38. Everything is Blue

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Commission done by Marzibon on Twitter and Instagram!

Third POV:

Exiting the base, Amara ran faster than she had ever gone. Her legs burned with the muscles that were rarely used in a situation like this. Her breathing had quickened the moment she sprinted out the entrance she came through. Her mind was locked tight from being heard as she ran in a random direction. Following her guts, she refused to lead Ren towards her ship, or even the Falcon. The snowy fortress made it challenging to run, at first, as she picked her feet higher to gain speed through the vast white-colored grounds. The darkened trees were surrounding her blended together in a rush of dark hues of blue, black, and grey. Snow fell with each step she took as she felt his power, his aura, coming towards her. For mere seconds, she assumed he wouldn't go after her. That maybe, just maybe, he would train his brain to head towards Rey and Finn. But to her dismay, he didn't. Amara could feel his anger towards her escape. Still pumped full of adrenaline and dark power from killing his father, a vision both had seen Amara have, she knew at one point she'd be his next target, but not when it came for death. Jumping over a large yet dead log, Amara hurled herself over but never saw the sharp twig that stuck further out than the others as it scratched her face to the point where it drew blood. But she didn't care about some little cut as she kept running, nowhere in particular.

She didn't know this planet as he did, didn't know where to run, but he did. Like a predator hunting its prey, he followed her. Her mind may have been completely blocked, but her emotions were wide open, like a book he was always able to read. The very need to escape from him was clear, the same condition Ren had yet to understand. Just minutes before, she wanted-no-needed to be with him, be near him. All of a sudden, something had changed. The darkness surrounding her the moment he knew he was close to her had vanished. Ren knew during that moment in time, someone, not Amara, had given her strength through the force, something or someone unknown to both. Now, all that he could focus on was her beautiful, angel-like figure running from him in the snow. Beautiful. Against everything white, her figure stood out. Powerful. Against everything that was grey, her aura was stronger. Mine. Against everything blue, she looked too perfect to be human. She needed to be by his side. She now, more than before, deserved it. She had nowhere else to live. Her home was destroyed, she had no genuine connections to the Light, and everyone she ever loved was out of reach or long since dead. But, he knew deep within her mind, she never stopped needing to be near him, minus the fact she was currently running from him.

Luring her further away from the ex-Stormtrooper and the scavenger, he could feel the girl's power begin to rise at the mere thought of Ren killing Amara. It was something he could never do, not that anyone would know that now. He had assumed Amara would've known that by now, yet there she was, hurling over a dead tree, running as if her life was on the line. Ren tried to reach into her mind but was shoved out instantly, only catching a glimpse of what she was feeling in the moment. She's afraid. Not thinking right and not caring enough, Ren brought out his left hand to pull at Amara's body as she was halted slightly before he threw her towards a large opening within the snowy woods. Impressed with how she caught herself with ease by a mere slide, a faint huff came from Ren's lips as he neared the small clearing, more snow falling around them, lightly dusting their shoulders. Her hair was styled and made her a mere image of what she looked like during their days in the temple. Now staring into those gorgeous violet eyes he loved so much, their emotions were heightened the second the scavenger had called out for Amara's name, yelling for her to keep running. Again, both saw the small glimpse of Ren killing Amara in Rey's head as Ren shook his head slowly as if telling her he wouldn't.

"You know I wouldn't." He was out of breath as he spoke, as his panting became quicker. A small detail that Amara had almost tired him out, though she knew better. He still had some fight left inside, whether it was meant for her or Rey. His deep voice almost made her melt right there on the cold, snowy ground as she took the chance to shake her head no slowly.

"No, I don't." She spoke this, knowing it could've been a lie or not. She knew Ben would never do something or go that far, but Kylo Ren, she had no clue. With this detail, and just by her expression, Ren was able to read that thought. She saw it deep within those brown eyes that looked almost black now. Now that both were there, a million questions raced through Ren's mind, the very first from a few minutes ago. The moment he goes to speak, she bought a hand up to stop him, knowing what he was about to question. What code: Daylight meant to her and his father.

"We're enemies, Ren." That stupid line, again. Ren hated those words she used to describe them. By now, they were more than that, but the second she summoned her saber to her dominant hand, Ren guessed differently. Watching her every move, the very stance she stood in wasn't to defend herself. The way she held her saber wasn't to attack either. Taking a few steps towards her, she didn't move her hand to protect herself, and she stayed frozen.

