Chapter 30

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~Ayo ya boi is out of school so expect more chapters! Thank you for 26k! Thank you for being patient with me. Anyway onto the chapter~

~Time Skip~
        Step after I step I walk around the land Dream once owned. A lot has happened since my wedding. Bad has become very strange and discolored. He invited me over to meet some egg thing. I trust him so why not. That isn't for a few days though. 

        Techno has adopted a polar bear who he named Steve. Steve is adorable. He just lets us give him big hugs. Techno also went into his yearly hibernation. Apparently, Phil and him are working on something big and I can't see yet which I why I decided to visit the people here. 

       Tubbo and Ranboo got married! Platonically though. They have been begging me to visit so that is one of my stops today. Tommy built a hotel with Sam Nook. He headed off to the prison a few days ago. Apparently there was a security issue so he's stuck there for a bit. I worry about what Dream will do but I have to hold out hope that he will be ok.

          I see a familiar person. Actually a few familiar people. Fundy? Ranboo? Tubbo? Phil? I guess I don't need to meet them there after all they're on their way there too I guess. I run up to the group. Surprising Fundy by poking his side. His girlish scream making everyone laugh. "Hello everyone! Are we all heading to SnowChester?" Tubbo responds, "We are! Oh! I forgot you were visiting today! Well might as well show you and Phil at the same time" I tilt my head and Phil shrugs with me. Phil and I look at each other a hold hands for the walk. Making small talk with the group on our way there. 

    "Fundy do you remember when you were real little and you thought Phil and I were married?" Fundy's face turned red remembering how silly he was back then. "Yeah I do. I cannot believe I said that to you guys" Everyone lets out a chuckle. "Well I guess now you aren't wrong. Back then you were but now you aren't haha" Phil has a proud smile on his face as he pulls me closer. 

     The snow covered houses come into view as we finish the conversation. It's hard to believe this place is home to nukes. It seems unexpecting and innocent but it isn't. Kind of like Tubbo. Now that I think about it that makes sense. 

       Ranboo and Tubbo lead the group into a house which they claimed as their own. Leading us the the second story We all climb the sturdy ladder to see a baby zombie pigman. He is adorable! A little chicken clucks and rushes next to the small pigman. "This is Michael. He's our son!" 

       Phil's eyes are lit up in a excited way. "I have a grandson! This is amazing!" A cough from Fundy is heard but Phil ignores him. I back up to stand next to Fundy giving him a side hug. Showing him I still care. His sadness is still evident though. Phil still holding a grudge hurts him but Phil hasn't seem Fundy make any real efforts to apologize to him for it. 

       Fundy's eyes show hatred toward the small child in front of us. He shouldn't direct that anger towards him. To snap Fundy out of it I pinch him lightly. Fundy indeed does snap out of it and greets the child. Tubbo and Ranboo are recounting their adventure when trying to adopt Michael. 

       The posters on the wall were expertly made. It captured the family's likeness very well. I should get one for my bar to hang up. I kneel next to the little boy and pat his head. He oinks at me in joy. He is adorable. 

~Time Skip~
       We spent a few hours playing with Michael. Tubbo and Ranboo told us we were welcome anytime. Phil and I are walking a ways down the path. At some point Fundy had left. It was the perfect time to talk to Phil about Fundy. "Hey Phil you know your comment really hurt Fundy." Phil looks down. He knows it's wrong but his cannot forgive Fundy right now. "Well he should not have done what he did and we wouldn't have problems. Currently he is not my grandson" "Well he is my grandson no matter what. I know it'll be a while before you forgive him but try and give him a chance. You mean a lot to him." Phil nods and we see the fork in the road. 

    "I'll be home tomorrow Phil until then have a nice night! Love you." "Night Love you. We hug and head our different ways. My path passes by the prison. A panicked Sam is leaning against the prison trying to calm himself. I rush to him. "Sam are you ok?!" 

     He looks at me with sorrow filled eyes. Tears dripping down. Oh no what happened in there? "Y/N. Tommy he-" Panic courses through my veins. Where's Tommy! Is he ok?! "What happened Sam!" Sam sputters the words out, "He- he was k-killed by Dream! I'm so sorry! I was trying to get there but I was too late!" 

      The familiar feeling of my world coming to a stop is felt. The feeling of dread rips through my body as his words sink in. It couldn't be. Not Tommy. He was so young. My son. Not again. This can't be happening again! NO way. At this point I can tell I'm shaking. Wet tears are falling from my eyes. After everything Dream just takes him away just like that. 

     "Thank you for telling me Sam. I know you did everything you could. Go home and be careful." the words leave my mouth without me even processing them. My body automatically moves to head towards my home. The bar. 

      The road to the bar seems to stretch on forever as all of my memories with Tommy fill my head at once. His cheerful nature. Him looking out for Tubbo at a young age. How if it weren't for him I wouldn't be where I am today. Now I can't see him anymore. That monster took him away from me. 

       Opening the doors to the bar. I remember my time in the afterlife. I wonder where he is. Is he ok? I wish I could bring him back. He shouldn't have to go through this. He's still a child. Picking up the family photo which has a new frame I allow my tears to fall on the glass. I want him back. I want all of my sons back. 

       Seeing my wedding photo with Tommy smiling away in his suit tears at my heart. Why? Why is it always us that lose everything? If I had just gone with him he might still be here. I wasn't there for either of them I'm a terrible mother. My thoughts become erratic switching between mourning both sons and mourning just Tommy. I feel like all control I had is lost for a while until a crow flies onto my shoulder. 

~End of Chapter~
So I wanted to start with the ending is supposed to be kind of all over the place so please don't be mad about it being confusing. I know the events don't line up but bare with me. I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Have a good day/night!



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