Chapter 22(Edited)

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~So I wanted to start with I'm sorry for making a lot of you cry. I can't say I didn't mean to but I do feel bad. From here in the story the chapter might get farther apart because I'm catching up to the lore. So anyway thank you for all the support. Lets get onto the chapter.~

~No time skip~

      Darkness consumes me. The dream to wake up again is hopeless now. I feel detached. Slowly my eyelids open again but not to the light of day. Surrounding me are the walls of my bar. Though it is far more run down. There are vines growing through the walls and flowers blooming on the booth tables. Dust covers the counter and shelves. However, the shelves are stocked up with alcohol to serve but with no one to serve it to. I guess this is my hell. No customers to serve or family to visit. 

      Walking towards the door I realize the vines are holding it shut to never be moved. The vines on the door look strangely red but I ignore that. The windows are blacked out except for one. Looking out the window all I can see is the moon who silently gazes at me. Static is heard from behind me. Turning around noticing a small Television placed on a table. Nothing but static plays on it so I shut it off. 

     Throwing myself into a booth and laying my head down I think of today's events. Then I hear it tap tap tap footsteps. I ignore them because what were they gonna do? Kill me? The sound of glass being lifted from the ground fills my ears as my mind wanders. "You know this is a nice picture. How did the frame get broke?" Suddenly adrenaline fills my being as I shoot up from the booth staring at the tired individual. Standing there holding the broken family photo was Wilbur...

      "Wil?" He gives me a smile with subtle tears. However, mine were not subtle. "Hi mum." Rushing over to him I hold him close. He was here. I haven't seen him in so long. My lost son! We've been reunited! He quietly asks me, "Why are you here? You shouldn't have past yet mum" I pull away and chuckle nervously. "Well I sort of took a firework at almost point blank." His shock is evident and written all over his face. He starts mumbling threats cursing the person responsible. His words not like the Wil I remembered and certainly not like Ghostbur. 

      "Who did it?!" Honestly I didn't know how to answer. Considering it was no one fault but my own. I didn't want him to be mad at anyone. I think through explaining it and then I let the words fall from my mouth. His surprise but also scarily calm nature towards the situation is off putting. He sighs sitting at a table offering me a seat which I take. "That is so you mum" I laugh knowing he's right.

     "Well I can't help it. It's who I am." He nods and thinks. Looking at me once again he asks, "Mum what do you see around you?" "The bar. Do you see something different?" He nods and gives me details on a train station setting that he is confined by. We talk for hours about our lives and even eventually his death which he skipped over quickly by talking of his return to the world. He must have not realized he cannot go back. 

       Soon two other people walk downstairs into the main room. I stare at the two men. Shlatt and another who I've never met before. I cringe in disgust at the sight of Shlatt. His smile is as sinister as normal. His eyes screaming 'I was right!'.  I keep my composure as the two sit down at our table. 

       The strange man is the first to speak. "AYe Wilbur man! Who's the hot lady? Is she single?" Wilbur rubs his temples. "Mexican Dream this is my mother" Mexican Dream? I've heard that before from Tommy from when he was exiled. Right now I'm a little too pissed to care. Mexican Dream pipes up again with, "AYE she looks real good for having kids man! I'd like to-" I cut off his comments which remind me of what Shlatt said when I officially met him. "Mexican Dream refrain from saying anything that will get you hurt from now on because I promise you if you keep making these comments I will hurt you. Also no I'm not single so kindly fuck off". He stares at me for a minute with an unreadable expression. Then he turns to Wilbur, "Aye man I think she's gonna mug me man"

        With Wilbur and Mexican Dream distracted with an argument about what to say and not say Shlatt slides next to me and whispers, "Boo!" in my ear. I slap him not in surprise just because it was a good chance to. He continues smiling at me when I notices the TV. "Ah I see you have entertainment lets turn it on." He walks to it and switches it on and randomly turn it to a channel. 