"We're a Dyad in the Force, two that are one. You are everything to me, Amara, if not more than you once were. We cannot live without the other. Unlike the First Order, I do not see you as an enemy, and you will not remain one while I still Commander." With the time he was able to get his words out, something changed in the atmosphere around them, well, mainly her. By now, both had felt that shift in the force, both not knowing who it was or where it was coming from.

Ren was becoming impatient. Amara could see it in his eyes and his body language. Both had to act fast, one doing something different than the other. Within the moment it took for one to lunge at the other, Ren felt it again. Fear coursing through her, like water flowing rapidly towards an ocean. She dodged him with ease as she smacked him roughly in the upper arm with the hilt of her saber before trying to take off again. But Ren knew she would try to run behind him, so when he was able to spin on his feet, his lightsaber roared to life, stopping her as he aimed to threaten her by guiding the plasma blade to her throat. Well, it ceased her movements as she was frozen against her will, the very heat burning the surface of her skin as she heard Ren huff out a shaky breath. More anger rose from the depths of his dark heart as Amara calmed her breathing.

"You will not run from me this time. Or anytime after this." He spoke with breathy words as it took a little time to slowly talk about each one, making sure she heard all of them. Out of breath from running, he was amazed by how even her breathing was, like running that far, and that much didn't faze her at all as a small smile appeared on his face before it vanished.



"My blade is inches from your pretty little neck, Amara. It looks to me you don't have another option left." He threatened lightly but meant his words as he pulled his saber forward, the plasma blade hovering close to her delicate skin, making the heat extend farther. He heard her whimper slightly but not because of his lightsaber against her neck. No, it was something else as he listened to a faint giggle under her breath. He readied himself for anything she had up her sleeves.

"You wanna bet?" With those words, Amara carelessly flung herself forward, knowing Ren would move so he wouldn't decapitate her as she swung her saber to a defensive stance now, ready to fight the man she loved. Both intentions towards the other were clear. Amara was prepared to fight for her life. Ren was prepared to do everything in his power not to lose her. Both knew one would win, and one would fail, but luckily, not their life. Swinging his cross-guard saber like the pro and ex-Jedi Knight he was, Amara couldn't help but smirk under her breath, something that caught Ren's attention.

"Fine then. Let's see how much you remembered from Skywalker." The way he spoke Skywalker's name was in a hateful sneer, and it was clear to the bonded lovers, Amara wasn't a fan of hearing that name either. Amara was the first to swing broad with a loud battle cry, no emotion on her face as she aimed low at first.

Much to their dismay, their fighting was equal. It felt like two powerful predators fighting for a nonexistent domain. Both were trained well under Skywalker, even after Ren had found out about his Uncle's secret training sessions with Amara years after her arrival. And her training showed. With her powerful strikes, wide lunges, and defensive yet strong stances, Ren could tell she was undoubtedly a true Jedi Knight the way she fought with her weapon. Not once during their fight to she show off. Unless she needed to prove someone wrong, she wasn't the type to do so. But what Ren didn't realize was how creative she had gotten while fighting against another like himself. Using the trees and the fallen logs, she climbed and jumped off plenty of them to gain the upper hand or momentum when striking him. With his current injury from Chewbacca's bowcaster, Ren couldn't move much unless he wanted the wound to open up more.

But what Amara didn't know at the time was that Ren was trying to disarm her. Killing her was out of the question. Hurting her was as far as he would go physically, but the fact that he couldn't land a single blow on her made it that much more challenging to fight against her in any case. He knew how she fought, how strong she's become, how far her journey had brought her. Her face was kept clear of any emotion as both came together, lightsabers clashing roughly as the plasma screamed into the air, violet glowing against the red hue. Huffing from the exhaustion setting in, Amara's mouth hung low as she panted against Ren's strength and brute force. She had never fought against him like this. She wouldn't dare to do it back in the temple, let alone challenge him willy nilly. Just within this time frame, it was like she lost the sense of pride she once carried with her all those years ago. She knew how powerful she was. She knew how mighty Ben was. She never needed to fight against him because she just felt like it.

