Chapter 32

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~Hello! I'm back again as promised! Thank you for support for my return it means a lot to me! Thank you for 39.7k reads! Anyway onto the story~

~No time skip ;-;~

         "Well hello there! I knew I'd be seeing you soon!" Dream glides across his cell to meet my eye.  His smile disturbingly vibrant. "let me guess you heard the news? I'm just testing my power and to be fair he was testing my patience." Disgust fills my system. "You sick fuck. Don't test your luck because the house always wins." He lets out a snarl like laugh. "Oh and you'd be the house? Don't you see everybody is just my puppet. I get exactly what I want I only have to wait. Now onto our business-" I cut him off. "We're not done here! You better bring my son back! You've caused enough harm! I know you can bring him back!" 

        Dream slides down a wall and sits quietly. "Do you really think I needed to kill him? I already knew the book worked." He leaves an uncomfortable pause as he looks up at me. The look his scheming eyes is terrifying but I cannot show fear now. "I just need to lure you here. You see I knew either you him would visit soon enough it was just a waiting game. I need you to do me a favor in return I will revive Tommy. Now may we talk business?"

         Conceding I sit in the same spot I was standing before. I nervously twiddle my thumbs. What could he be planning? "alright so I need you to deliver a message to Techno for me." What? Why would Techno be getting a message from this murderer. "Tell him that I'll be needing that favor here soon." "What favor?!" He chuckles. "It wouldn't be fun if I told you now would it?" 

        We sit in silence for a few minutes before I decide to respond. "I'll do it but only if Tommy is back in the next few days" He nods and starts looking around. He gets up and grabs a book. He quickly scribbles something on a book and hands it to me. "I'll do it today if you hand this to Ranboo" Ranboo? Once again I ask myself what he needs with these two. They don't have a connection to them do they?  I stare at the book opening it slowly. Inside is a smiley face and nothing else. "What does this mean?" He throws his hand up dismissively. "What you don't know won't hurt you" My blood once again starts to boil. This self centered man plays with the lives of many different people. Then a questions pops into my head.

       "How do you know if it is delivered or not?" He claps his hands together and looks at me with glee. "THIS" He opens his arms up in my direction almost like showing me off to an invisible audience. "This is why I know you'll do what I ask. You came here ready to sacrifice everything for Tommy!" His words turn into mocking as he says, "The poor boy. A life so short lived." He places both of his hands on the lectern to his right. "You will do what I ask because you want Tommy back. Even if you leave here and decide not to do it you will rethink it because you feel guilty." 



        He hit a sore spot. One I didn't even know I had. 



        Had it really been that simple to sum up my emotions. How could I feel guilty though? I didn't cause either of their deaths! I didn't do it! I didn't make them go do something crazy! 


You sure Y/n?

        No. I'm not sure. How can I be? 


Your fault

      It is my fault. I should have stopped them. I could have. Couldn't I? I shouldn't have told Wilbur to hold an election. If I'd have known it would lead to his death I would have never brought it up. Then we could be fishing with Fundy and Wil could have gone to the wedding. Instead he's stuck in the afterlife. Then there's Tommy. He must be so scared. I should have never let him visit Dream. I knew Dream was planning something yet I ignored it. I should have known he was gonna use Tommy to meet his own ends. Now I've lost another one. It's all my fault. 

      "It's not your fault Y/n" 

    I hear a voice. A voice of reason. Phil's voice. 

        "We can't change the past. There was nothing we could do. At least we still have each other. They would want us to be happy. Not blame ourselves for things we have no control over." 

      He's right. I can't change the past. I couldn't do anything. It's not my fault but if I can get one of them back I have to do it. Sadly, Wilbur is too far gone.

      Slowly I feel myself get grounded and I am brought back to reality. I look at my surroundings. I'm still in the cell with Dream. He is still smiling down at me. "Are you back from your thoughts now? Sam is here you better go back. Remember what I asked you to do. I'll see you later y/n!" 

      I stand and walk onto the platform holding the book. What even happened in there? I was trapped in my thoughts. "Earth to Y/n?" Sam is waving a hand in my face trying to get my attention. "Sorry!" He looks at me skeptically. "What happened in there? Is everything alright?" Rubbing my tired eyes I try and find words. "I wish I knew the answer to that myself Sam. I just wanna get out of here." 

      Sam leads me through the well-built prison. Once I finally reach the end I look to Sam who looks to be extremely tired. You could tell something was on his mind. I walk to him and place a hand on his shoulder. "We can't change the past. What happened wasn't your fault Sam. Things happen and we can't always prevent them" He looks at me sadly before nodding. I take my leave and back to my home. 

     When I arrive a crow is waiting for me. Cawing happily at my return.  "Do you wanna come with me little one?" Once again the crow caws. The bird flies onto my shoulder. I walk out to Pryde and saddle him up. Soon, we take off for Techno's home. Even though guilt isn't controlling me the weird feeling of Dream knowing what I am doing doesn't leave me. Ranboo lives on Techno's property so it should be easy to give him the book. Then I can deliver Dream's message to Techno. 

       The compass leads me the my destination. The snowy area freezing everything around it. Looking up through the trees I see the house with Ranboo's shack nearby. 

Here goes nothing.

~End of Chapter~
 Wow this felt confusing to make lol. Hopefully it's not too weird and you all like it! Sorry for the cliffhanger. I'll see you all in the next chapter! Thank you for reading!


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