Chapter 37

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~Howdy I am backith as promised. This chapter might not be as long but hopefully you all will love it. Thank you so much for 58k reads! Anyway onto the story~

~Time skip back to present~

     Tommy left a few days ago to go be with Ranboo and Tubbo. I hope they are having snowball fights. Not worrying about the world around them but sadly I doubt any of them can after all that has happened to them. I get a knock on my door from Ghostbur. 

     "Ghostbur? What brings you here?" The ghost stared at me with happy eyes. "Hi mum! I have to head back out soon to help Tommy but here is some blue! I wanted you to have some!" He gently shoves the blue goop into my hand. It melts a little and I set it down. "What are you helping Tommy with?" "I'm not quite sure he just said he needs my help" I shrug no one can hurt a ghost so he'll live.

       Still though I felt the need to worry for him. "Ok Just be extra careful." He swirls around me and gives me a ghost hug. "I will see you mom! Oh and can you watch Friend for me?" I nod and grab the sheep's leash. Ghostbur glides out the door and I turn the small sheep. "Want some food?" A simple baa answers my question. I pat him on the head and head off the make him food.

~Time skip~





        "Ok ok I'm getting up!" I gently move the sheep out of the way and head to the door. A tall figure's shadow looms through the window. Weird early customer? I open the door up.

       "Hello there mother! How lovely it is to see you again!" 

         "What?" It was Wilbur. He was different from how he was when I saw in him the afterlife. He now bore a white streak in his hair and clothes looked more war torn. Probably by design. How could he be here? Where's Ghostbur? Did Dream revive him?

        "Ok so I know you have many questions but I can answer them if you let me in." I slide the door open and let him through. "No hug mother?" I stare up at him is this my child? "Sorry just got caught up. I hug him but he gives off a stand-offish vibe. I don't like it. 

        "So how did this happen?" He smiles. "Well I was stuck in a train station after I died. It was very lonely. I tried many times to escape but all attempts were futile. Just as I gave up you appeared. It sounds terrible but I very happy you were dead so I had company. There was also the part of me that was horrified but he soon vanished once I thought you wouldn't leave. We have a good time hanging out I thought but then one day you just left me. I was angry. I resented you. Then a few years later Tommy showed up and the same thing happened. I put it together that someone revived you both so then it was a waiting game. Now it was my turn. A train pulled up on it were two people. A pale version of myself in tears and pain. Pathetic really. The other person was Dream! My savior from that hell! So that is my story I really do need a place to stay as well"

      Shock and horror fills my veins. I understand he hated being alone but being happy I died and calling Dream a savior! He lost his mind! "I-I'm sorry son but try Phil instead I'm not sure I can live with you right now. It brings back memories just having you stand in this bar." He looks angry for a moment before composing himself. 

     "Fine well then let me apologize for breaking you and Phil's hearts with me death. For lusting over power." I turn to him. "Why is that what you apologize for? I forgave my son for that a while ago! This isn't my son before me just a sick man who needs help who I am here for." I place a hand on his shoulder. "Mother I am only apologizing for my alive self. He was a stupid person but I am better now! New and improved! Anyway I must be on my way I wish you luck with the business." 

      With that he trotted off toward Techno's home. A travel I've done before. Was this truly my son? God was I too harsh? It's just he isn't how I remember. Maybe Phil will able to help him. That though wasn't my Wil. 

~End of Chapter~

 Well here's a different reunion from the ones we've seen before. The make this make sense the reader before was told by Tommy Wilbur is too far gone. The reader just got confirmation that isn't the version of Wil she remembers. Anyway hope you enjoyed. I love you all!


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