Chapter 20

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~Hiya let's start with the obligatory appreciation of the next milestone. 10k! I can't stress enough my surprise. Thank you all for the support! Let's get to the chapter.

~Time Skip (It's back!) to the morning~

         The morning sun shone brightly in face causing me to throw the blanket over my head. Just as I'm drifting back into blissful sleep a knock is heard at the door. A groan escapes my mouth as I force myself to get up and answer it. There stood Niki with Fundy right behind her. Presumably being my guard for the day. Wait how did they know I was here? I don't know but I'm too tired to care.

          "Morning Niki how are you?" her response come quietly from her, "I'm doing better than last we saw each other. I came by ask if you wanted to walk with me during today's festival" I didn't even have to think of my answer before it came out. "Of course we haven't had any girl time." She smiles for the first time in a while. "Oh that reminds me I made you something Y/N! I started it a while ago but I just recently finished it." I notice she's holding out a bag to me. I grab it with curiosity. Upon opening it I see a bar uniform! I've been wanting to get one! I just always got too busy. It was nothing too fancy. A white dress shirt with sleek black pants but the shirt had my name stitched into it. I smile at her thoughtfulness. "Thank you Niki I love it! When I reopen my bar I'll wear it all the time!" "You're welcome I'm very glad you like it." 

         Niki and I talk for a few minutes. She stepped into the house to continue talking with me as I get ready for the festival. As I am finishing up peer to the corner of the room. There stood Friend Ghostbur's blue sheep. I wonder why he's here and how I didn't notice him before. I better let him out outside. When Niki and I leave I take Friend with me. She of course questions the sheep but I just tell her I found him somewhere and befriended him. 

       Fundy followed behind us to do his job plus I think he wanted to talk too. "Fundy you haven't given me a hug yet you little turd!" That got his attention and he opened up his arms for a hug. To which I swiftly hugged him. His mood seems to be better after that. Though something was bothering him I just didn't know what. I had weapons concealed if I really need it. We walk around towards Tubbo and Quackity who were engaged in an important sounding conversation. 

       Upon seeing me they both light up with smiles and Tubbo being Tubbo greets us over enthusiastically. "ELLO MS.Y/N! HELLO NIKI! ELLO FUNDY! WELCOME TO THE FESTIVAL! NO ARMOR OR WEAPONS!" I chuckle. We all personally greet the two boys in front of us.  Eventually we all start to stick together. Leading to Ranboo joining us to talk to Niki. Those two split off for some reason but more and more people show up even most of Dream's friends. Speaking of Dream they all seem to be waiting for him to arrive. 

     I look around for the strange man. Sure enough there he was. Is he building a wall? Heh? Tubbo and the rest of our group rush over to see what is happening. "Dream what are you doing?" "You didn't listen to me! You let Tommy do whatever he wants! So, I'm rebuilding the walls!" Tubbo looks very confused. "He was in exile with you Dream!" "Do you not know what he did Tubbo! Obviously you let him do it!" everyone's socked expressions turn sour with fear of it truly being Tommy. Dream led us all to the community center, or what was left of it. There laid the ruins of the once strong holding building. This was bad. Dream and Tubbo stood in the middle of the ruins water pouring down around them like water falls. 
     "Tubbo give me Tommy's other disk! I can't control him or punish him without it!" I tuned into hear dream yell that towards the shocked and scared Tubbo. Tubbo reaches into his bag to grab the disk. Just as he does this Tommy bursts out from behind one of the waterfalls. "Tubbo don't do it!" Tubbo's expression is now full of discontent and dread. "Tommy' why are you here? Did you do this?" "No no I would never how could you believe Dream?" "You being here right now is enough to not trust what you are saying Tommy! You were supposed to stay away for your own good but you can't can you?!" 

Dream SMP x Mom! Reader(platonic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz