Chapter 7

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~Happy 16th haha  I felt it was appropriate to make a chapter today. This is where in the story it might get fuzzy because the reader cannot be around them the whole time but other events will be put in place to semi fix this anyway story time!~

       It's been a few days since the boys had asked me for new clothes. Tubbo is here to walk with me to Pogtopia and so they can all try on their new clothes. I leave the bar with a bag in had as I lock the door. "Tubbo how has it been in Manburg?" I ask as Tubbo and I officially set off. Tubbo is silent for a moment. "Um well it's hard to explain. Fundy has actually gotten significantly bigger. He is almost your height now. However, he is very different." "That wasn't what I asked but how so?" "He- uh burned the flag... He also remade it to Shlatt's liking." "Fundy did? There's no way! Does WIlbur know?" "Yeah he saw it. That's why he asked for new clothes" "I see". From then on the trip was mostly silent as both of us contemplated what would happen next in Manburg. 

     We reached Pogtopia and headed inside. "We're here!" "horray mum is here!" Tommy yelled. I handed all of them their individual clothes and they hid in different areas to change. I noticed the absence of Techno. "Wil? Where's Techno gone?" "I think he's farming some potatoes right now. I wouldn't bother him he gets hyper focused on farming." "Ok then" Tommy was the first to get done. He dashed out into the open yelling words excitement that I could not understand. His outfit was simple a long sleeved shirt with red sleeves and white middle area. He also wore simple tan jeans with this. Tubbo was finished next but he was slightly odd. He had slightly torn the shirt at the bottom. He had a green dress shirt which he had mostly tucked in his dark jeans. "Sorry to have torn it but it was the only way I could get my disguise over it." "disguise?" "Yeah Shlatt has us wearing suits now so I have to wear it over your outfit sorry!" "It's fine Tubbo". Tommy interjects "Mum Tubbo and I need to go build a sewer system! Can we go?!" "Yes you can go be safe ok?" "We will" They both left after that. "Wil are you almost done?" "Almost!" Finally he steps out I was worried his might not fir him but it fits perfectly. He wore a brown trench coat over a white shirt and dark brown pants to match the look. Some accessories I added were some dark fingerless gloves and a black cloak like hood. "It looks great! Thank you mum! I'm glad to be out of that filthy costume" "I'm glad you like it"

      Techno walks out from a dug out area of the cave. "Hey Wilbur I'm taking a break from farming anything interesting going on?" "Hi Techno look how over L'Manburg I am!" "You changed clothes" "Yes I did! I'm happy to be out of those sweaty clothes. I'll be honest I never washed it once." "That's concerning" Techno turned his head and saw me. He was about to greet me when Wilbur says "How about you Techno have you ever washed your kingly gown?" "Uh-" Techno looked away frantically. "Wanna see the farm?!" "Uh sure!" We all walked toward the farm. It was a huge potato farm. "Here have some potatoes" He handed Wilbur and I each 64 baked potatoes. "How long were you in here?" "Um I never left from the last time you visited." "That's like 14 hours Technoblade" "Revolution waits for no man" They continue to talk. "Um I want to go to Manburg I heard it's gotten crazy and I need to make sure everyone is ok" They both stopped. "Heh?" "Mum that's dangerous" I sigh, "He doesn't know who I am so for all he knows I'm just some lady" "Still" "I'll be fine but I figured I'd let you know."

   I left the cave and headed off to Manburg to the dismay of Techno and Wilbur. As I walked I prepared what to do if I am caught. I know Tommy and Tubbo are making sewers underneath Manburg so I could always flee there if need be. I almost enter Manburg when I see the flag. I was different now. It was completely black with gold lines to compliment the darkness. I guess Tubbo was telling the truth. I walk further into Manburg. "Nana?" I turn and see Fundy. He was much taller and seemed far more mature. "Fundy? How are you so much bigger?" "I'm not sure but you shouldn't be here." "Why not I can come visit. What have you done to the flag?" "Manburg is under new management that's why I changed the flag." Fundy looked almost dead inside at this point. He was following someone who betrayed everything L'Manburg was made for. Yet he did it willingly. "Fundy! Who's that with you!"

   I froze. It was him. The man who took away everything that they almost died for. Shlatt. "Oh um this is my nana Y/N" "Hello there Mrs.Y/N" I try to hold in my disgust. "Hello there" "Might I say you look like a milf" "The hell?!" "I said what I said. You are very attractive for having children" "Normally I would thank you but I don't appreciate the way you phrased that" "Fair enough. Anyway welcome to Manburg it's under new management obviously" "I can tell" Shlatt showed me around Manburg. "Say which one of Fundy's parents are you the mother of Y/N?" He had a terrifying smile. "His father's side I adopted him and his brothers as children" "Oh I see you have some balls being that honest with me given your position." "I see no point in lying to you" "Fair but still at any point this could go wrong for you" "I'm aware but I am no threat to you. I own a bar a little ways away." "Really? A bar? How much booze do you sell" "Enough why?" "I'll more than likely stop by you see I happen to like beer quite a bit. In fact why don't I walk back with you?" "Fine go ahead but don't try anything funny I'm not afraid to shed some blood" "I like how feisty you are" 

   From there Shlatt followed me home. I could see Techno following in the distance but ignore it. When we arrive at the bar I open the door. "Give me the best you have" "Coming right up" I pour him a drink and hand it to him. "How do I know it's not poisoned?" "It'd be bad for business if I poisoned it" "True" Techno throws open the door to the glee of Shlatt. "Shlatt what are you doing here? What to you want with her?" "Oh don't worry I mean her no harm I just wanted a drink. However since we're here how about we make an agreement?" "Why would I do anything for you?" "Well I know this place exists now so defy me and this place goes boom and neither of you don't want that. Frankly neither would I" Techno angerly sat down next to him. "When I need a favor from you Techno I'll let you know but for now I'll take my leave" Shlatt leaves the bar. 

   Techno and I sat in silence. "I wouldn't have listened to him Techno" "Well this place holds many of my happiest memories I can't let it go. However, this wouldn't have happened if you didn't go to Manburg" "I'm aware but none of you should worry about me I'll be fine. He only gets anything if you guys react if not he gains nothing" "True but still we don't anything to happen to you" "I know Techno" I pat his head. "Do you remember the song I taught you?" "Yeah" "Let's play it" "ok" We sat at the piano. "I don't know how you see with that mask" He takes it off. "It makes me look scarier that's why I wear it" "I know haha" Together we played the song this time he sang with me. "Mom I'm sorry for not visiting" "It's okay Techno. Well you should get back Wilbur and Tommy need you" "You're right. Goodbye Mom" "Goodbye Techno" He left. 

~End of Chapter~
This was incredibly hard to write with no inspiration. I was watching Techno and Shlatt when Tubbo was about to die. Shlatt mentioned favors and I thought this might be an ok addition. I know this story is bad but I actually want to continue it. I will end in the Fall of L'Manburg. Like when Techno and Dream blew up L'Manburg. Anyway thank you for reading.



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