Chapter 23(Edited)

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~I said pretty much everything I needed to say in the last chapter but surprise double chapter~

~Mini skip(I miss these)~
       Days go by and Dream only comes along to feed me. Today however I hear more people than just Dream. Could it be Tommy like he had said? I hope not. Their encounter moves closer and closer to me as I'm blind to everything outside the room. 

        "Tommy I'm gonna show you something that will make you listen." Dream opens the door to me dread and my eyes lock with Tommy's. Him and Tubbo's shocked expressions chill me to my core. Dream's smile grows wider as he watches. Tommy tries to enter the room but Dream stops him. Tommy turns his attention to Dream with an anger I've never seen from him. "YOU BASTARD! WHAT DID YOU DO?! HOW IS SHE HERE? ARE YOU TRYING TO MESS WITH ME? HOW CAN SHE BE ALIVE I SAW HER DIE! YOU BASTARD!" Dream being held down by Tommy answers, "I can't tell you that for now but there she is and I can take her away just as quick as I got her back for you. So, Tommy I need you to get into the prison or I kill her and Tubbo. That would be just a shame wouldn't it?" 

       Tommy angerly gets off Dream and Dream leads us all towards the prison. We pass a portal and all of a sudden people pool out of it. I take the chance to hide so the other two can escape. People pooling out of the portal shocks Dream. They all surround him and he looks around. Presumably for me but I wasn't going to reveal myself. "You guys actually came I can't believe it thank you so much" Tommy looked so relieved. They corner Dream to kill him but he tell them of the revive book. Some man goes to throw him in prison. He had one more thing to do though. "Y/N stop hiding! It's rude to hide from them!" I close my eyes and pretend it isn't happening but it's over now. Now I gotta come out. Walking out from my hiding spot people stare with shock.

      Quackity is the first to say something, "Madre? How? How can you be alive? We all saw you die" He walks closer to me as do Tommy and Tubbo. I reach out my hands to touch their faces. To show them I'm real but I'm met with a hug instead. Tears soak my shirt from the three boys. Tommy doesn't even question Quackity calling me madre. The same man puts Dream away in the same prison Dream wanted Tommy to go to. From there I am greeted by various people and all of them were happy to see me alive. 

      We all head through the portal and Tommy walks next to me. He slips something into my hand and walks off. I look at the item. It's my compass the one that leads to Techno's home. "Guys I appreciate you helping me but there's somewhere I gotta be right now. I'll catch up with you soon!" They look in curiosity but then understanding as I race off towards Techno's portal. 

      Even though the compass barely works in the nether I see some familiar land and know where I am. I'm close to the portal. I head through it and see the landscape around me. It feels great to be here but... What if they don't wanna see me? What if they've moved on?  What if me coming here does more harm than good? I go to turn back when I hear my name quietly get called. 

      Footsteps approach me. I am turned away so I don't see them. "Y/N? Is that you?" I know that voice. Its Ranboo. I turn to see him looking at me confused. "Hi Ranboo. Can you forget you saw me?" "Not exactly no" I sigh. "Can you bring one of the other two here without telling them it's me?" He nods still not sure of what is going on. My anxiety grows as I wait in the cold. Rubbing my arms to keep them warm. It would be easier if I wasn't scared to go to the house.

     Trudging in the snow makes me even more uneasy. The person approaching is obviously not wanting to be doing this. He isn't paying attention to anything around him. Which for him was odd. "God why did Ranboo want me to come out here. I don't feel like being out here right now" I slowly step into his view. Shyly waving to get his attention. He stops dead in his tracks. I stare at the man who held my hand in my final moments. Who I love. Who talked to me even after I had died. Who never stopped talking to the moon.  He stares in pure amazement and shock. "H-Hey Phil. I'm back" I chuckle to try and ease the mood. His hat covers his eyes as he steps toward me. Oh god he must hate me. Once he reaches his destination he gives me a kiss. One filled with love. he pulls away and hugs me tighter than anyone ever has. I feel hot tears once again drip onto my shirt. With that my tears burst from my eyes.

    "You're back. You're really back! I missed you so much!" "I missed you too" He breaks the hug to look at me. He then realizes I'm not wearing a jacket. "Oh lord you must be freezing we have to get you to the house." With that we head towards the house. Though my fears are still present. Phil brings me in through the back door and we climb the latter to sit by the fire. It's warm. Soon I feel much better. Phil has his arm wrapped around my shoulder like I'm gonna disappear.

