Chapter 11

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~Thank you for all the support! I can't believe this story is almost at 1k reads! I wasn't expecting anyone read it.~

       Ghostbur swirled around the bar happily. "Mum I remember this place!" "Ghostbur why are you here?" this was not a good way to wake up. "I remembered the path here and came here! I remember so much from being here!" "That's lovely but did you have to come over so early in the morning?" "Oh sorry! I didn't mean to wake you. I'll come back later so you can sleep" "Ok I'll see you later" He leaves and I go back to my peaceful slumber.

~Mini skip~

       "Mum! Mum! Mum!" "Heh? Wilbur why are you waking me up? Oh- sorry I mean ghostbur" "It's fine but look Phil's here!" "Phil?" Phil is standing in the door shaking his head. "Ghostbur you shouldn't have woken her up. It's rude" "OH sorry mum!" I sigh knowing I couldn't go back to sleep. "It's fine Ghostbur. I know you are just excited" We all head downstairs. "Mum?" "Yeah?" "HOw's Fundy I can't find him anywhere" "I can go find him" "That would be amazing!" I smile and turn to Phil. "Try explain that this won't be easy for Fundy" "If you know it will be hard why are you going to get him?" "I don't want Fundy to find out accidentally instead of from us." "Alright" "I'll be back in about an hour you two man the bar till then. It opens in 10 minutes" "Yes mam'" 

      While walking down the worn down path I see Niki. We chat a bit but nothing important to really speak of. My thoughts travel as they normally do on this path. This time they chose to travel to Fundy. I haven't spoken to him much and I don't know much about what he does anymore. He used to tell me everything just like Wilbur did. Wilbur's death affected him a lot and I think he's scared of getting close to people again. Fundy was so much like Wil is was funny. He loved music and spending time with his dad. They both are very stubborn and are willing to die for what they believe in. I can only hope Fundy won't turn out like Wil did. 

      The memory of Shlatt poisons my mind. He always smiled like he owned the world. Even though he's dead he still pisses me off. He was so manipulative. Yet. I still visit his grave to find an answer. An answer to the question I can't help but be curious of. I want to know if he was right. He said the country would go downhill without him and I can't help but want to see its fall too. L'Manburg was never my home. I was a breeding ground for my darkest fears and worries. Yet, Tommy fights to keep it afloat. 

      I knock on Fundy's door as I push any bad thoughts away. Fundy opens the door. "Hi nana what do you need?" "I need you to come to the bar with me" "I don't feel like it" "Sorry but this is not up for debate." I grab his arm and drag him with me down the path. "So uh Fundy while we're walking. What's Tommy up to?" "He's going with Ranboo to something stupid I think." "What a surprise haha. Hey I gotta warn you" "What is it? Are you dying?!" "No no  nothing like that" "Oh good" "But you will be shocked and I want you to know that I'm showing you this with good intensions." "What is it?" "You'll see at the bar." "Ok"

    "Phil can you come out here?!" "Yeah Y/N are you alright?" I walk away from Fundy toward Phil. "Yeah I'm fine but I figure you should talk to Fundy for a minute. Since you ya know have things you need to say to him like I dunno that you love him" "Alright Alright we'll come in in just a minute ok?" "Alright" I walk inside leaving Fundy with Phil. Ghostbur is inside whirling around happily with a guitar."Ghostbur Fundy is here but before you do anything he is very sad. He is also very angry right now so just be less unpredictable" "Alrighty" Fundy and Phil walk in.

   I always thought books were overdramatic saying that the tension in the air could be cut but right now was one of those moments. "FUNDY MY SON HOW I'VE MISSED YOU!!!" I face palm. "Fundy this is Ghostbur" "ghostbur? How? How is he a Ghost?" "I don't know but he popped up a day or two ago. He's been asking for you" "Why would he even care?" "Because he loves you Fundy" "Yeah right whatever." Ghostbur hasn't even been listening just doing circles around Fundy. "Son! How are you?" Fundy sighs. "I-I I'm fine dad." "That's good to hear!" Phil and I walk out so they can talk. 

     "Well it's going better than I thought it would." "Yeah. I don't think that will last" "Lets hope it lasts." We sit in silence for a few minutes everything at peace. Nothing going wrong just us sitting there it felt so comforting to not be on edge. CrAsH! Of course it doesn't last I rush inside to see Fundy covered in pots. "Wha? How did this even happen?!" "I tried to cook to cope but I tripped on air." "Oh ok are you hurt?" "No I'm fine" Fundy and I laugh together and clean up. We both make some food together and share it with Phil and Ghostbur. "Fundy time to go home I'll walk with you " "alrighty nana." 

    Fundy and I leave. "Nana can I tell you something?" "Of course" "I'm trying to get adopted" "Oh wow that's not what I was expecting" "I know but since dad is dead and I have no clue where mom is I need a parental guide you know?" "Why don't you come live with me?" "No I don't know if I want o nothing against you but it reminds me too much of Wilbur" "You confuse me" "How so?" "One moment you call Wil dad and the next by his name." "Well I see them as different people. My dad cared for me and he died when Wilbur came out and then he died. I loved my dad but I don't love Wilbur" "I see well with the adoption who are you considering?" "Eret" "What?!" "Yeah I know sounds dumb but he has changed! He said he wants to adopt me" "Are you sure about this?" "Yeah I plan on talking to papa and Ghostbur about it" "How are you so excepting of Ghostbur?" "I'm not honestly but I know you want me to be so I'm trying but when I look at him I see Wilbur and it's hard" "I get that but Ghostbur has no recollection of what Wil did." "It's still him and it doesn't excuse what he did" As Fundy goes into his home I walk back remembering today's events and unaware of the troubles soon to arrive.

~End of Chapter~
You guessed it I barely know this part haha. I'm just improving off of bots and pieces I've seen so I'm sorry. Anyway Tommy's exile is fast approaching so be prepared. Anyways tank you all of reading!


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