Chapter 19

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~Back again! Thank you for 9k! This story is getting more reads than I ever imagined! Anyway here's the next chapter~

~The mini skips are fun!~

    Another day another visit to L'Manburg. Techno and Tommy are in the final stages of their plan. Tommy though seems apprehensive as if he was scared to blow up L'Manburg. Which I understand but he knew what he was getting into siding with Techno. Even I have to except it. Though I've been getting closer to the people of L'Manburg but the government has caused nothing but pain. 

   Phil and I share a kiss and Techno, Tommy, and I leave. Once again the trip gets more and more impatient as the days draw closer to the conclusion of Techno's plan. I once again walk to Tubbo's home. This time however I snuck some honey from Techno's honey farm. I really liked it so I thought Tubbo would too. I knock loudly and Tubbo happily answers the door. "Ello! Come in Come in!" I smile and except his offer. We sit down and have tea. I gift him the honey which he joyously excepts. "So, both Fundy and Quackity are busy today. I also have to go do something so we're leaving you with someone you might not know too well. He's a nice guy but be patient with him he has a bad memory." I tilt my head in confusion but what could go wrong? "Sounds good to me" We sit and wait for this guy to show up.

  Soon a tall guy walks into the house. I gaze upon him in interest. Half of his body is black and the other half is white. He must be cross between an enderman and something else. "Are you part enderman?" He looks at me and nods. He seems quiet but where have I seen him before. Then it clicks he was part of the group tracking Techno. A look of recognition crosses my face. Tubbo notices and explains. "Yes he was with us but only because we wanted another person there just in case. He meant no harm." I nod. I hope Tubbo's telling the truth but I'll trust him for now. Tubbo waves goodbye and leaves. This leaves me and this guy staring at each other. I sigh knowing I was making him uncomfortable. "Sorry for making you feel uncomfortable. I'm Y/N. What's your name?" "Ranboo" "Ranboo. Well nice to meet you excuse me for being rude it's just the first time I saw you it was under bad circumstances." "It's fine. So, um where do you wanna go?" 

   "I wanna go to Wilbur's grave." He nods and we leave. He is definitely quiet. We walk in total silence. As we're walking we notice something happening in a building. We both go to check inside and see Techno and Tommy threatening a frightened Fundy. "What are you doing?!" "Oh mom I wasn't expecting to see you here." "Techno what are you doing to Fundy!" I rush over to the shaking boy and wrap my arms protectively around him. "I'm getting intel mom!" I huff. "Well you can't do this to Fundy! He's your nephew! Look how scared he is." "He just needs to tell us what we need to know" Fundy whimpers and responds, "There- There's a festival happening tomorrow. Everyone is invited please don't hurt me anymore." Techno smiles. "Nothing ever goes wrong at a festival." Tommy laughs triumphantly. 

    "Are you two done? Get out of here don't traumatize him anymore!" They sigh in fake defeat and leave. Ranboo is standing next to us with his hand on Fundy's shoulder. He seems confused. I'll ask about that in a minute but time to check on Fundy. "Fundy? Hey, are you okay?" "Yeah yeah I'm fine just give me a moment." I get up and stand back. He stands up and takes a long breath then relaxes. "Nana I'm gonna go home for a bit. I have some stuff to prepare for the festival which you should go to." I nod, "I'll go" Fundy starts to walk off then he stops and turns around. "Thank you for stepping in and not ignoring the situation nana" "It's no problem Fundy I'd do it anytime." He smiles then goes off to his house. 

  "Hey uh I know this is a bad time but what happened in the fast 10 minutes?" I guess I know why he looked confused earlier. I fill him in and we walk for a while without thinking and we end up leaving the country. A voices calls to us that is vaguely familiar. "Hey it's the bar lady!" I turn and see a man with shoulder length black hair and a white shirt. With him was a TALL demonic looking man holding a small thing. I'm assuming it's a person but I'm not sure. Oh and there is a shy looking guy there with the strangest glasses I've seen yet. "Hello, you seem familiar can you remind me of your name again?" The one who called to me laughs and responds, "I'm Sapnap! The tall man is BBH and his little friend is Skeppy. The other guy is George. George and I used to drop into your bar from time to time remember?" I do remember that what was it about them that I was supposed to remember though? It was someone the affiliated with. Wait. BBH and Skeppy?

     "Wait BBH and Skeppy is that you?  That can't be" They look at me with confusion. Then realization. BBh bends down to set Skeppy down in front of me to get a better look. "Oh my it is you! Look bad! It's Wilbur's mom! Remember playing at her bar!" BBH smiles, "I do remember that Skeppy" I speak up, "It's been so long and Bad you've grown a lot!" He chuckles and nods. We catch up for a bit. Eventually all of us walk around talking and BBH, Skeppy, and George all leave. 

    "Wait till' you meet Dream's mom!" Then it hit me Sapnap and George are Dream's friends. I remember now. "Is she nice?" "Oh she's very kind!" He leads me to an unknown place where a woman jumps down in front of us. She has wooly hair like a sheep dyed the colors of a rainbow. Overall, she give off a confident persona. "Puffy this is Y/N she runs a bar somewhere a it away. She's Wilbur, Techno, and Tommy's mom!" Puffy look at me with excitement. "Wow another mom around here! That's good to hear! Someone who gets what I keep saying about them being too hard on the kids." I laugh, "You're right they are too hard on the kids here. Though I can't say I'm not guilty of it myself but I'm trying to make up for it." Puffy still looks at me with nothing but kindness. "Hey Sapnap can Y/N and I hang out for a bit?" "sure Ranboo we can go chill somewhere else." Ranboo shakes his head no. "I-I wanna stay here at least outside the door. I'll get lost otherwise." We all agree and Ranboo stands outside playing with the grass and flowers. Sapnap leaves to somewhere unknown. 

   "So you're Wilbur's mom?" I nod. "Techno and Tommy's too though not biologically. They wandered into my bar one day and after that we all grew really close." She laughs heartily but soon it dies down and her expression turns somber. "I'm sorry you lost your son. I couldn't even imagine losing Dream especially the way Wilbur went." I look down the mood souring. "Yeah... It's been tough but Phil and I have bee grieving together and getting through it at our own pace." She nods and tries to find a new topic. "Soo uuhh. Wait Are you and Phil a thing. I heard from someone I can't remember who that he was with a fridge!" I burst out laughing remembering the fridge. I explain the fridge situation to her. I told her how she ran away with the microwave. "Scandalous." I laughs and we continue talking for a bit. "So you and Phil how did that happen?" "It just kind of did we both loved parenting the kids and watching over Fundy together and decided to give it a shot. It has worked out for a few years now." She is listening intently it seems like she doesn't leave this place a lot. "Are you guys gonna get married anytime soon?" At that my cheeks flush like a teenager. "W-well we don't plan t-to at his point" She smirks and drops it. 

    We keep talking and I lose track of time. I look outside and realize it's after dark! "I'm so sorry Puffy it's real late! It was lovely to meet you we should hang out again sometime!" "Will do! Be safe it's prime monster time!" "I will" I quickly leave and see Ranboo gone. Oh shit. Then I see a letter. I pick it up. It basically says Tubbo brought Ranboo home and I was free to do whatever. I sigh and yawn at the same time. It sucks that the day has to end. I hear a faint chuckle from behind me. I turn and see Dream. "You lost?" "Kind of" "That must suck I can lead you back to L'Manburg." "ok just no funny business" "Of course" I follow him cautiously. It was too late to head back to Techno's especially because of tomorrow's festival. Dream leads me back to L'Manburg. I stop before entering. "Dream what are you planning? You have such good friends and people on your side yet you hurt so many people. Why do you do this? Is it worth it?" Dream stares. "I have to believe that it is don't I? Or else how can I sleep at night?" Before I could respond he leaves. 

        I head to Phil's old house. I plan to stay there the night. I notice one of his crows is still there. Someone luckily has been feeding it. I quickly write a note to Phil explaining the situation to him and send off the crow. They aught to be pretty upset at me right now. I lay down on his bed. I can't help but feel like something bad is gonna happen tomorrow. I get up and find some supplies to treat wounds. Phil always keeps a little on him. A caw is heard at the window. I look and he a different crow. He must have been coming here if it got sent back this quick. I quickly read his message. 'Thank god you're okay. Techno is kind of upset though since this is the second time you've done this. Tommy is also annoying the shit out of Techno which doesn't help. Stay safe and please stop staying late. It only makes us worry you know that. We're now heading back to Techno's we had just left when I got your crow. Goodnight and I won't be there tomorrow but Techno and Tommy will be. See ya soon    -Phil' The long message seems like far to much but I don't mind. I lay back down for sleep and slowly drift off remembering today's events.

~End of Chapter~

This was fun to write. It was also pretty long. I wasn't expect to write this much honestly. Anyway thank you all for the love and support. Also, the comment about the microwave was too funny not to put in the story. Anyway have a good (Insert Time zone time of day).


Dream SMP x Mom! Reader(platonic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