaves my side on the bench I was sitting on. I was observing everyone's party. I wasn't in the mood to party. "Ya know this is a celebration right?" "Don't Schlatt you've already won this land what could you gain from this festival?" "Whatever could you mean?" "You know exactly what I'm talking about you look too happy today". "Caught me but I'm not saying why I'm so happy. Instead let's toast to Manburg's prosperity!"  This evil man hands me a shot. I have no clue why he just carries this around but I need a shot at this point. "Is Niki catering?" "Yep. Ya know I have a question for you" "What is it?" "How am I the evil one other than the obvious I don't like your sons" "You basically summed it up right there. My sons are my pride and I care more for their safety then my own" "True but I'm not a bad person. Wilbur put himself as president unfairly and Tommy has been increasingly shown to do shady things. Heck they built this country off of drug deals. Yet I'm evil. When I die this country will too you know. I have been keeping things together and running but to everyone I am evil." "You could have given them a trial not banished them from their own country Schlatt. I have nothing else to say to you. Thank you for the drink" I set down the tiny cup I was holding and went back to the seating area.

         As everyone filed into the seats Schlatt walked with Quackity onto the stage. He began telling a speech that I tuned out. Soon Tubbo walked on stage. All eyes were on him as he spoke of the togetherness of Manburg. However, as he went to leave Schlatt burst out laughing. He handed Quackity boxes that they stack around Tubbo surrounding him. "You know what happens to traitors around here Tubbo?" The crowd stares in shock. My mind rushes with different ideas of what could happen and not one was good. "Techno can you come up here for a second?" Just like that everyone's eyes bore into Techno. Nervously he walked up onto the stage you could tell he was uncomfortable. My brain tuned everything out I tried to run onto the stage but Fundy grabbed onto to me. I'm guessing he knew as well as I what is happening. His face is slowly aging before my eyes. Techn points his crossbow to Tubbo. I couldn't hear but I could tell I was yelling begging for Techno to stop. "Tubbo I'm sorry but I'll make it as painless and as colorful as possible" Techno fired the rocket. It barely missed Tubbo but he was serevely burned and look to be dead. 

        Tommy jumped down and argued with Techno. I raced up there and grabbed Tubbo. I couldn't believe this had happened. I could sense a heartbeat so he could be saved. His quiet moans of pain hurt my heart. He wasn't one of my sons but he was very close to being one. Shlat and Quackity lied next to the stage recouping from the blast not aware of anything around them. Techno, Tommy, and I all ran. Tommy took Tubbo and carried him back to Pogtopia. YOu could tell he was hurt that Techno did this. Tubbo was set down on a bed and I tended to his wounds. People such as Niki and Fundy walked in and went downstairs with Wilbur following behind them. We had gotten more recruits. Tubbo was waking up. "Owww I feel terrible" "I know Tubbo you were badly burned I don't know how long it will last. I've done the best I can" "It's ok I appreciate everything you've done Ms. Y/N. Can we go down stairs I think Tommy might do something rash." "You're probably right" I helped Tubbo up and we went down farther into Pogtopia. We look for everyone and find them in a dug out pit. Techno and Tommy are armorless and weaponless smashing each others face in. "You both stop it!" "We can't mum he tried to kill Tubbo I have to do this!" I knew there was no getting to them. Techno prevailed and they didn't keep talking about it.

         "Tubbo should go home with me so I can look after him." "sounds good Tommy help mum get Tubbo to the bar."  We head to the bar and lay Tubbo down in the spare rooms. "Mum will Tubbo be ok?" "Yes he will. But being rash and fighting won't help him" "I know but I was just so mad" "I know son but he wants you to be ok" "I know I'll try to keep it together. It's just today was horrible Manburg was almost destroyed and Tubbo almost died." I hug him. "It'll be ok Tommy wait I'll be right back" I go to the kitchen and make him hot chocolate and fresh cookies. "Here remember the cookies. I made them when I first met you" "I remember! They were so good!" We laugh about stories of him growing up as the night fades away and the sun rises.

~End of Chapter~
  Ayo this chapter took a while. Next one should be when Wil does the boomy thing lol. Phil will be coming back! Horray! Once again my memory of these events are shaky so if they are dramatically off just let me know. Anyway thank you for reading !


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