Chapter 35

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~Ayo I am back! Thank you for 52k! I love all of you! Anyway onto the story!~

~Time Skip~

"MUM! What is going on?! It's so dark!!" 

       Raking through the darkness searching for the helpless child. Crying out for his mom. The voice vaguely familiar. Whimpering fills the darkness. This poor child. What is going on here. Where are we? 

"Are you okay?"


The child knows me? 

Slowly I open my eyes. What a strange dream...

       Sunlight spills through the glass of my window. Who was that in my dream? That poor child. An ache in my head appears strongly as I make my way downstairs. What am I forgetting? I have no clue. Making my way to the counter I quickly snatch a rag out of the closet. 

        As I wipe the cold counters my mind flashes to my bar in shambles. Vines all around clutching onto my bar. Those vines turn red strangely. What is going on? In the corner I see three figures staring at me. What is happening?! I shakily look down and see a ring on my finger. 

        Just like magic all the stuff I was imagining went away. My thoughts are returning to me. I regain my memories. It's strange that happened. I normally don't have a problem. 

        Looking back at my ring I see one of those red vines are filling the engravings on it and have now wrapped around my finger. Grabbing a knife I cut the vines off my finger. Must have come from the egg when I wasn't paying attention. That doesn't explain my memory loss though. I mean maybe it can have that effect on people I'm not sure. I wish I could ask but Bad wouldn't admit to anything. 

      Just as I finish that thought a knock is heard. I open the door to see


       "Tommy?!" We embrace. Tears spill from us both as we look at each other. "Mum..... God I missed you." He holds on tighter. My poor child went through hell. "I know... I know... I'm here now. I'm sorry I couldn't save you." We remain like that for a few minutes. Though for us it seemed like no time at all. We were just happy at be here alive.

       When we finally break away from the hug I lead him to one of the bar stools and have him sit. Quickly as I can I whip up some hot chocolate. He is looking around the bar from where he is at. Probably remembering his childhood. 

       I hand him the drink and sit next to him. "So.... Dream revived you?" "Yea" 

I shouldn't be surprised but I hadn't done anything Dream had asked of me. I still haven't gotten around to passing the message to Techno and I won't be giving Ranboo his message. Did Dream really have that much faith in me? I guess that's fair I was irrational when I visited him. I really wanted Tommy back but he's back now so I don't have to do what Dream says anymore. 

       "I'm so glad he did. That bastard shouldn't have killed you in the first place." Tommy looks down into his drink like trying to piece together his thoughts.

        "Mom when you .....died.... was it pitch black?" I shake my head at him. "No it was actually just a run down version of the bar. It still relatively lit though." Tommy clenches his fists. "Mine was pitch black. I cried out for help for weeks. At some point I thought you answered back but soon after I was revived. I know it sounds weird but I could have sworn it was you." 

       Shock fills my body. He was the child in my dream! God! How could I not know that?! "Wow that's weird Tommy. Did you get to talk to Wilbur." That set him off. Tommy bursts up from his chair and starts to pace. "He's insane mum! He cannot be revived! I know you love him but he's too far gone! He would do terrible horrible things if he were to return!" 

     The floor was suddenly interesting as I avoid eye contact with Tommy. Wilbur couldn't persevere through the madness. It feels just as painful as him dying again. Tommy steps into my view. "Sorry mom, but he's too far gone. I tried to reason with him but he can't be helped." I place my hand on his arm. "I know you tried you best and I'm glad you did." 

     "Does Tubbo know you are back?" Tommy nods. Silence fills the room. As we both just sit there remembering the afterlife. I try to change the topic. "I met the egg." Tommy looks at me curiously and slowly backs away. "It's ok I'm not a fan of it." He visibly relaxes when I say that as he returns to his seat. 

        "I don't remember the last time anyone except me were dead silent in here." Tommy chuckles and shares one of his memories. "I remember one time the silence was so bad I slammed my hands on the keys of the piano." Starting to laugh as I remember the awful sound it made. "I remember you chasing Tubbo the garden everyday even in the rain. Though you hated it when you had to go home. So sometimes you and Tubbo would stay here and have a sleepover in on of the guestrooms." Tommy now has a bright smile on his face. 

        "Man I remember that. I remember being afraid- I mean not appreciating the dark. Techno and Wil would stay in the room with me until I fell asleep every time it got bad. I always felt so safe with them around. I mean-! I was a big man and I scared the fear away!" Tommy's attempts to cover up the truth were entertaining. 

       "One time you were goofing off and threw a bucket of water on Techno! Boy did he chase you! Haha! You ran in circles around the bar. Finally he got smart and jumped through the bar at you. When he got you he drug you outside and threw you in the water to get even. You both were laughing so hard about that one for a while." We continue to talk about old stories until we both get so tired we head up to bed. As I plop down on my bed I feel grateful to the world for letting me have at least one of my two lost sons back. Hopefully we can save Wil but it might be far too late. With that I fall asleep.

~End of Chapter~

Hopefully ya'll liked it! I know some of it doesn't make much sense but I hope to make it make sense later. Anyway love ya'll! I'll update on weekends since those are the only days I have off. Thank you for reading!


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