71. MirrorBall

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A's/N: Chapter inspired by Mirror ball by Taylor Swift


As Amara held onto Monroe's arm, they strolled into the large golden yet bright ballroom residing in the hotel and casino as Amara's eyes lit up like fireworks. Golden yellow was covering the room as far as her violet eyes could see. It was as if she was looking straight into the sun itself as bright lights covered the room, blankets of white and golden yellow curtains and ribbons covered the windows and walls. Tables were placed strategically around the room to give access to the main dance floor area as guests, from San's personal list to normal visitors, could be seen dining and laughing as they, too, admired the room.

Various mirrors hung from the walls lining the large windows' view opposite the other as the gardens glowed like magic. For the first time, this place didn't seem like a hotel but more of a castle. It looked like something Stefan would have back in Sylas, just smaller in scale. Feeling a tap on her arm, Amara turned up to stare at Monroe but only for a moment as he pointed a finger towards the ceiling. It was covered in mirror balls. A genuine smile graced her face as it made Monroe's heart flutter, but only a little. It hadn't seen her that happy for a second in a long time. Not since she left to train at Skywalker's temple.

With a faint melody in her mind, Monroe caught the sweet song as he began to hum it, her smiling becoming wider as she sneaked a glance up at his face, filled with amusement. Slightly yet playfully smacking him in the arm, they both strolled around the room as Amara became less anxious and tense. She could see why Leia wanted her and Monroe to be around the other. They calmed each other in tight situations. Though, both knew the other would do it in a heartbeat anyway. With the room filled with joy and physical laughter, Amara knew something was missing. A dark entity of his own.

Scanning the room, she could see each Knights standing in different areas, each of them far apart as if acting as security. Not like the crowd in here needed one. But still, she felt on edge, and Monroe felt it as he caressed her arm around his, rubbing the thin fabric. With the slight fear of Ren not being in sight, Monroe could peek into her mind to see the note Ren had left her on the nightstand. Dropping off the dress in Leia's box, he, too, had seen it placed on the hard surface, knowing exactly who it was from. No matter what or where, Ren always was creative at knowing his way around, fighting his way into her heart. Just like Monroe had done for various years.

"If he isn't already in the room somewhere, you and I both know he'll show up with flare. Relax, Mar." Monroe tried his best to ease his friend as she nodded but said nothing. Not even a huff of breath from annoyance. Monroe knew that letter meant something, meant Ren wanted something personal from her, and gathering the little hints in her thoughts, he was right. He wanted a dance with her, and it felt like she would be willing to accept one.

"I just don't want to see this night go to ruins." He could hear the worry in her tone. Nowadays, it just seemed natural when she wasn't around Ren or anyone on the Dark Side. Frowning at her words, he avoided her lingering sight around the room as he guided them to an area of nice people, people Monroe actually made friends with during his time here.

Not once did he ever explain why he was truly there. Not once did Amara even mention to ask either, but there was so much she needed to do here. He understood and with it, the respect he had for her, to see her care about someone else other than herself or Kylo Ren. He could see how Hope changed her in the shortest amount of time. Even now, Monroe had told Leia about Hope, and with it came Leia's hope for Amara's future. Thinking back to Leia's lecture on everything about Amara, he could see what Leia meant about how Amara reminded her of Davina. Monroe saw it now. Everything about her mother was standing next to him. Amara just shined brighter.

But Monroe wasn't the only one to see Amara Djinn shine brightly under the glittering lights. Without a single word being uttered about his entrance, Kylo Ren stood starstruck as the woman he loved and was bonded to stood under the largest of mirror balls. Feeling light happiness as she admired everything around and above her, Kylo smirked. He knew requesting these shiny things for her would work. Of course, he only wanted to see her smile. But, he also wanted more. More than a smile. More than a dance. More than anything, he just wanted her. Forever. And to think, he was so close to having all of her. He knew his little note to her would affect her in some way. Hell, even he needed to be good. Though seeing her around Monroe annoyed and frustrated him to no end, he forced himself to be content. She had someone to lean on, a friend she once put as. Feeling a gaze on his scarred face, he glanced down slightly at the Queen around his arm, her smile not so innocent.

Kylo hated this woman. The way she disowned everything to her name, did what she could to bring down everything Amara tried to stand against. Putting his beloved Dyad bonded in severe danger by sending the Mir'Ang after them. Kylo needed to kill her pronto, but he'd do it after his night with Amara. Swallowing the disgusted and bile down his throat, he only grunted at the false Queen next to him as San began several announcements, which gained Amara's attention to look over where Ren stood. He did everything he could not be affected by how angelic and delicate she looked. From the dress to her hair to everything about her standing there in the room, no one looked as beautiful as she did. No one, not even the pitiful false Queen next to him, could compare. She looked like a literal star, plucked from the night sky. Tonight, Kylo Ren wouldn't dare to harm her, and in his mind, he made it a promise.

Without much effort from her, Amara felt jealousy and disappointment. Ben's words from early morning crossed Amara's thoughts about his so-called Queen of a guest. Amara couldn't take her eyes off the blonde female as she leaned against Ben's left side in a seductive matter. Amara knew this based on the human's thoughts. Amara had wondered for only a minute as to why the female's blonde hair looked disheveled and her dress, somewhat wrinkled in various places. Seeing the faint images of the Queen getting roughly pounded by Ren made Amara's heart flutter, yet her blood boiled with fury. 

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