*Christmas Special*

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~ I wanted to start with thank you all for being here and I wish you a very Merry Christmas or whatever you happen to celebrate! I appreciate you all being here. Thank you for 70k read! Anyway onto the story~

~Christmas Eve~

    The sound of running wakes me up. Must be the kids. Slowly sliding out of bed I dread getting woken up even earlier tomorrow. I get dressed in a (F/c) holiday sweater and traveled downstairs to be greeted by Phil and the boys. Even as grown men they are playing like children chasing each other down for a game of tag. I assume Tommy provoked Techno into playing. It looked as though Techno had shed his mask to enjoy the fun, even though he looked not so happy at the moment. 

    Phil was trying to get them under control unintentionally joining the game. Wil dragged him along to Phil's dismay. I stared at the chaos and chuckled. So much for a calm Christmas at the bar. I watch as Tommy runs into a pole and Techno tags him. "HA! GET DESTROYED CHILD!" Tommy's cries and Wilbur, Phil and Techno's laughter cause me to burst into laughter of my own. Which catches their attention. "Oh good morning! We didn't wake you did we?" I shook my head and helped Tommy up. 

     With that I drag Techno in the kitchen to help me cook breakfast. We made Bacon eggs and potatoes per Techno's request. As it finished Tommy and Wil hovered over us hoping to sneak some food only to be scared off by Techno who happened to take some himself. Phil set the table while scolding the other two for being in the way. 

     After everything is finished and on the plates everything is consumed quickly. They all tear into their food like it's all they've eaten in years. Tommy perks up after he finishes. "Oh mum! Tubbo and Ranboo are spending Christmas with us! They're bringing Michael as well!" Techno looked confused but went back to his food. Phil looked pleased and placed a hand on mine. "That sounds great! Wil is Fundy or Sally joining us?" Wil nodded, "Fundy is but Sally is visiting her family for the holidays and yes Tommy fish celebrate Christmas too" Tommy's mouth just sat gaping. We cleaned the food up and sat around the fire telling stories and bickering about who got who what.

      Then a knock is heard. I get up and open the door. Tubbo, Ranboo, and Michael are standing there with smiles. "Welcome! Go have a seat by the fire!" They thank me and greet everyone while setting down their gifts under the tree. Michael running right up to Phil and asking for hugs. Before I could close the door a frantic stranger runs up. "WAIT! YOUR MAIL!" He gets to the door while panting and hands me some cards. "Merry *pant* Christmas" With that he leaves and I close the door. I open the cards.

    ne is from Puffy has a picture of her, Dream, and Foolish standing by the fridge with the two boys giving mean looks at each other. Puffy in between them smiling away. The fridge was decorated but for some reason I didn't think it was happy. On the back of the card it said ' Merry Christmas from my family to yours! ' I smile at the card at look at the other cards. The next one is from Quackity! His has a picture of him, Charlier, Karl, and Sapnap. They all look happy as they lounge around a couch the picture obviously taken without most of them knowing. On the back it read, "Feliz Navidad Madre. -Quackity ' then it also had ' Merry Christmas humans! I hope your interaction with this Santa person goes well! -Charlie the human ^not slime^ ' I laugh at the card and look at the final card it was a picture of all the pets in the world with Niki in the middle with the caption 'Merry Christmas! ' underneath. 

    "Who was that mum?!" I wave the cards. "Oh just some cards I hope they all get mine in time." They all collectively give an "OH" and go back to their conversation. I return to my spot next to Phil and place a kiss on his cheek. I hand him the cards and he smiles at all but Puffy's card. "What's wrong?" He gives a disgusted face. "It's- it's my ex in the photo!" My eyes go wide and stare at the fridge. "This is the fridge?" He nods. That explains why it doesn't like me. 

     The night continues on until Tommy asks, "Mum when is Santa gonna get here?" Michael perks up. "He will come tonight Tommy be patient" Tommy groans and starts to complain. Phil tells Michael all about Santa per his request. With that everyone starts to listen and wind down. Slowly they start nodding off. "alright off the bed everyone Santa has to get here at some point" They all groan and reluctantly go upstairs to sleep. Phil and I are the only ones awake. 

     "When should we tell them the truth Phil." "Never this is too funny" We both chuckle and start bringing presents down from our room. Afterward we head upstairs and go to sleep.

~In the morning~

      "MUM!!!! GET UP SANTA CAME!!!!!" Tommy bounced on Phil and I's bed with enthusiasm. Phil doesn't even bother opening his eyes. Instead he throws his arm out which knocks Tommy off the bed. Phil chuckles when he hears the thud. Michael opens the door to help Tommy and we start drifting off until we hear a knock on the front door. Dang now we have to get up. Tommy starts groaning about how rude it was to do that while Phil and I kick him out so we can wake up a little. "Go answer the door and wake everyone else up. " With that he and Michael race off to the front door. We hear Tommy yelling throughout the house telling people to wake up.

    Phil and I dress in matching holiday outfits and walk out together hand in hand. Tommy is running to each door with tiny Michael following along. They reached Techno's door and Tommy started sweating telling Michael to back up. As I go to ask why he stopped Techno's door swings open and something get thrown at Tommy. The complaining starts and we go to greet the guest. Who just so happens to be Fundy who is holding many gifts. 

   "oh wow that's a lot of gifts let me help you!" He thanks me and we set them underneath the tree which now might as well be made of out of presents. Tommy and Michael come racing downstairs everyone else in tow. They all look tired. The two younger boys too excited to open presents. "SANTA CAME!" With that everyone took a seat and I got everyone drinks while Phil handed out stockings. They ripped into them with glee. They were all happy with the contents of their stockings. Then they went to presents.

    All of them had a favorite gift. Tommy's was a stuffed bear with stuffed diamond armors on it though he didn't admit it. Wil's was a framed picture of him, Sally, and Fundy which Fundy said he didn't put there. I know he did though. Techno's was a huge stuffed potato which he openly admitted was of the best things he's gotten ever except for his newly fitted cloak which I had redone for him once again. Tubbo's was a picture of him, Ranboo, and Michael which was Ranboo's favorite as well. Michael's favorite was a tiny stuffed golden sword which none one knows how it got there but I think when everyone was asleep Techno put it under there. He seemed fond of his nephew. Fundy's favorite was a greatest grandson ever mug which I bought. Phil's favorite was a locket with a picture of us and the boys inside. Which took a log time to make. 

   Finally my favorite well all were eager to know and it was having them all there with me. With no drama or serious arguments and nothing but joy. They all groaned at my answer but it was true. I force everyone into a group hug and I give Phil a peck on the lips. I wish it could be like this all year. 


   I open my eyes. 

    That can't have been a dream can it?

      It was but it was good dream while it lasted. 

         Now back to reality.

           Merry Christmas to me I guess.

~End of Chapter~

I hope you all enjoyed and I hope you all a good night/morning. I love you all Merry Christmas! 



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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2021 ⏰

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