91. AfterGlow-Part 4

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Twirling around in a dress made perfectly for her, Amara felt the soft fabric with just her fingertips as she stared into the mirror. Having her old room back in the castle was a relief, but it was even better knowing Hope had gotten one to suit her needs. Everything just felt better with Hope being here, safe and sound. And not just her as Amara felt strong arms snake around her body from behind as Ben's face appeared in the mirror, his head fitting perfectly in the crook of her neck. Kissing her lightly on the right side of her face, his pull against her heightened within the force as she felt loved, truly loved. Shifting her head to let him feel more comfortable, they stared into the other's eyes and stayed silent, but it was familiar and comfortable. Moving her arms to cover where he was, she felt his bare skin, closed her eyes, and just floated to cloud nine. Hearing him smirk in her ear, she didn't care about how head over heels she looked and felt.

"Amara," Ben hummed in a humorous tone.

"Let me feel genuine happiness for a moment, Solo." She opened her eyes the moment he began to leave loving and long kisses on her exposed neck from the dress's straps.

"I can think of a few memories where one little moment turned into a long night for us." Ben hinted as he grazed his teeth over her skin. He kissed and suck on her skin, making her moan in pleasure.

"Hmm, it's been a year since we last had one here in Sylas." She gasped the second Ben dropped his right hand lower to her hips as he felt the fabric under his fingers. The temptation to skip dinner made Amara's face flush red.

"We have a dinner to attend, Mar." He taunted in her ear as she lost control of him being against her. Swiftly spinning in his hold that he loosened for her, she grabbed his face and smashed her lips to his, connecting them in more ways than a simple bond. Thinking back to their shared memory in Canto Bight a week before, Amara felt her back slam against a wall as Ben lifted her. Wrapping her legs around his waist, she couldn't get enough of their shared but heated kiss as she felt him grind against her. Amara's dress fell to her sides as Ben kept her up with his hands under her butt, gripping her skin as their tongues melted together.

"I believe that's not a table I'd like to fuck you on," Ben whispered against her lips as he brought a hand out from under her and seized her face. Gripping her jaw but not in the way of hurting her anymore, Amara's lips hovered just above his as she felt the lust between them increase tenfold. But the moment she felt Hope getting anxious about something, Amara's face went straight as Ben dropped her to the floor with urgency.

"What is it?" With the lust between the two gone, Amara could only feel Hope and Ben's worry for not only Amara but Hope too.

Darkness surrounded Hope. The same kind of power Amara always felt in her life. Pushing away from Ben as she focused on where her daughter was in the castle, the bedroom door opened wide to reveal Monroe and Marvel. The looks on Ben and Monroe's faces shared with Amara's expression. And when Marcel's hand raised to see the familiar key dangling from a finger, all four knew where Hope had gone. Nodding her head at Marcel, he was the first to leave the Jedi as Monroe eyed Ben behind her before his blue eyes lingered on Amara. A simple thought in his head showed Amara that he was worried about Hope being consumed by the dark force they grew up around, just by standing in that vault.

"Let Stefan and Sara know what's up and that we'll be late for dinner," Amara spoke calmly as she looked up at Ben as he gave one nod to her. As both Jedi left the bedroom, Monroe followed them down the hallway as he complained about Solo being near such a bad place as it forced Amara to stop walking. She understood why he said it. Feeling Ben's eyes on her as she turned around to face Monroe, and her expression said it all.

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