The gaze her eyes held was clear to Ren. She was exhausting herself fighting against him, something he never thought she'd do in her life. Within this moment, he wanted to retract his blade, wrap his arms around her, and take her far away until he was ready to turn her to the Dark Side. But it wasn't just exhaustion that he saw. Her violet eyes began to darken, the glowing hue no longer bright. She's losing control of the force around her. It was much clearer now to him. She's doing too much at once. From the first time she got this way, he knew he didn't like it back on the Finalizer. Although he had yet to understand her siphoning powerfully, he knew the signs of when it had gotten too far for her to handle it physically. As he watched her, dark veins crawled up the sides of her neck as they faded into the area just below her ears. Her eyes began to droop, her face being washed away from the color it once held, and her mind began to open like the book she once was.

"Mara," Ren spoke lowly, almost too quiet for her to hear as she struggled to step away from their closeness before she dropped to her knees.

The pain was overriding her senses, her mind was already on fire, and the veins were starting to show beneath her skin. Still holding onto her saber, Ren didn't dare to move as her breathing became ragged, and her body was shivering from the cold air. Ren knew he had to work fast if he wanted to keep her alive yet get to the scavenger and the ex-Stormtrooper. Though Amara was his top priority, so was getting Skywalker's lightsaber and the map. But what came next shocked them both as Amara's eves suddenly became their glowy violet hue as Ren didn't see the next strong swing go until he was slashed in the right side of his body, tumbling backward into a large and thick tree, eyeing his lover standing a few inches away from him now. Something had shifted again, within her this time. Moving her neck from side to side, cracking it in a few places, she dropped her gaze down at the saber before igniting it once more and angled her head back up, violet eyes meeting hazel ones. Feeling the veins vanish from her neck area, she felt lighter; the neutral power she'd always felt was becoming stronger the longer she stood across from Ren. Who was helping her do this? Was it Skywalker? Could he be capable of doing this from so far away, wherever he was?

This time, Ren had heard those questions in her mind, and he too questioned it. But it was beside the point as he leaned off the tree and readied for another fight before Rey and Finn came into view behind Ren, a couple of feet away as Amara refused to have them be acknowledged. But it was too late as Ren turned his body at an angle to see who she had recognized behind him. Furious that they could interfere with his time with Amara, he shot both of them back into the forest as a bolt of anger shot through Amara but again, Ren had seen this coming as he swung hard at her, without looking. 

Blocking her swing, Amara stumbled backward this time as he overwhelmed her by swinging like a maniac. Movements were no longer controlled, stances were not what they learned, and his swings became too much as he cornered her against a tree, lightsaber at her throat once more as the heated blade left a burn on her skin, making her whimper from the heat. Now, he could feel it. The real fear deep within her. Now, he could see it on her face as both heard Rey and Finn start to stand up. Ren was running out of time and needed to act fast. Ripping away his saber quickly before gripping her throat with his gloved hand, Amara grabbed his arm while trying to get as much air as she could from him, though he didn't let up.

"You can never run from me. From this point on, I can always find you. You have nowhere else to go. But you do belong somewhere. That place is with me, Amara. You know that you always have. We need each other to survive. Surrender to me." His last words purred into her ear as he leaned in to speak lowly to her before pulling away, awaiting her answer.

"Ben...please" She uttered his real name as it sounded like music to his ears, despite the harsh situation they were put into. But he didn't have time to be soft with her as he gripped her throat tighter. He needed an answer before the other interfered. Or worse, it took her away from him.

"Say it! Give me your answer." He ordered lowly before pressing his body flushed against hers. Parting her lips slightly, the need to smother them with kisses tempted Ren to no ends as he watched her face twist with mixed emotions. Placing his forehead against hers as the last resort to tame her, Ren got his answer.

"I c-can't" She could barely breathe out the words as Ren pushed away from her body before the anger from rejection boiled over.

Slamming her hard into the tree's surface, over and over again, Ren was in pure rage and agony; he had no idea the moment he thrust her against the tree the last time, he had knocked her out. Blood started to spill down the back of her head as it dripped onto the snow. Watching it flow down his gloved hand, he let Amara drop to the ground with a heavy thud as he cleared his mind for another fight. He was prepared to fight the two people who got in his way to take his girl home. With his lightsaber ablaze to his side, Finn and Rey called out for Amara but was given nothing in return. With the little hope he held onto, he hoped Amara would not hate him for what happened next. As of now, protecting her was the last thing he needed to worry about as he stepped towards the ex-Stormtrooper and the scavenger.

 Kylo Ren was ready to end this.

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