Chapter 34

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~Hi! There's not much to say. I said everything in the last chapter. I swear I am trying to write more. Just hang with me a bit longer. I am trying to keep the timeline correct but it might change a little bit so I'm sorry about that. Anyway onto the chapter!~

~Time Skip~

          The quietness is broken by the crunch of grass as I step closer to Bad and I's meeting place. Crimson vines cover the surface of the surrounding areas. I stop at the door. Unease flows through me. Nothing will go wrong right? Bad invited me here. I raise my hand to knock when the door swings open.

         A bleached out smile greets me. Bad towers over me. Never before have I felt so small standing next to Bad. His vibe is completely off. Opening my mouth to speak the familiar crunch of grass is heard behind me. The person stepping closer puts a sour expression on Bad's face. 

         "Bad. What are you doing?" The stranger behind me is Puffy judging by the voice. She sounds defensive. Bad glares at the sheep woman. "Just introducing Y/N to the Egg" Bad's voice sounds optimistic but is dripping with evil intent. How could someone so pure act so strange? "Fine, but I am going with you guys. To make sure you don't try anything." Bad clenches his fist but waves us inside. 

        Inside was a dark room with a staircase leading down into the ground. Puffy and I follow. This whole encounter I haven't even gotten to speak just dragged along for the ride. A cavern is shown. Carved out assumably by Bad. In the far right corner laid a huge egg. The aura surrounding it is menacing. It feels like it is staring at me. 

        "This is the Egg! The Egg is humble and even lets a traitor into it's home." Bad glares at Puffy as he said the last part. We inch closer to the egg. Dread continues to get stronger as we get closer. 

"N/Y em nioj" 

            Where did that come from? The voice is not anyone I know. "Ah! I see the Egg is trying to speak to you! The Egg must like you?" Bad's glee evident as he stares at me. His eyes scrutinizing my every move. Puffy sets a hand on my shoulder. "Don't listen to the egg Y/N" 

            "Now Puffy don't interrupt! Or else I will have to remove you from the area!" Bad threatens Puffy as he raises his hands up. "The Egg excepts all. Do NOT get in the way." His smile growing as he stares at us. 

"hguoht em rof krow uoy fi ylnO .evol uoy seno eht evas nac I"

          There it is again. I can't understand it. What is it even saying? Bad looks at me with curiosity. "What did it offer you Y/N?" "I'm not sure I can't understand it. Bad this thing is strange. I don't think it's safe to be here." Bad's smile turns fake and even scarier. "What are you talking about? The Egg is the safest thing to be around!" 

         Backing away from Bad and the Egg I reach for a rock on the floor. Bad angerly stomps toward Puffy and I. Puffy attempts to pull out her sword but I throw the rock before she can. The rock hits his head and he recoils. Grabbing Puffy's hand I sprint out of there as quickly as I can. Bad's yells fill the once quiet area. 

         What the hell happened to Bad? He wasn't like that before. Puffy and I see the holy land up ahead. Stopping we both are huffing from the long run. "How long has this been going on Puffy?" Her eyes turn sad. " For a while I don't know exactly how long but it's been a while." I shake my head. This is crazy what is that egg thing? 

          "I don't think we were followed lets go to my place it's safe there" Puffy waves her hand for me to follow her.  Which I do. Slowly we trudge to her home. In the distance I notice more of those vines. They are everywhere how have I never noticed?! I catch a glimpse for a sad Ghostbur in the distance. He is staring at Tommy's home holding onto Friend tightly. Just like that unfinished buildings block my sight of him. 

        The sound of keys and a door opening snap my attention back to Puffy. She shoves open the door and goes inside. Following inside I lock the door behind me. Puffy finds a place to sit on the ground and I follow suit. "Don't let that thing get to you Y/N. It changes people. It promises them impossible things. Then there's Bad. Him and his Eggpire hunts down everyone who doesn't like the Egg. They try to force them to like it. Sometimes resorting to trying to kill them. I'm glad I was passing by there and saw you. That could have been bad."

       "Why would Bad do that? He's usually so nice and considerate" Puffy huffs out a sigh. "The Egg changed him is all I know." That thing could change such a kind person into a monster like that? It definitely isn't here to do anything good. 

       "Enough about the Egg. I heard about Tommy. How are you holding up?" The change in subjects doesn't really catch me off guard this time. "I'm fine." Puffy looks at me with sad disbelief. However, she leaves it at that. I get up to grab a drink for her fridge. "Do you want anything to drink Puffy?" She nods. "Some water please.

        Walking over to the Samsung Fridge I put my hand on the door to pull it open. However, it doesn't budge. What? It didn't to thing before. I pull harder still no budge. "um? Puffy? Your fridge is broke." She gets up looking confused. "It worked this morning!" I let her pass and try and open the door. She places her hand on the handle and opens it with ease. Heh? I reach into the fridge and the door slams shut on its own.

       "I guess it doesn't like you?" What did I ever do? Puffy starts to giggle as she thinks of how absurd this is. I continue to try the door to no avail. Unbelievable the fridge hates me. A picture on the door catches my attention. My wedding photo. Puffy put it on her fridge. Wait. Could this fridge be? No that's crazy. Puffy grabs out drinks and we sit and drink our drinks in peace. 

~End of Chapter~
The things the egg said are "Join me Y/n" and "I can save the ones you love. Only if you work for me though." I know this seems like an odd skip ahead but I have wanted to do this chapter for a little while. Also who else likes the fridge detail? lol. Thank you for reading!


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