Chapter 33

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~Hi guys! Welcome back! I guess I'll start with thank you for 46k reads! It is insane to me. I love all of you so much. I wish I could spend more time writing but life decided to get crazy again! My goal is to upload as much as I used to. Anyways onto the story~

~Mini Skip??? I guess not really I just wanted to see my skips back ;-;~

        I take a deep breath as I knock on Ranboo's door. Muffled rustling is heard on the other side. He seems to be in the middle of something. Soon the door opens up in front of me. The sight of the enderman hybrid makes me smile. 

Can I really do what Dream wanted me to? What if it hurts him?

          I can't think about that now. "Hello Ranboo" His grin grows sad. "Hello mam'! I heard about what happened with Tommy. I'm terribly sorry about your loss." "Thank you that means a lot Ranboo. That isn't why I'm here though." He gives me a curious look. I reach for the book but something holds me back from giving it to him.

Don't do it
        I instead hand him some food I had on me. "I was here to see Phil and thought you might like some of this food." He takes the food with a grateful expression. "Thank you! Not many people come here and brings me gifts!" He goes inside his house and returns with some emeralds. "Here a gift for you as well!" He puts the gems in my hand. His wide smile reminds me of a young Wilbur.

      "I couldn't except this Ranboo. It's much too generous." I hold my hand out to him to return the emeralds. "No I have plenty anyway just take it. please?" I give in and pocket the gems. "Anyway have a nice day mam'!" "Bye Ranboo I'll see you around! Thank you for the gift!" He waves goodbye and closes the door. I can't believe I didn't go through with it but it feels right that I didn't.

       I start the long walk home.  

          "Y/N!" My name is shouted from another direction. The direction of Techno's home. It's Phil! I shuffle closer to see him more but when I see his face he has the concerned dad look. What did I do?? I look down at my clothes the chill finally hitting me. Oh shit. I forgot a jacket. 

           "Y/N GET IN HERE IT'S FREEZING OUT!" I raise my hands in surrender and walk to him. I flash him a warm smile as I walk past him to the fire. Shivering as Phil closes the door behind himself and wraps a jacket around me. "Why were you out there without a jacket??" "I kind of came here in a rush. I forgot" He shakes his head and lays his arm around me. 

          "Is what you told me at your bar why you came here in a rush?" I shake my head no and look toward the sleepy polar bear Steve. He is awake to make sure there were no intruders and is now going back to sleep. "I did it Phil. I convinced him to bring Tommy back." Phil's eyes turn into an unreadable expression. I don't know if he is happy or not! He should be Tommy is coming back. 
          "That doesn't explain why you were rushing here" Good point but should I tell him about the book? I mean considering I'm not giving it to Ranboo I couldn't hurt. "He wanted me to deliver a book to Ranboo in return for bringing Tommy back." "What was in the book?" "A smiley face." He looks confused but drops it. 

             "Did he do anything to you? Are you ok?" "I'm fine but in the prison I had this weird moment. Like being stuck in my own mind. I couldn't leave but then your voice appeared in my head and drug me out of that state. Brought me to reason." He smiled. "I'm glad even a imaginary me could help you that much. Still what set you off?" I dreaded this question. 


              Phil's head tilts in confusion. "Why do you feel guilty? Is it about what happened with Tommy?" I nod my head to tell him he was correct. "Y/N you shouldn't feel guilty about that you had no control over that. It's not your fault Y/N." I open my mouth to speak but remember I had a similar conversation in my head not long ago. 

            I smile at him. "It's funny imaginary Phil said that same thing" Phil smiles back at me. "See my wisdom carries over to you even when I'm not around." I chuckle "I guess so" We leave it at that and just sit quietly. Talking about Techno's hibernation every once in a while. 

            I miss this. Just sitting here with family with nothing crazy going on. The warm fire slowly puts me to sleep. Before I fall asleep I see Steve lay beside me and fall asleep again. The polar bear looking peaceful.

~Time Skip~

            As open my eyes I see Techno petting Steve with a soft smile. I guess Phil fell asleep as well judging by the weight on my shoulder. "Morning Techno" His gaze lifts from the polar to look at me. "morning did you sleep well?" I nod my head.  I feel the weight lift off my shoulder along with a tired grumble. Phil woke up. "Did we fall asleep?" I give him a nod and pet Steve. 

           "Hey Phil we have a meeting today." Phil sighs and mumbles an ok. He slowly rises from his spot and walks to Techno who already has one foot out the door. "I guess I'll chill here with Steve." "Ok don't let anyone rob my house please" "I won't don't worry Techno" The pair leave and I vaguely see Ranboo and Niki with them. I made a good decision by not giving Ranboo that book. 

             Grabbing the odd book I toss it into the fire for some extra fuel to it. It's time to step out of Dream's control. He may have the power right now but he won't someday. Opening a book I read it to Steve who looks more interested in the bugs flying around the home.

~Another Time Skip~

              Techno throws the door open upon his arrival. He looks kind of scared. I don't think he meant to slam it open. His expression softens when he sees me. He walks over with Phil trailing behind. "Hey mom I heard about Tommy." Just like that my mood is sour again. "Yeah but I wouldn't worry about that Techno. Plus I know you didn't care for him to much after the events of L'Manburg." Techno gives a simple shrug. "You're right but I know he meant a lot to you." "Well don't worry about me Techno I'm ok" He smiles and hugs me. Then he heads upstairs leaving me and Phil alone. 

            "Wanna hear about this book I was reading to Steve?" I offer him a sweet smile in which he returns as he sits next to me to listen to the story.

~End of Chapter~

 Hey I'm not dead. It took me forever to get around to writing this and I'm sorry about that. I started writing it at 42k but life is wild haha. Thank you all for the support. You mean the world to me and I would no one else to read this story and comment. I hope to be able to write more for you all. Thank you for reading!


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