11. Enter the Gray Jedi

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A's/N: depending on whatever timeline you've read about, these next chapters will take place six or seven years later from the time of the temple's destruction and Luke's disappearance. These chapters take place before Kylo's arrival on Jakku to search for the map to Skywalker and the start of the Sequel movie, The Force Awakens. Amara is 25 years old, and Kylo Ren/Ben Solo is 29, roughly. Amara no longer considers herself as a Jedi Knight, but just as a Gray Jedi, sort of. Her lightsaber remains its violet hue but doesn't keep it visible on her body anymore.

I had thought long and hard about the location I had chosen to stay in secretly. It wasn't because of the hideous neighbors that hit on me every time I walked by, or the decrepit housing that could barely hold a roof up, but for the very fact that my little secret hideaway was actually inside the very base that was sealed away by the First Order, days after I had gotten to live here. Completely aware of my surroundings, I drank another sip of the expensive yet disgusting wine the little pub I sat currently in gave me. I paid off what I had for the drink as I watched Stormtrooper after Stormtrooper cause chaos and commotion around the pub. I hadn't gotten much in the way of the First Order until recent years when various places I had lived before had been destroyed within days of my departure from various cities as it made me believe I was being hunted down by more than what I bargained for.

Watching as the several troopers destroy and take away food from various creatures and humans, I kept a calm and peaceful mind as they made their way from the back of the pub to the front as the building had one entrance in the front and one at the rear. Just by their actions, they were looking for something, or maybe rather, someone. But I couldn't tell, nor did I really care enough to. Sitting out in the open, I didn't have anything to cover my head or my face, not that I wanted to ruin my long, wavy, brown hair as two men from beside me were thrown back from the control of two Troopers ranked as captains based on the red flags on their shoulders. Looking absolutely frightened to the core, the bartender standing in front of me kept washing a random glass on the verge of chipping as the two troopers placed their gun on the table and leaned forward.

"Scram bartender!" The trooper on the left spoke with authority as the bartender raced as quickly as he could away from this side of the bar. Taking out a small digital pad as a vibrant screen display popped up, the very image of my 19-year-old self popped up, telling me they were after me as I just smiled before taking a sip of my drink. Oh, this is about to get interesting.

"Can I help you, boys?" If they were all boys. Sometimes with masks, you can't tell. Ironic. With the entire room starting to taunt me quietly, the two on either side of me pulled their guns close to the edge of the counter, but my gaze didn't move from the small bomb planted underneath the inside counter area of the bar. The digital time on the bomb read over two minutes.

"We're looking for someone that resembles this child, and you seem to be the perfect fit for the girl here. I can clearly see we have a match to the screen, FN 1209." The guy on the left spoke as he slid the digital pad across the table in front of me as it landed on the guy on the right.

"Looks exactly like her unless you have an unknown clone hiding away in this place."

"Not yet, but it's a brilliant idea. Thanks." I said sarcastically as I gulped down the last of my drink before it was pulled from my grip and thrown across the room. This detail made me realize I was the only one amongst Stormtroopers left in the pub. Oh, what joy. I went to get up as I was pushed back down into a seat as it was swiveled to the front of the pub. Counted the troopers in the room, there had to have been ten or twelve. Good thing that's not a big number to affect the First Order when they die in less than two minutes now. Got to hurry up with this!

"We should wait until Commander Ren is here to assess the situation of her not being a clone-" I couldn't wait any longer as I used the force to snap their necks as various blaster bolts erupted in the space around me as I froze them all before using each to hit the owner of every trooper as they dropped to the ground, dead.

"That's what you get when you wait, assholes," I muttered under my breath as I reached over to steal a bottle of good wine before racing out of their like lightning before a giant explosion shook the village under the rule of the First Order.

Climbing the stone mountains as the village nestled between a large valley, more explosions erupted all over the other side of the town as more troopers and crew members of the organization I hated along with the Resistance died along with the town. Bomb after bomb kept destroying the town as I continued to climb the hills all the way up to where my X-Wing sat. The minute I got to the top and stepped on the underside of my ship, the very shape of a First Order Command Shuttle descended from the darkened and stormy skies from above as it rested on the opposite peak I stood on. 

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