Chapter 28

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~Hello! Thank you all for 22k reads! I'm still blown away that anyone reads this story at all. This chapter goes out to the person in the comments who recovered for an iron deficiency. I'm happy you're ok! Also all the love I get from the comments make my day so thank you all. To the person who wanted to see the ring it will not let me upload a picture I'm sorry!~

~Time skip to idk when I just miss my skips~

        Opening my eyes light fills my pupils. Letting my memories come back to me. Oh crap today we're doing planning! Quickly I hop out of bed and get dressed. Once I'm dressed I head upstairs to see Phil and Techno waiting at a table. Did they build one for this? I've never seen a table in this house before.  

          "Morning Y/n!" "Morning Phil! Morning Techno!" Techno just waves as he reads something over. I pull up a chair and prepare for going over preparations. It's hard to believe I'm getting married soon. After all that has happened I'm glad Phil and I have stayed constant. 

           "Ok mom first on this list of things for a wedding is colors." Both Phil and I look at each other and shrug. I guess it's whatever colors. "How about (f/c) and green?" Techno writes that down. Phil doesn't oppose so ok. 

           "Next up is location." Phil and I had already discussed this part so this was easy. This time Phil answered, "We decided on having a small wedding in the forest somewhere and then going to her bar for the party afterwards." Techno once again writes it down. It's funny he's really into this. If it were Tommy or Wil they'd be bored out of their minds. 

          "Okay the fun question. Who is going to be in the wedding party?" Wedding party? Oh! He means the bridesmaids, groomsmen, maid of honor, and best man. I forgot it was called that. "Well I was hoping Niki would be the maid of honor. I also want Puffy and Tubbo to be my bridesmaids." Techno nodded at the first two names but Tubbo's name made him and Phil freeze. "what?" "Mom Tubbo is a guy" I'm not sure if that matters. "ok? So what? If he agrees to it he's one of my picks" Techno just shrugs and writes it.

         Phil's list was simple as well. Techno was the best man and through much deliberation Tommy was put in as a groomsman. Last item was a flower girl or boy. "Phil we should have Fundy do it!" Phil once again went uncomfortable. "I'm not quite sure I want him to be there" Heh? Fundy is our grandkid though. "Why wouldn't he be there? He's our grandkid and was there when we got together." Phil was visibly upset. I'm guessing he hasn't forgiven Fundy for trying to kill Techno. I put a hand on Phi's shoulder. "Look there are gonna be people there who find out from Tommy and just show up to party. Can you imagine how hurt Fundy would be to not get and invite. No matter what he's family Phil" Phil's resolve softens and he gives in but it's easy to see he still hasn't forgiven Fundy.

~Time skip~ 
          We have finished most of the debating and planning. All that is left is go into town and announce it. Then we'll work on the outfits and food. We are currently traveling through the nether. Something tells me we need to get this done soon. The weird feeling that something big is gonna happen so has been looming over me for a while but I ignore it. Enjoying these moments is all I need. 

          Techno stayed behind while Phil and I traveled to the Dream Smp land. Flying through the portal on horseback we are met with fresh air. A breath of relief comes from both of us. The first person we see is Puffy who is rebuilding the destroyed community center. I quickly ride up to her. She smiles at me sweetly. "Puffy! It's great to see you!" Phil trots behind us as I get off my horse. "Hi Y/N! How is it going?! Are you on a date? I can leave if I need to!" I chuckle and hold out the hand that has my ring on it. 

           Puffy looks between Phil and I multiple times before bursting out in cheer. "I knew it! This is amazing! I'm happy for the both of you!" Phil walks next to me having gotten off his horse a bit ago and holds my hand. "Puffy will you be one of my bridesmaids?" Her eyes seem to sparkle with joy. "Are you sure?! I would love to!" I guess she's on board. We give her the details and we leave. 

            "She seems nice." I smile. "That she is Phil" We continued to walk for a bit down Prime path taking out horses with us. Tommy is standing and staring at the prison like we guessed he'd be doing. Phil taps Tommy's shoulder. Tommy shoves Phil's hand off him defensively until he sees who it is. "Oh it's you Phil. Nice to see you." Phil nods. "Tommy we should sit down. Old bones and all. "Tommy just shrugs off Phil's words and sits at a bench with us. 

           "So Tommy we have some news. We're getting married!" Phil is the one to tell Tommy. Tommy stops moving for a minute. He's completely frozen in shock but Phil then drops, "And we want you to be a groomsman." We all stood there for a few minutes as Tommy tried to comprehend it.

            "MUM!!!!!! PHIL!!!!!!!!!!! YOU'RE GETTING MARRIED THAT'S AWESOME! IT'S ABOUT TIME! OF COURSE I'LL BE A GROOMSMAN! I'M SO EXCITED." I put a hand on the energetic child's arm to signify he needs to calm down. Which he does but still  hyper. Tommy hugged us both and smiled widely. He was visibly excited. Though he ran off. I have no clue where he went but I think it has something to do with the wedding or at least I hope so. Well in full honesty I think Tommy is going off to tell everyone already. He just can't help himself. 

           The only person left is Niki. I know how hard she's been taking Wil even though it's been so long. "Hey Phil with Niki can you wait by the door. She's really sensitive right now and I want her to be comfortable" Phil gave me a questioning look but nodded anyway. Off we go to her bakery.

            Heh? Where's the bakery? It used to be here. "Niki?! Are you ok? Where are you at?!" Shuffling is heard from inside the remains of the house. "Who is it?" Niki walks out of what's left of the burnt doorway. She's covered in soot and she's wearing something that seems familiar. "Oh hi Ms. Y/N. Hi Phil. What do you two need?" "Oh never mind that are you ok?" She shrugs halfheartedly at me. Her and I go into the burnt mess leaving Phil behind. I don't think he wants to be too involved in this.

           "Niki are you ok? What happened here?" She looks down and finally answers. "I burnt this place down. I've been not very good recently. You see after you died it brought back the memories of Wil and I. I kind of lost it. I burned the L'Mantree and my bakery. I'm so sick of being kind to everyone because they always leave me. You and WIl were the only two who reciprocated my kindness and you both died. I- When I heard you came back I didn't believe it. I was happy but watching you die hurt me so much. Now that you're back I'm afraid you will leave again. Things have been so complicated recently and I just need a break." Carefully I listened to her and gave her a hug. She's been bottling all of this up for a while. 

          "Niki I promise you I am here to stay. I don't plan to go back there for a long time." I pause thinking over my words carefully. "Niki I saw Wil in the afterlife. He asked about you in some of our conversations. He hasn't forgotten about you and he certainly didn't want to leave you. I know you think people are using you but there will always be people backing you and being by your side. You have your life  ahead of you Niki don't waste it  mourning people it will bring you no joy." She sits quietly pondering my words.        

            Slowly I stand up. Holding my hand to her. She seems to be slowly letting the words sink in. She takes my hand and I lead her outside. "Niki I know you have a lot going on right now. Phil and I might have something to help you get your mind off it." She looks questioningly at me. I stand next to Phil and I give her a huge smile. "We're gonna get married!" She looks shocked and amazed at the same time. Her mood visibly changes she's now the Niki I remember. She's bubbly and happy. Smiling she says," That's amazing! I'm so happy for you! I will get some food prepared for the afterparty!" I looked to Phil and then back at her. "Actually Niki I wanted you to be my maid of honor at the wedding." She starts shaking and gives me a huge hug. "Of course I will! I can't believe you asked me to be it! It'll be my honor!" Phil and I smile to each other and listen to Niki ramble on about her sewing dresses. 

  ~End of Chapter~

This is more filler than anything so I'm sorry. Thank you for reading! Ayo I rewrote the ending. it's still not the best but it'll work. Have a nice day/night!


Dream SMP x Mom! Reader(platonic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora