Chapter 9

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     !Trigger Warning!- Abuse and Death

 A few days after the event it was raining heavily. Then there was a knock on my door. I peered through and saw none other then Quackity. Why is he here? "Quackity what do you want?" "I left Shlatt" "How do I know you're being honest" "Please just let me at least get a hot drink then I'll be one my way." "Fine you better pay though" I open the door apprehensively. Quackity walks in looking absolutely destroyed but he had a fire in his eyes. "So I wanna know what happened" "ok" I prepare hot chocolate for him. "Everyone started to leave. All that was left was Shlatt, Karl, and I but Shlatt was drinking too much." I handed him the drink stare in curiosity. Quackity takes a drink and speaks back up, "he started to treat me like shit. He'd berate me and once and a while he'd raise his hand to hit me. I-I just couldn't handle it anymore. I grabbed my bow and shot him in the side. I honestly wished it had killed him but I saw Karl helping him." "Sounds like quite the situation but why are you here?" "I figured you were the only one to not shut me out immediately. Plus you could show me the way to Pogtopia" "You wanna join?!" "Yeah I need to prove I'm worth something and fix my wrong doings" "How can I trust you?" "You can't but please try. I don't have any other choice." I sigh knowing I might regret this. "Alright you can stay in one of the spare rooms till morning. Then we'll go to Pogtopia plus I need to give Tubbo some potions to make him feel better." "He's alive?" "Yeah he is" "That's good thank you for everything" "No problem" I honestly don't know what I'm thinking but he reminds me Tommy in the way of him being loud. When people like them are quiet they are sad I can't just leave him out in the rain to be sad and get sick.

~The morning~

        "Quackity time to wake up!" He grumbles in annoyance. "What time is it?" "Time for you to get up I made breakfast. We need to leave in about an hour so hurry up" Quackity sits up giving me an odd look. He'd been through a lot he's probably used to someone being nice to him. I leave and start setting the table. To be honest it was kind of like when Wilbur came over to eat and share his frustrations with me. Now it was all war plans and crazy ideas. He really is losing it. Quackity sits down and stares in awe. "What? Does it not look good?" "No- it's not that at all. It looks amazing!" "I smile. "Why thank you. Dig in we have a long walk to embark on." He digs in. Soon he is finished. I do dishes and we head out. "Hey I have a question" "shoot" "Are you Wilbur and Tommy's biological mom?" "No no. Here let me tell you about them" I told him of how I met them and the small adventures we had. I told him of small Fundy and Phil. You could see he felt guilty for treating them so bad.  "You know you've been way too nice to me today" "Well you remind me of my sons" "Which one?" "Tommy" "Man why Tommy!" I laugh. "I just can't leave you to suffer is why I'm helping. I'm just not that type of person." "I see thank you though. For everything. You really didn't have to I've done so much wrong" "You did do wrong but for the right reasons. I know the election was unfair and that's why you ran. You couldn't have known things would turn out this way. I forgive you Quackity I know you are not evil." Quackity stops in his tracks and breaks down in tears. "Thank you so much!" "Stop thanking me. Now pick yourself up you have to right your wrongs you can't do that standing here." "You're right" He stands up composing himself. 

      As we reach Pogtopia I can tell he is uneasy. I pat his back and he composes his normal attitude. I knock on the door. Techno answers. "Hi mom Tubbo is downstairs. He is doing a lot better thanks to you." "Ok but can uh Tommy and Wilbur come here?" "Sure why?" I move slightly to show him Quackity standing there. Techno goes into alert mode. He glares. "Why is he here he is part of the government?" "Just get the other two and we'll explain." "Fine" He storms downstairs fetching Wilbur and Tommy. "Mum! How are you Techno said you wanted to show us something!" "Yeah here" I move aside again. "QUACKITY WHY ARE YOU HERE?" "I wanna join you guys" "Ha funny joke big Q" "I'm serious Tommy I'm sick of Shlatt and his ideas." Wilbur cuts in. "Hold on Tommy. Mom were you forced to bring him here?" "No I was not" "Can you vouche for him?" "I can I promise he will be no trouble" "Well then Quackity welcome to Pogtopia!" I walk away to Tubbo to give him the potions. They talk of plans but I cannot hear. 

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