       The channel picture Phil. Shlatt was about to change it when I stopped him. I watched intently as Phil started rambling. He was talking to the moon. They way he was speaking it was like he was talking to me. Phil looked more broken down than when I had left. I place my hand of the screen trying to reach him to no avail. "I don't know it you can hear me Y/N but I miss you. I miss just sitting with you and enjoying the quiet moments. I hate not seeing you again before you passed away. If only I would have known I would have gone to you. I'm sorry I wasn't right by your side the entire time. I should've never let you go back to that country." Both Phil and I's eyes are pouring tears. I didn't realize he was this hurt. I thought he'd move on by now. Guilt consumes me as I think of all I left behind.

       Suddenly the TV is shut off and crazy laughter is heard. Shlatt's smile haunting me. "You must've really messed up! Look at what you left! This is too good! The best part is you get to watch them suffer! Man you really didn't think this all through!" In anger I lash out at him. "What do you even know?! I did what I thought was best and how do you even know what happened?! HUH?!" His smile never falters. "I simply listened to you and your son talk. Nothing more than that. You really left them all behind just like that." He laughs at me as Wilbur is silent. I guess he agrees. The sad part is they are right. 

       Trudging over to my piano even though it is old it still plays. I start writing something. I don't know what it is or why but it feels right. Soon everyone leaves and I head over to the moon. Responding to everything Phil had said earlier. He may not hear me but I can hear him. Wilbur left me a note saying, "Hope you'll be ok you should get used to it soon. Nothing changes it's all the same so get comfortable - love Wil". I stick the not on the TV and head back to the piano.

~Time skip to what feels like forever for Y/N~

        It's been about a year since I died. I look on the Tv sometimes to listen to Phil. He has gone to talk to the moon every night since I died. It was sweet. I continued working on the song. It is finished. I made it about Techno since he loved the piano. Wil and the other two visited once and a while but I only ever talked with Wil. He was slowly descending more into madness everyday which was concerning but I hope he can persevere. Suddenly the door creak and are busted open. A light blinds me as I close my eyes.

        My eyes slowly open the harsh lighting seemingly gone. I slowly sit up and look around. I'm surrounded by obsidian walls and items that belonged to other people. What in the world? I look behind me and he a man staring down at me with his signature stupid smile. "Dream?" Am I? Back in the real world? There's no way. I must be ghost dreaming or something. I pinch myself but I feel it this is real. "Are you done being shocked yet?"
      "Not exactly" He waits patiently as I slowly realize that I am alive. "How am I alive Dream?" "I brought you back." That doesn't sound good. "Why would you do that?" "Well you see Tommy and I haven't exactly settled our disagreement so I need a little bit of leverage and Shlatt just so happened to give me a resurrection book before he died that I was dying to try." "You're sick! I'm not going to be leverage." He laughs lightly. "Well you see you know I can truly bring people back to life. No doubts there, but if you don't do what I need you to do I'll bring back Shlatt from the dead. I bet that'll make your blood boil. He'll be thrilled to be back. Plus you cannot just die since I will bring you back over and over again to meet my ends" "Don't you dare!" "Then you need to listen to me" I resign angerly if Shlatt is resurrected so many people will be hurt by it and there was no other option for me. 

     "For now I don't need you. Soon Tommy and I are going to have a chat. You'll be bait "I hang my head down in shame. "For now you'll stay here" "Can you promise me something?" Dream looks at me curiously. "Your in no position to make any wishes but why not let's hear it out?" I look up at him dead serious. "I refuse to hurt anybody no matter what if you want me hurt anyone mentally or physically I won't do it." He sighs knowing I'd say something like that. "Fine you won't hurt anyone. This will be a fun tool of leverage," He leaves and I am left in this room alone again.

~End of Chapter~

Ayo I rewrote pretty much the entirety of this chapter excluding most of the resurrection. The last few chapters will be rewritten soon as well. Thank you for reading! and for 19k!


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