32. Big Slimy Monster

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Attaching my ship using a long cord magnetized on one end, I sat in silence as I pushed my hands against my face as I heard various loud noises, signaling something had just busted open and broken down as I heard Rey say something about the motivator. Not knowing much about Solo's relic ship, I knew it had to be important for Rey to flip out on Finn finding a Harris Wench as they fought over the radio. 

Sitting with my X-Wing in automatic, my ship stayed at the same speed as the Falcon as I tried so hard not to lose my focus or control on these two who clearly knew nothing about taking care of a ship, let alone themselves. Well, at least Rey wasn't someone to worry about. Leaning my chair back in a way I fixed it to be, I grabbed an old pack of protein chips that must've been stale by now as I opened the bag to exactly that, stale chips and began to munch on them, listening to the never-ending fight about Rey knowing what something looks like and Finn complaining about how everyone loves Jakku for some reason.

Honestly, I'd prefer Pasaana over Jakku, but my opinion didn't matter at the time as I watched the deep space for any suspicious ships. I mostly watched out for the Finalizer. Everything began to shake as my console was immediately shut down as all lights and sounded silenced my cabin. The entire Falcon began to be pulled into a giant structure that definitely made everything feel like the First Order but what made me confused yet worried was that I could not sense Kylo Ren anywhere near us. So, where were we? Thinking quickly, I grabbed my jacket and my lightsaber. I escaped out the bottom hatch designed for a small escape as I jumped down onto the landing wherever we sat in and found several hatch doors leading into the Falcon and used them to my advantage.

Following the winding hallways of the old ship I wished Ben had taken me on, I watched closely behind a wall to see Rey, Finn, and the droid hiding underneath a grate as loud sounds of footsteps approached them. Metallic sounds began whirling as every sound before became louder as Rey fiddled with something below the deck. Finn dropped completely down before the doors opened to reveal two faces I never thought I'd see again, especially not after the fall of the temple.

 It was like looking at the face that stirred my heart for years as the older man named Han Solo hadn't changed a bit since looking into Ben's memory years ago. Staying hidden, I watched silently as Rey and Finn were found out before the line of vision was blocked as Chewbacca saw me, the very grunts he made stopped everyone from talking as Han glued his eyes to mine. I wanted to run. I wanted to hide. I wanted to do everything in my power to avoid this man. But something told me to stay, and I did as he dropped his weapon to his side, and his gaze softened the moment I stepped away from the wall I hid behind.


"Han Solo, Chewbacca," I addressed both as Chewie was the only one that came rushing over to me as he hugged me tightly as if he always wanted to do so but never got the chance to until now.

"I take it you know each other?" Rey asked as we all looked towards her, making me only nod. I didn't know how to answer it without giving much away as Han nodded too.

"Let's say my son and her go way back. I'd never thought I'd have the chance to see you again, Amara. We have much to catch up on, I'm sure but first...where'd you find this ship?"

"Nima's Outpost," Rey answered a little too quickly as Han seemed offended. I mean, I would too.

"Jakku? The junkyard? I told you we should've checked the Western Reaches." He leaned back to Chewie to say the last sentence as I hid my smile behind my hand as I helped BB-8 from under the floor.

Luckily, no one saw me use the force to do so as he was fairly surprised. Hushing him and giving him the finger to my mouth to show silence, he chirped lowly unhappy he couldn't tell anyone. Well, Han and Chewie already knew. As everyone began to speak about what to do next, something caught my eye as I ventured away from the group and saw a small room with various things in it. The room resembled something of a child's bedroom as toys were stuffed into storage bins covered in dust. 

The drawings were ripped in various ways, and many pictures that were hung at one point left old markings on the walls where they hung. I hadn't know Han would keep a room like this, let alone for anything to be here still after Unkar left his mark on the ship. Old memories of Ben and I resurfaced in my mind as the lights that remained working flashed above me, signaling this was becoming too much for me to handle all at once as I felt Chewie behind me. Grunting a few noises at me, he asked if I had seen or heard anything about Ben as I unconsciously nodded my head. 

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