55. If I Stay

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The fight wasn't nearly as long as I'd hoped it would. Still drunk on the adrenaline I kept from killing Snoke, it had been easier to kill his guards without effort. Though I still felt the slight halo of power given to me from Vader himself, something Ben wanted to question me about. Blocking a stab to the face, I kicked the guard to the right of me as my heeled boot jabbed into his stomach, causing him to fly backward. It took everything inside me not to kill all of them at once and flee. It took everything inside me not to kill them all, take Ben and flee the First Order because all I wanted was him. 

My plan of Daylight had gone so well up until now, almost too well. But I didn't care. We both needed the other. And with it, the fight to protect the other. He fought on the opposite side of me, having an equal amount of guards to fight against. The swings of his saber were overpowering to see as I fought and blocked my way through. I knew we worked better together, closer together. I knew we were in the same room, but I needed to be closer to him, to feel my back against his as I tried to cross the room to him. To feel the spark that ignites me to fight better, live longer. But I knew he wasn't the only one I had to live for.

Feeling like I was slammed into a wall, I watched as Ben turned his attention quickly enough to acknowledge my fall as I stood up to block another hit directed to my head with ease. With one little battle cry slipping from my mouth, I pulled the rod held at the edge of my neck as I slammed my head into the guards as he dropped to the ground. And with it, so did my body as I grasped his head in my hands as I snapped his neck in one swift motion.

"One," I spoke, counting their deaths out of second nature. 

Just by feeling his armor beneath my hands, they were not consumed by force. They were just human as I jumped away from the dead man and made my way towards the next three in front of me. All of them took their chances to attack as I used the force to hold each of them, focusing on the one that held the most dangerous weapons near me. With the three men covered in red armor standing before me, they reminded me I could kill all three at once. But looking over at Ben as he fought, truly, for his life, the urge to do what I naturally did ceased. So little things could turn me against what I've always done; Ben was the one who always made it happen.

Using the force to rip them from where I stood, I flung all but one towards the outer walls as I peered over to the one who held the worst weapon I've seen from this order. I stopped letting my mind wander towards Ben to stop myself from being distracted, knowing he was doing fine without me. Though I couldn't see his face, I knew something was menacing, deadly about this kind of weapon as he broke it in two. Smirking for a moment, it caused a bad reaction as he darted towards me, flailing the two sides of his weapon in the air as I dodged but not with ease this time. I didn't want to be electrocuted, nor be sliced in half as I tumbled with skill away from him as I landed on my feet to block the razor-sharp blade with my saber's plasma blade. Feeling the power of the force around me, I gripped onto the open end of the blade and siphoned the power from the entire weapon, shock washing over him as I smirked harder.

"Two," I spoke before pushing him off of me as I sliced his head off in one swoop of my lightsaber, his body dropping to the ground as his head rolled against my right foot. 

Feeling Ben coming up behind me, I sensed his intention to grab hold of my hand and twirl me away from the men coming towards me with intent to kill as I let him do just that. His grip was stronger than usual as he grasped my hand but only to twirl me around his body, as if for protection as he ripped his hand from me as we both became breathless for the first time as we touched. Pushing my back against his, the touch sent sensations straight down my back, the fiery feeling of our bond igniting like fuel. Fuel to use to protect the other as we continued to fight Snoke's guards in red.

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