Chapter 16

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~Ayo so I haven't fully recovered but I wanted to give an update. Thank you so much for almost 6k! I enjoy reading all of your comments they make my day.~

~Time Skip~

       Today Techno and I head off to L'Manburg. Today we plan to free Phil. His crows have been more skittish than normal as he's been plotting his escape for some time now. As Techno and I gear up I toss extra potions in my bag. My part is to distract the citizens so Phil can escape. I explained to Techno how to break the bracelet and he gathered materials to burn it instead of cut it. 

       Now we quickly move along toward the country. The nether part seemed to pass by in seconds. Techno used his potion and disappeared. While I walked to Tubbo's home as per my deal. I knocked and waited for an answer. "Hello Quackity is out today something about visiting a grave do you wanna go as well?" "I might as well who's grave is it?" Tubbo fell silent his cheerful face drowned out by his spiteful hatred. I can already guess whose grave it is. "I know you don't wanna go there Tubbo so do you wanna visit Wilbur with me? I haven't been there in ages" Tubbo looked at me surprised. I'm assuming no one visited it either considering there's Ghostbur now. "Yeah let's go there" 

      As we walk I forget about the events unfolding behind me caught up in my sadness. Wilbur's grave. It was bound to be in ruin. I wish I got to see it more but I guess I felt scared. After what happened to Techno and Tommy I focused on them and tried not to think of Wilbur. It must be my cowardice. I hope after all this is said and done we can all go as a family. "Hey um. I know this is weird but have you seen Tommy? Anywhere? I went to visit him but the place was in ruin." "I haven't seen him. Can you tell me about this Dream person" "I can but you won't like it." "When do I ever"  Tubbo recounts tales of him and Tommy against Dream stories that Tommy had never mentioned. Soon, Tommy's exile came up and Tubbo refused to speak of it. Instead he opted for talking about bees.

      We reach Wilbur's grave. Sure enough, it was crumbling. I vow to fix it whenever this all blows over. Tubbo watches in silence as I sit infront of the grave. "tubbo?" He turns to me "Yes?" "Did I- never mind we should leave" Tubbo stutters an ok then and we move on. "Tubbo lets go see Quackity." TUbbo grimaces. "We won't be there to see Shlatt. I just don't want Quackity to be there alone" Tubbo relunctantly agrees and we head to the next stop. 

    Climbing into the cave was difficult but worth it when I saw Quackity. I ask Tubbo to wait outside and he agrees. I walk towards Quackity who sits in an abnormal silence. I place a hand on his shoulder and sit with him. "Madre?" I nod my head seeing as there was nothing to day. It's hard to see Quackity still visit someone who mistreated him so direly. He probably really cared for Shlatt. "Madre I know I shouldn't still care but something always brings me here." "I know Quackity it's ok" "It's not I found some people who make me really happy but I'm always led back to Shlatt. I'm shackled by him and he's not even here." His sobs fills the cave and the memory of Shlatt poisons our thoughts. I stand up and offer a hand to Quackity. "You'll never learn to move on if you don't make that step. You feel as though if you come here it will get easier and you can forgive him but you can't. No one can blame you for that. You're human and you deserve to be happy and move on but if you let this define you and how you act than you are letting him win." Quackity looks at me with surprise. I look into his eyes and see a new fire erupting. He has the will to move on now. He takes my hand and we leave the cave turning of the light knowing no one else will visit. 

   Tubbo was still in his waiting spot but now he was looking at bees. He chased some around in an attempt to catch them. I remember him doing something similar when he was a child.  I wave and he smiles at the both of us. I remember now why I loved raising the three boys. Why I'm still fighting for them but part of me is conflicted now. I knew this country meant everything to these people but I cannot sit by and watch it exist anymore. I care about the people inside but not the country itself. I feel a tug at my arm and I turn to see no one. I realize it is my que to leave. "I'm tired you guys I'm heading home." They nod in acknowledgement and escort me to the outskirts of L'Manburg. I walk towards my bar until I'm out of their sights then quickly sprint towards the portal. I knew Techno and Phil aught to be there. Sure enough there they were. 

    I quickly splash us all with a potion and we leave. Our trip is as hasty back as it was to get there. I look towards Phil and notice his extreme urge to fly. It's sad knowing he can't. Since his wing was damaged in the explosion that Wilbur started. We arrive home and I check on our horses as Phil greets Tommy. Carl and my horse who I've named Pryde looked bored. I chuckle and give them both a treat for being so patient. Shuffled footsteps are heard behind me. As I turn I see the last person I expected. There was Shlatt. He must be a ghost like Wilbur. "Did you miss me?" I glare he definately didn't lose his memories. "What are you doing here?" "Well I saw you and Quackity and decided I'd visit you for a bit." "Cut the shit Shlatt" He lets out an obnoxious laugh. "Hearing you swear is funny since you are all mothery all the time." I throw snow at him hoping he'd go away. "Well I better go see Quackity" That was it . "YOU STAY AWAY FROM EVERYONE! ESPECIALLY HIM! DO YOU EVEN REALIZE WHAT YOU'VE DONE TO HIM! THE OTHERS DON'T KNOW BUT I DO! YOU TRULY ARE DISGUSTING!" Shlatt smirks. "Still feisty I like it" The front door bursts open. "That's my que to leave bye bye" He disappears seemingly immediately.

     "Y/N?! What happened?!" Phil and the two boys rush outside with armor on. They must have heard me yell. I sigh letting out all my pent up anger and smile at them. "It's nothing I'm fine I think I just saw a ghost" Techno and Tommy groan and walk back inside while Phil stays with me. "You know I was kind of hoping you'd look happier that I was here" His smirking face makes me laugh. "I am Phil just thinking about a lot right now" "Well how about we take a nap inside and then we'll talk about it." "Sounds good to me" We both yawn. "We're getting too old for this." "Speak for yourself I'm still young at heart." "Yeah at heart but not physically haha you're older than me Phil how do you put up with this stress?" He chuckles and we walk inside talking about Phil raising the three boys as a single dad forever until I came along. We both lay down for a nap. It was peaceful at least it was until we heard a commotion upstairs.

~Ayup so I'm done with this chapter. I'mma admit I'm happy to have been able to write something. Thank you for all the support! Also shout out to the person who named Pryde I don't remember your username but I liked the name. Anyways goodnight and/or I hope you have a good day!


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