Chapter 15

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~Time Skip bc why not~

       The morning is new and I just sent off Phil's crow back to him. This is how we talk now we send each other notes through his crows. He said he's been ok just hanging of with Ghostbur. "Mum! Was that Phil's crow?!" "Yes Tommy it was. Yes he is doing ok" "OK Thank you mum! Do you wanna hear about Mexican Dream?" I half laugh half sigh. Tommy has told me of Mexican Dream and Drista quite a lot. Though I know those were traumatic times for him.

      A tired Techno walks into the home. Tommy immediately cuts off his story and talks to Techno. The two are getting along far better than when Pogtopia existed. It put a smile on my face as I watched them banter. "Techno are we going to L'Manburg today?!" What did I just hear? "Yes Tommy we're going today" I cut in. "Am I not invited?" "Mom you'd get put back into house arrest" "I can handle myself plus I have an idea to protect myself don't worry about me" "Fine you can come just be careful." I nod and we start to pack for the trip.

      We arrive in L'Manburg and I look around. Not much has changed as Techno and Tommy go off to do their plan for the day I walk to the place I was set on visiting. I knock on his door. He answers the door and looks at me with surprise. "Tubbo be quiet and listen to me." He looked shocked. "Fundy said you went missing and we couldn't find you! We thought something bad happened!" "Nothing happened to me but your terrible house arrest frankly pissed me off." Tubbo's face turned white he knew I was angry. "Tubbo I would never hurt you. I saved your life but wrongfully putting me on house arrest is wrong. I'm not a citizen on your land. You cannot expect me to follow your will."

    Tubbo poured some tea shaking slightly. He put honey in the cups and handed me one. "So, um how about we talk about t-this" "That sounds lovely" What ensued was boring but I got somewhere without giving up Techno and Tommy's location. We worked out that I can be free to roam the country however I must have someone with me whenever I walk around. Though the second I leave the country I am free to do as I please. The only thing he wanted in return is a promise to not attack the country or any of its citizens. Which I obviously agreed to. Funny what a little intimidation will do. "Glad we can come to an agreement Tubbo!" Tubbo looks to be much calmer he sends a goat out with a note. "I'm sending a note to Quackity to escort you around since Fundy couldn't really keep track of you before." "Haha very funny. How is Fundy?" "He is fine but he is very upset currently but I'll let him explain all of that to you" "Ok" Quackity soon arrives at Tubbo's home. Quackity walks up and pokes me in forehead. I swat his hand away. "Quackity what in the world" Quackty just laughs. I give Tubbo a hug and apologize. Then Quackity and I walk around for a bit heading towards Phil's home.

    Quackity stops about halfway there. I turn to look at him. He looks tired just as tired as when he came to me during Shlatt's reign. "Quackity?" He says nothing just sits down and I can't help but feel sorry for him and sit next him patting his back lightly. "I'm so sorry! About the whole Techno situation! I never should have acted like that! I've been so focused on making this country better than how Shlatt had it. That I didn't care how we got there. I was so terrible to you and I'm so sorry! You've been nothing but kind to me and yet I acted so terribly." I listened to him patiently. I knew he was telling the truth. Honestly I acted out of line too. I was worried for Techno in those moments and kind of lost it. While I don't agree with how they decided to help the country I understood it. These past few months being patient hasn't been my strong suit. "Quackity I do not hate you or any L'Manburg citizens. You all mean a great deal to me you are all like my children in a way. While I cannot forgive you for trying to kill my son I can;t say I was being rational in the moment either. I was ready to hurt you and I shouldn't have been. I was very out of line so I'm sorry to you as well." I hug Quackity he had started to shed small tears as all the stress he'd been feeling finally came pouring out. 

     We sat their for a while letting him cry out his stress. Eventually he turns to me and smiles, "I know you get this a lot but you truly are like my mother. Being nice to me after all I've done. Seeing the best in me when others don't. It's truly your skill." I smile at him warmly. "I try to see the best in everyone. I know what your feeling but know you can't always be in control." Quackity seemed to take in the words and think about them. "Thank you. Can. Can I call you madre?" I look over slightly surprised but I answer him swiftly, "I'm completely fine with it Quackity. Welcome to my band of misfit kids. Though do know I don't condone fighting amongst each other and I don't think they other four will accept you into there because well you know why." Quackity's confusion and happiness is evident on his face as he asks, "The other four? I thought there were only three?" "Did you forget Phil? He is a big part of my life too"

    We walk the rest of the way to Phil's home and I ask Quackity to stay outside so Phil and I could be alone. He agreed and stood on the dock repining some photos. I knock and Phil lets me in. "Y/N! How are you here? Did they find you? Does Techno know?" I cut him off, "Phil one at a time please." He looks at me apologetically. "Sorry sorry" "I'm fine though I made a deal with Tubbo so I can freely roam L'Manburg as long as I have an escort. " He sighs in relief, "Oh ok that's good to hear." I nod and we sit on his bed. "so much has happened it feels good to relax" Phil just nods. We sit there enjoying the quite moment. The sun was starting to set and I knew I would have to leave but I didn't want this moment to end. Phil had fallen asleep on my shoulder. He looked peaceful for once. I move and lower him down the lay on the bed. I give his head a kiss then leave. I walk to the patient Quackity and we head to the border and I leave. I head towards the bar to trick Quackity. As soon as I am out of his vision I grab my compass and head towards the portal and to Techno's home. 

    I honestly hate to nether. Though it is the quickest way to his house. I traversed the land and made it to his portal gateway. Just as I was about to walk through I notice a fireball and quickly deflect it back at the ghast. I quickly jump through the portal. That was close. I make it to Techno's house. He is frantically looking out the window for something. I laugh as his head almost seems to snap in my direction as soon as I'm in earshot. "MUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Here we go. "Hi guys!" Techno starts in on his worrying. "Mom where were you all day. We were worried they got you!" "Techno I'm fine I made a deal with Tubbo." They stared at me is confusion. "I'll tell you later but I'm going to sleep now good night." I waved goodnight and walked to the newly dug out room for me. Today's been a long day. I'm getting too old for this. Now I know why Phil always looks so tired.

~End of Chapter~

Honestly this isn't my proudest chapter but for now it'll do. Sorry for the long amounts of dialog. My idea for the ending is coming up so be prepared for that. Anyway thank you all for the love and support it means the world to me!


Dream SMP x Mom! Reader(platonic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora