Chapter 25

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~I'm back! Thank you all for 15k! It means the world to me. Seeing all of your comments make my day. Anyway onto the chapter.~

~No Skip (Big Sad)~

         Pryde gallops along steadily towards the one place I can think to find Quackity. Though I hope I'm wrong. Seeing the spot come into view I make Pryde gallop faster. Soon we came to a stop. I jump off and tie Pryde to a fence post. Slowly I climb the hill towards my destination. Peering inside.

           I was right. There in the dark sulking alone was Quackity. "Quackity" He turns around to face me. His face visibly paler and more tired. "Madre! What are you doing here? I thought you'd stay with Phil and your family after you know- coming back to life." I shake my head and place a hand on his shoulder. "Quackity you are apart of my family too. I wouldn't change that for the world." His small smile warms my soul.

          I sit next to him as I gaze upon Shlatt's grave. It's funny I've seen a lot of graves today including my own. Quackity and I sit in uncomfortable silence .Quackity's mind a mystery to me. Soon my gaze travels to his disgusted expression. He still stares on towards Shlatt. "Quackity? Are you ok? You haven't been here in so long I thought you decided to stop coming here." His eyes turn sad. 

         "I'm scared. No- I'm terrified that he'll come back too." His words send no shock through me. He continues, "When you came back. I was so happy. However, after you left to Phil's home I started to think back to Shlatt. The fear of his return sent me over the edge a bit. I started acting out again and fear consumed me. Eventually it led me here." I turn him to face me. Staring into his eyes I could see he was truly spilling everything once again. 

          "Quackity you don't need to be afraid of Shlatt retuning. I will never let that happen. Not as long as I'm alive. I already died once so taking me down now will be a challenge" Quackity laughs at my joke. His smile fully returning. He just needed to have some positivity. He stands up and offers me a hand which I take. 

           As he leaves the cave I kick dirt at Shlatt's grave and leave. Quackity is petting Pyrde happily. "Let's walk around Quackity. I need to stretch my legs" He nods and we start down the prime path. Humming different songs and sometimes singing together. His mood did a full 180 from just 10 minutes ago. His gleeful expression making me smile.

          Suddenly he stops causing me to stop too. Looking at him in curiosity he looks at me with a smile. "I'm glad your back madre. I really missed you" I smiles back. "I missed you too. Look Quackity I think you should know what I was gonna say as I was you kno-" He cuts me off. "I don't wanna know. At least not right now because your back and that's all that matters to me. I don't need to know" I stare at him in pride. He truly has grown. He is more confident then when I died. It makes me so happy to see that. 

         Walking around the rest of the day we decided to visit his friends. We stop quickly so I can send a crow to Phil. I don't know how but they can always tell when I need to deliver a letter. I tell him I'm fine and give him a short summary of today's events. 

         As we get closer to his home I notice Bad. He was staring at us oddly. Red vines sprawled out on the ground beneath him. He must be weed eating. His colors look far lighter though.

         Quackity opens the door to his home and my eyes meet Sapnap and another guy's eyes. Soon I am engulfed in a bone crushing hug by Sapnap. "Sap nice to see you but I need to breathe!" He lets me go and apologizes. I dismiss it knowing he was just happy to see me alive again.  I walk over to the unknown guy in the room waving at him. "Hi I'm Y/N . What's your name?" The young man looks at me excitedly. "I'm Karl! Nice to meet you" A lightbulb flickers in my mind. I've heard his name before but from where? I have no clue. "Nice to meet you too Karl." 

~Mini Skip (It's back!)~

     The night had continued like that for a while until night fell. We had a blast playing board games. Those two seem like they are a good influence on Quackity which is reassuring. I decided to just travel to Puffy's and stay there. Quackity showed me the way. We hugged good bye as I knocked on Puffy's door. As Puffy opens the door he is headed back home. 

    I look to Puffy who has a shocked expression. "Hi Puffy. It's good to see you again. I'm not dead" Her expression lights up as she gives me my second bone crushing hug of the day. Just like that we are head first into a conversation. About what I'm not sure but I keeping catching something about her having another son. Finally my mind catches up and I can comprehend what she's saying. "He recently became a father. I couldn't be happier for him. He loves the little totem baby" I laugh at how crazy it sounds but with everything I've seen I believe her. 

       "Puffy can I stay the night?" "Of course no problem" "Thank you" She makes a makeshift bed on the couch for me which I said was unnecessary but she insisted. A crow flies into her window looking for me. Puffy wishes me goodnight and goes to her own room to let me read the note. It's Phil just being Phil. He wished me a goodnight and told me to be safe.  

        I send the crow back with a letter that simply said 'goodnight'. I lay down and stare at the ceiling. Letting my heavy eyes falls and darkness consume me once again.

~End of Chapter~

Ayo I really wish Wilbur would have been brought back earlier because now we know more about limbo. So because I didn't know everyone has their own I will have to rewrite the chapter where the reader is in limbo. Horray. I don't know when I'll do it but keep on the look out haha. Sorry this chapter was late. Anyways thank you for reading.



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