    "Phil what did Ranboo want?" I hear Techno going down the latter. I turn around to face him. This time I shed the first tears. "H-Hey Techno." Techno dropped everything he was holding. He stared at me for a minute but then walked out the door into the woods. Now my fears were realized. He hated me. 

      "Y/N he'll come around he just feels guilty is all. Let's get you some warm clothes then you can go find him. I know you want to." I thank him and head to our shared room. Everything was exactly how it was when I died. My clothes were still there so I changed. Tears have been soaking this shirt plus I died in it. I realize as I look in the mirror. I have a large scar that goes from my entire back to the front of my torso. stopping towards the middle in jagged lines. This didn't look good. I throw on a new set of clothes and head out. 

     I find Techno in the woods. He's chopping down trees aggressively. "Techno? I'm sorry I shouldn't have come here. I know it hurts you and you don't wanna see me. I'll leave first thing in the morning." He stops and drops his axe. This time though instead of leaving he unclips his mask and looks at me. I can see the pain he's in. All the sadness he was bottling up and the regret and guilt he was burdened by.

    "Mom do you really think I'm mad at you?" I nod the words not able to come me. "Mom... I ran because... I'm the one who killed you. I'm the one who took you out of this world. How can I face you?" By this point we were both shedding tears. "It wasn't your fault Techno. I chose to do what I did." "BUT WHY?!" His outburst surprising me. "it's because you saw me about to attack Tommy. You died because I couldn't control the voices. You died because I wasn't strong enough." "That is just plain untrue. Techno you can't control those voices and that isn't your fault. Attacking Tommy was bad but I know why you wanted to. He betrayed you and so did I. I'm so so sorry Techno." I walk up to him and hug him tightly. "Don't you worry. Don't you worry child." He laughs lightly at the lyrics. Probably asking himself why I love it so much. "Hey I can't really explain why but I wrote you something while I was dead. It's hard to explain but the piano was there in the afterlife and I wrote a song just for you. Remind me next time we're at the bar to play it for you." He nods and smiles.  Eventually we head home and see Phil waiting on the porch. 

    We all agree it has been a long day so we head to our rooms. When Phil and I get to our room I know there will be a discussion. Since in the moment we didn't think about it. We both prepare for bed. As we sit there together the discussion begins. "Are we gonna talk about it?" "I guess" Phil turns to me and holds my hand. "First question how are you back?" "I don't really wanna talk about it" Phil nods in understanding. "Second, did you see Wil?" That question made me uneasy. "Yes I did but I'd rather not talk about that." "Ok then lets talk about the promise"

    I dreaded this. "I'm sorry I broke it Phil. I just had to protect our kids." "I get that but at the cost of your life? Your death made everyone so devastated. Everyone hoped you'd pop back up and say it was not real.didn't want it to be real. For weeks Techno and I couldn't even find the energy to go and do anything. We just stayed at house grieving." "I'm sorry Phil I really am. But even if I'd have known that I would have still done it. I don't regret it but I do regret hurting you. I thought that after I betrayed you and Techno I deserved this fate. All the pain in the world couldn't describe who broken I felt betraying Techno and you. I shouldn't even be here right now. I hurt you both so much" Phil stops me. "Y/N listen to me and listen good. You didn't deserve any of that. You shouldn't give yourself a bad wrap anyway. You were doing the best you could. You never bother to help yourself you only ever help others. You always pay the price of your kindness and this time it cost you your life. Y/N I can't lose you again. Not ever. Please take care of yourself and stay alive for me? These past weeks have been hell" 

     Water droplets leave my eyes like a running sink. He was right. Could I make that promise though? "Phil I can't promise anything especially after what happened but I can promise I'll try" "that's good enough for me." Sitting in silence I think of his visits to talk to the moon. "Hey Phil I just want you to know I could hear you when you talked to the moon." He chuckles lightly. "Did you respond?" I nodded. Finally we lay down to rest. He wraps his wrong around me bringing me the comfort I so missed.

~End of Chapter~
This isn't the best but I didn't wanna change too much. I like the premise of it. Though of course a few things were added to the story to make it a different experience. Thank you for reading!


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