Chapter 39

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~It's here ya'll!!! After over 2 months (I'm sorry btw) I am finally able to write. I'm sorry for taking such a long hiatus I just have been going through some stuff. Though that's not an excuse. Anyway thank you all so much for over 66k we grew than I though I would over this break. I love you all. Anyway enjoy this chapter.~

~Morning time~

         I woke abruptly to someone shaking me gently. I shot my arm out to attack the person only be blocked with ease. "careful now I'm trying to help." I look at the person. "oh Puffy it's you". The woman nods and dons a smile. "Why were you sleeping on the floor?" I grab her shoulder and help myself stand. "Just didn't have the energy to move"

       "oh... well do you wanna walk around with me today? Maybe go see some people?" "I don't see the harm in that." Then an idea hits me. "Uh Puffy before we go can you help me with something?" she turns around and nods. "Of course". "Can you help me clean this place for visitors for tonight?" Her expression shows pure shock. "You're opening up again?" I nod. "I have been neglecting this poor place. It's about time I let it be lively again." She smiles and agrees to help me. 

       So, we spent a few hours cleaning the bar and all the dishes. Wiping down booths and now we are fixing the older decorations. The only thing that needed to be replaced is my family photo. "Um... Puffy are you good at making things?" She nods happily. "Can you make a new frame for this please?" The woman gingerly grabs it and tucks it into her pocket. "No problem! Now since we're done lets go on a walk!"

     She practically drags me out of the bar. I haven't been out in a few days so the sun feels even warmer than normal. We both walk down the path towards L'Manburg. A place I don't really wish to see. Puffy is humming a sea shanty. The sound is soothing and bubbly kind of like the woman herself.  I find myself humming with her what I could and we both enjoyed the moment. Suddenly I become hyper aware of my footsteps.




     My feet plant in place. 

Don't go there you know what you'll find

     I take in a deep breath. I muster the courage to take that step forward. Puffy puts a hand on my shoulder. "One step at a time. I'm sorry I brought you here but Tommy wanted to meet here." Tommy? I gotta keep going he might need my help for something! I push myself to keep going and not stare at the wreckage I pass by that leaves fear in my soul. Then I see Tommy standing by himself in the center.

    "Tommy!" He turns and waves at me. "Hey mum!" I barely notice but Puffy leaves the area probably to let us talk. "Tommy! How are you doing?" I walk up to him and gibe him a tight hug. "Well as I'm sure you know Wilbur is back. Other than that all is well. I think...." Surprisingly I'm confused like so many times before. "He's making you fell little isn't he?" Tommy nods but puts his hands up. "But don't worry! I'm a big man I can handle it!" I place my hand on his shoulder. "But you shouldn't have to" He shakes his head assures me he is fine.

    "Well I gotta head back to the bar. I'm starting it back up tonight and I ought to spread the word before I open." Tommy's expression brightens. "You're opening again! THIS IS AMAZING! I'm gonna go tell everyone I can! Can I help you run it?!!!" I chuckle at his excitement. "Of course you can." "HORRAY I'LL SEE YOU AT OPENING TIME!!" He races off probably to go tell people. 

     Now it's time for me to head into the town close to the bar and spread word. This might take awhile. 

~Time Skip~

     It's been a few weeks since my reopening and we are booming. People have been in and out consistantly and enjoying the bar. I think it's been successfully brought back to its former glory. Tommy helps every night and he also helps clean afterwards. A lot of our success is to him going up to strangers and begging them to come and order a drink. He truly is excited this is back. It's probably like a preserved piece of his childhood. 

      A few people have claimed to have seen red vines on the establishment so I asked Phil to help. He rushed over and helped graciously. He was exstatic that the bar was reopened. He promised to send some fabrics to decorate with. He also shared concerns with no being able to read some book. Though he couldn't read its name so he said he'd bring it by soon. 

     Tonight a familiar man walked into the bar. The shock on both Tommy and I's faces when he sat down was evident. "Um is that?" "Yep that's who Techno attack as a child" He was very scarred and looked more worn down then last I saw. Which is saying something since he was pretty close to death last I saw him. I walk over and ask for his order. He looks up and he realizes where he was. "Oh hell no. Damn how did I wander here!" I put my hands up. "Sir just calm down and leave if you want to but please don't cause a scene" He slams his hands on the table. "YOUR BRAT LEFT ME LIKE THIS HOW CAN I NOT CAUSE A SCENE" I know he was attacked but he doesn't get to call any of my children a brat. His rambling kept going and people were staring. I tuned him out. I walked over the counter and grabbed the object underneath the counter. 

     "Alright sir time to leave" In my hands was a bat. Tommy's fear and confusion turned into joy. He found it funny that I kept that under there and no one knew. The man stood up threateningly. "We don't need to have you leave hurt again sir. I would've thought you'd of learned after you got beat up by a child that you aren't all that tough" He yells and raises his arm to punch me but I duck and swing the bat at his legs. I put as much strength as I could behind the blow. The man crumbles to the floor with a bang and a crunch. "You done sir? Because I can keep going" I get ready to wing again. He raises his hands up in defense. "I'm sorry!! I'll leave just please stop!" "Thank you hope you enjoyed your stay!" I put the bat in it's normal spot and clap my hands together. "Is anyone will to help him out it appears one of his legs just stopped working." A few men escort him outside and leave him there. 

      "Mum that was awesome! Since when could you do that?" "It's not hard you just swing. Oh and if anybody wants to cause a ruckus please rethink your decision to do so for your sake." The customers nod and go back to their drinks and conversations. The night continues like this until it's closing time. "Well goodnight Tommy you can take one of the spare beds" He nods and gives me a hug. He looks exhausted. I'm feeling tired so I head to my comfy bed and drift off to sleep.

~End of Chapter~

Well here you are hopefully you liked it! I tried really hard! If you have any criticisms please leave them in the comments so I can improve! Love you all!


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